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Basic Wastewater Operator Practice Exam Questions & Answers
What is the predominant organism in a healthy activated sludge treatment plant? 
A. Stalked ciliates 
B. rotifers 
C. nematodes 
D. amoebas - ANSWERSA. Stalked Ciliates 
AnswerA composite sample must be? 
A. sporadically collected in the treatment plant 
B. taken at one time 
C. analyzed immediately 
D. representative and sub-samples time spaced over 15 minutes apart - ANSWERSD. representative and sub-samples time spaced over 15 minutes apart 
AnswerWhat is the standard volume for a BOD ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 22 pages •
What is the predominant organism in a healthy activated sludge treatment plant? 
A. Stalked ciliates 
B. rotifers 
C. nematodes 
D. amoebas - ANSWERSA. Stalked Ciliates 
AnswerA composite sample must be? 
A. sporadically collected in the treatment plant 
B. taken at one time 
C. analyzed immediately 
D. representative and sub-samples time spaced over 15 minutes apart - ANSWERSD. representative and sub-samples time spaced over 15 minutes apart 
AnswerWhat is the standard volume for a BOD ...
Wastewater Operator Study Guide Module 1 Questions & Answers
Which dangerous gas will be more likely to rise near the surface of a manhole? 
( A ) Hydrogen sulfide 
( B ) Methane 
( C ) Nitrogen 
( D ) None of the above - ANSWERSB 
AnswerWhat type of pond has aerobic conditions near the top and anaerobic conditions at the bottom? 
( A ) Fully aerated 
( B ) Anaerobic digestion 
( C ) Fermentation 
( D ) Facultative - ANSWERSD 
AnswerWhat is it called when all of the demand for chlorine has been satisfied? 
( A ) Breakpoint 
( B ) Combined 
( C ) Mono-...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 26 pages •
Which dangerous gas will be more likely to rise near the surface of a manhole? 
( A ) Hydrogen sulfide 
( B ) Methane 
( C ) Nitrogen 
( D ) None of the above - ANSWERSB 
AnswerWhat type of pond has aerobic conditions near the top and anaerobic conditions at the bottom? 
( A ) Fully aerated 
( B ) Anaerobic digestion 
( C ) Fermentation 
( D ) Facultative - ANSWERSD 
AnswerWhat is it called when all of the demand for chlorine has been satisfied? 
( A ) Breakpoint 
( B ) Combined 
( C ) Mono-...
Class C Water Questions & Answers Correct!!
How many years of experience must an operator have to be a grade D Operator - ANSWERS12 months of operating and maintenance experience in a distribution system serving 1000 people or more 
AnswerDisinfection means - ANSWERSinactivation of pathogenic organisms in the water 
Answerpotable water is - ANSWERSwater which meets the requirements established by Subpart 5-1 of the New York State Sanitary code 
AnswerWhat is an MCL? - ANSWERSMaximum Contaminant Level 
AnswerWhat is the minimum res...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
How many years of experience must an operator have to be a grade D Operator - ANSWERS12 months of operating and maintenance experience in a distribution system serving 1000 people or more 
AnswerDisinfection means - ANSWERSinactivation of pathogenic organisms in the water 
Answerpotable water is - ANSWERSwater which meets the requirements established by Subpart 5-1 of the New York State Sanitary code 
AnswerWhat is an MCL? - ANSWERSMaximum Contaminant Level 
AnswerWhat is the minimum res...
DEQ Practice Exam Questions & Answers
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of _____________ were passed by congress to regulate and improve the quality of effluents discharge into the streams and rivers of this country. - ANSWERS1972 
The goal of this legislation and of wastewater treatment is to have all public waters 
remain or become more suitable for__________ - ANSWERSWildlife and public use 
AnswerAs the quality of the environment declines, the quality of life ___________ - ANSWERSdecreases 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 12 pages •
The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of _____________ were passed by congress to regulate and improve the quality of effluents discharge into the streams and rivers of this country. - ANSWERS1972 
The goal of this legislation and of wastewater treatment is to have all public waters 
remain or become more suitable for__________ - ANSWERSWildlife and public use 
AnswerAs the quality of the environment declines, the quality of life ___________ - ANSWERSdecreases 
Poli 2051 Exam 3 Kenny Questions & Answers
How is the approval of congress related to the approval of the president - ANSWERScongress tends to be less popular 
Answerwhy did the founding fathers create a bicameral congress - ANSWERSphilosophical- fearful of concentrated authority 
practical- compromises 
(established checks and balances) 
Answerwhat are the term lengths of the house - ANSWERS2 years 
Answerwhat are the term lengths for the senate - ANSWERS6 years (staggered) 
Answerwhat does it mean when the terms in the senate a...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
How is the approval of congress related to the approval of the president - ANSWERScongress tends to be less popular 
Answerwhy did the founding fathers create a bicameral congress - ANSWERSphilosophical- fearful of concentrated authority 
practical- compromises 
(established checks and balances) 
Answerwhat are the term lengths of the house - ANSWERS2 years 
Answerwhat are the term lengths for the senate - ANSWERS6 years (staggered) 
Answerwhat does it mean when the terms in the senate a...
