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Normal range for adult PULSE - 60 to 100 beats per minute 
Pulse (P) - heart beats per minute 
Respiration (R) - breaths per minute, one respiration = inhalation AND expiration 
Normal range for adult RESPIRATIONS - 12 to 20 breaths per minute 
Inspiration - breathing air INTO the lungs 
Expiration - exhaling air OUT of the lungs 
Brachial Pulse - pulse site involved when checking blood pressure, located inside of the 
elbow on pinkie side, 1 inch above elbow. 
Temperature (T) - vital sign that...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
Normal range for adult PULSE - 60 to 100 beats per minute 
Pulse (P) - heart beats per minute 
Respiration (R) - breaths per minute, one respiration = inhalation AND expiration 
Normal range for adult RESPIRATIONS - 12 to 20 breaths per minute 
Inspiration - breathing air INTO the lungs 
Expiration - exhaling air OUT of the lungs 
Brachial Pulse - pulse site involved when checking blood pressure, located inside of the 
elbow on pinkie side, 1 inch above elbow. 
Temperature (T) - vital sign that...
Medications- Nursing With 100% verified answers
statins - lower cholesterol 
statins purpose - lowers cholesterol to reduce risk of stroke, heart attack, angina, 
how often should you flush an IV - after every medication or every 8-12 hours when not in 
signs of infiltration - pallor, local swelling at the sight, decreased skin temperature around 
the site, damp dressing, slowed infusion 
signs of extravastion - pain, burning, redness, swelling 
sign fo catheter embolus - missing catheter tip after discontinuation, severe pain at the s...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 28 pages •
statins - lower cholesterol 
statins purpose - lowers cholesterol to reduce risk of stroke, heart attack, angina, 
how often should you flush an IV - after every medication or every 8-12 hours when not in 
signs of infiltration - pallor, local swelling at the sight, decreased skin temperature around 
the site, damp dressing, slowed infusion 
signs of extravastion - pain, burning, redness, swelling 
sign fo catheter embolus - missing catheter tip after discontinuation, severe pain at the s...
MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY CHAPTER 1 with correct answers
opthalmoplasty - surgical forming of the eye 
opthalmology - study of the eye 
ophthalmoscope - instrument to veiw the eye 
ophthalmalgia - pain of the eye 
ophtalmitis - inflammation of the eye 
ophthalmotomy - incision of the eye 
otitis - inflammation of the ear 
ototomy - incision of the ear 
otoplasty - surgical forming of the ear 
otology - study of the ear 
otoscope - instrument to view the ear 
otalgia - pain of the ear 
rhinotomy - incision of the nose
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
opthalmoplasty - surgical forming of the eye 
opthalmology - study of the eye 
ophthalmoscope - instrument to veiw the eye 
ophthalmalgia - pain of the eye 
ophtalmitis - inflammation of the eye 
ophthalmotomy - incision of the eye 
otitis - inflammation of the ear 
ototomy - incision of the ear 
otoplasty - surgical forming of the ear 
otology - study of the ear 
otoscope - instrument to view the ear 
otalgia - pain of the ear 
rhinotomy - incision of the nose
Medias in Res, Lektion 1 with correct answers
schola (f) - Schule 
hic - hier 
sedet - er(sie/es) sitzt 
amica (f) - Freundin 
meus(a/um) - mein 
est - er(sie/es) ist 
discipula (f) - Schülerin 
bonus (a/um) - gut 
semper - immer 
sunt - sie sind 
et - und 
amicus (m) - Freund 
sed - aber; sondern
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
schola (f) - Schule 
hic - hier 
sedet - er(sie/es) sitzt 
amica (f) - Freundin 
meus(a/um) - mein 
est - er(sie/es) ist 
discipula (f) - Schülerin 
bonus (a/um) - gut 
semper - immer 
sunt - sie sind 
et - und 
amicus (m) - Freund 
sed - aber; sondern
Drugs as Medicine with correct answers
If you have the same symptoms as a friend, it's acceptable to take their prescription medicine. - 
The FDA regulates facilities that manufacture OTC medications. - True 
Generic medications are __________. - include the same active ingredients as the original 
Which of these statements BEST describes the synergistic interaction effect? - an interaction 
between two or more medicines that increases their effectiveness 
Which of the following is NOT a major type of medicine? ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 1 pages •
If you have the same symptoms as a friend, it's acceptable to take their prescription medicine. - 
The FDA regulates facilities that manufacture OTC medications. - True 
Generic medications are __________. - include the same active ingredients as the original 
Which of these statements BEST describes the synergistic interaction effect? - an interaction 
between two or more medicines that increases their effectiveness 
Which of the following is NOT a major type of medicine? ...