POLI 2051 EXAM 3 – Kenny Questions & Answers
Using a normal vote, Republicans would have overcome democrats by four to five percentage points in elections between 1952 and 1972. Given that, how have democrats continued to win elections? - ANSWERSby adding attractive candidates who augmented their lead in party identification 
AnswerVoting based on what you think a candidate will do in office exemplifies - ANSWERSprospective voting 
AnswerThe American electoral system is based on winner-take-all rules. These rules encourage - ANSWERSa m...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
Using a normal vote, Republicans would have overcome democrats by four to five percentage points in elections between 1952 and 1972. Given that, how have democrats continued to win elections? - ANSWERSby adding attractive candidates who augmented their lead in party identification 
AnswerVoting based on what you think a candidate will do in office exemplifies - ANSWERSprospective voting 
AnswerThe American electoral system is based on winner-take-all rules. These rules encourage - ANSWERSa m...
Poli Sci 2051 Exam 3 Kenny Questions & Answers
Mass Media - ANSWERSTechnology that allows individuals to communicate efficiently with a large group and over distances. 
AnswerHow do candidates and politicians use the media? - ANSWERSImage Building through the media 
AnswerControlled Media - ANSWERScandidates control the content of the message 
AnswerAdvertisements that politicians use - ANSWERSPositive, Negative, Defenses 
AnswerPositive Ads - ANSWERS(acclaim): self-praise, "I will improve education", "I will work for a pres...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
Mass Media - ANSWERSTechnology that allows individuals to communicate efficiently with a large group and over distances. 
AnswerHow do candidates and politicians use the media? - ANSWERSImage Building through the media 
AnswerControlled Media - ANSWERScandidates control the content of the message 
AnswerAdvertisements that politicians use - ANSWERSPositive, Negative, Defenses 
AnswerPositive Ads - ANSWERS(acclaim): self-praise, "I will improve education", "I will work for a pres...
Professor Kenny- Exam 3- Poli 2051 Questions & Answers
Controlled Media - ANSWERScandidates control the content via rallies, advertisements, and conferences 
AnswerPositive Ads - ANSWERSself-praise 
AnswerNegative Ads - ANSWERScriticism of opponents 
AnswerDefense Mechanism - ANSWERSresponse to an attack 
AnswerWhy do candidates attack? - ANSWERSout of fear in a close race; and they simply work! 
AnswerWhat do you do if politically attacked? - ANSWERShave to respond or the info is assumed true; counterattack with the same issue 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Controlled Media - ANSWERScandidates control the content via rallies, advertisements, and conferences 
AnswerPositive Ads - ANSWERSself-praise 
AnswerNegative Ads - ANSWERScriticism of opponents 
AnswerDefense Mechanism - ANSWERSresponse to an attack 
AnswerWhy do candidates attack? - ANSWERSout of fear in a close race; and they simply work! 
AnswerWhat do you do if politically attacked? - ANSWERShave to respond or the info is assumed true; counterattack with the same issue 
poli 2051 kenny exam 3 chapter 12 Questions & Answers
the constitution - ANSWERSwhere does presidential power come from? 
Answerformal powers - ANSWERSclearly articulate what the constitution can do 
Answerstretch the formal powers and power to persuade - ANSWERSwhat are the two ways that expand presidential power? 
Answerinherent powers - ANSWERSderive from the fact that the US is a sovereign power among nations (ex: controlling the borders) 
Answerimplied powers - ANSWERSpowers of the national government that can be inferred from those po...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
the constitution - ANSWERSwhere does presidential power come from? 
Answerformal powers - ANSWERSclearly articulate what the constitution can do 
Answerstretch the formal powers and power to persuade - ANSWERSwhat are the two ways that expand presidential power? 
Answerinherent powers - ANSWERSderive from the fact that the US is a sovereign power among nations (ex: controlling the borders) 
Answerimplied powers - ANSWERSpowers of the national government that can be inferred from those po...
LSU POLI 2051 Exam 3 Questions & Answers
mass media - ANSWERSTechnology that allows individuals to communicate efficiently with a large group and over distances. 
AnswerWhere did students get their news according to the student survey? - ANSWERSDemocrats: 
Newspapers (0) 
internet (89) 
Newspapers (2) 
Internet (69) 
Television (23) 
Newspapers (0) 
Internet (76) 
Television (19) 
AnswerIn political science, we are primarily concerned with __________ because it informs us as citize...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
mass media - ANSWERSTechnology that allows individuals to communicate efficiently with a large group and over distances. 
AnswerWhere did students get their news according to the student survey? - ANSWERSDemocrats: 
Newspapers (0) 
internet (89) 
Newspapers (2) 
Internet (69) 
Television (23) 
Newspapers (0) 
Internet (76) 
Television (19) 
AnswerIn political science, we are primarily concerned with __________ because it informs us as citize...