Medications NCLEX with 100% correct answers
Beta 2 adrenergic agonists -"ol" 
promote bronchodilation via relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle by stimulationof beta 
- ADR: tachycardia/tremors 
albuterol, metaproterenol, combivent, duoneb; advair, salmeterol 
corticosteroids -"one" 
reduce airway response/hyperreativeness 
- ADR: hoarseness/thrush 
fluticasone, beclamethasone, triamcinalone, flunisolide 
- oral: use for acute exacerbations; HTN, osteoporosis, growth retard, hyperglycemia, sleep 
disturbance, weight gain...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 11 pages •
Beta 2 adrenergic agonists -"ol" 
promote bronchodilation via relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle by stimulationof beta 
- ADR: tachycardia/tremors 
albuterol, metaproterenol, combivent, duoneb; advair, salmeterol 
corticosteroids -"one" 
reduce airway response/hyperreativeness 
- ADR: hoarseness/thrush 
fluticasone, beclamethasone, triamcinalone, flunisolide 
- oral: use for acute exacerbations; HTN, osteoporosis, growth retard, hyperglycemia, sleep 
disturbance, weight gain...
Medical Abbreviations
a c - before meals 
ad lib - as desired 
a m t - amount 
with - c with a line over it 
c/o - complains of 
dx - diagnosis 
ER - emergency room 
F - Fahrenheit 
H2O - water 
Ht - height 
Hx - history 
lb - pound 
ml - milliliter 
neg - negative 
OR - operating room 
oz - ounce 
per - by, through 
PM - afternoon 
q - every
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
a c - before meals 
ad lib - as desired 
a m t - amount 
with - c with a line over it 
c/o - complains of 
dx - diagnosis 
ER - emergency room 
F - Fahrenheit 
H2O - water 
Ht - height 
Hx - history 
lb - pound 
ml - milliliter 
neg - negative 
OR - operating room 
oz - ounce 
per - by, through 
PM - afternoon 
q - every
KSU medical terminology
stomat - mouth 
dent - teeth 
gloss - tongue 
lingu - tongue 
gingiv - gums 
encephal - brain 
gastr - stomach 
enter - intestine 
col - large intestine 
proct - anus/rectum 
hepat - liver 
nephr - kidney 
orchid - testis 
oophor - ovary 
hyster - uterus
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
stomat - mouth 
dent - teeth 
gloss - tongue 
lingu - tongue 
gingiv - gums 
encephal - brain 
gastr - stomach 
enter - intestine 
col - large intestine 
proct - anus/rectum 
hepat - liver 
nephr - kidney 
orchid - testis 
oophor - ovary 
hyster - uterus
Mitosis and Meiosis
interphase - phase before mitosis; growth of cell and preparation for division 
prophase - chromatin condenses into chromosomes, nuclear envelope disappears, spindle 
fibers start to form 
G1 - growth and functioning 
Synthesis - DNA replicates 
G2 - organelles replicate in preparation for division 
metaphase - chromosomes, chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell 
anaphase - the sister chromatids seperate into individual chromosomes and are moved apart 
telophase - chromosomes return to c...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
interphase - phase before mitosis; growth of cell and preparation for division 
prophase - chromatin condenses into chromosomes, nuclear envelope disappears, spindle 
fibers start to form 
G1 - growth and functioning 
Synthesis - DNA replicates 
G2 - organelles replicate in preparation for division 
metaphase - chromosomes, chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell 
anaphase - the sister chromatids seperate into individual chromosomes and are moved apart 
telophase - chromosomes return to c...
The Giver Questions and with 100% Correct Answers
Why is Jonas frightened by the plane flying overhead? (ch. 1) - It is against the rules for 
pilots to fly over the communtiy. 
Why are the children scolded for telling friends during the play that they have been released? 
(ch. 1) - It is a grave insult, as being released is a terrible punishment. 
Describe Jonas' family's evening ritual. (ch. 1) - Each family member describes a feeling and 
explains why he/she had that feeling. 
List all the reasons that a community member can be released...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
Why is Jonas frightened by the plane flying overhead? (ch. 1) - It is against the rules for 
pilots to fly over the communtiy. 
Why are the children scolded for telling friends during the play that they have been released? 
(ch. 1) - It is a grave insult, as being released is a terrible punishment. 
Describe Jonas' family's evening ritual. (ch. 1) - Each family member describes a feeling and 
explains why he/she had that feeling. 
List all the reasons that a community member can be released...