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Kenny POLI 2051 final exam Questions & Answers
district court is the - ANSWERSLowest federal court 
AnswerHow many district courts are there? - ANSWERS94 
AnswerHow many district courts are in each state? - ANSWERSat least 1 but there can be as many as 4 in the most populous states 
AnswerWhat court deals with all crime and civil cases? - ANSWERSdistrict courts 
Answerwhich court in the federal system has two sides present cases to a jury? - ANSWERSdistrict court 
Answercases at this level in the district court are usually presided...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
district court is the - ANSWERSLowest federal court 
AnswerHow many district courts are there? - ANSWERS94 
AnswerHow many district courts are in each state? - ANSWERSat least 1 but there can be as many as 4 in the most populous states 
AnswerWhat court deals with all crime and civil cases? - ANSWERSdistrict courts 
Answerwhich court in the federal system has two sides present cases to a jury? - ANSWERSdistrict court 
Answercases at this level in the district court are usually presided...
POLI 2051 Exam 3 Questions & Answers
The founders of the American republic believed that the dominant institution in the national government should be? - ANSWERSfounded on a set of beliefs 
AnswerOne of the people that a legislator represents is called? - ANSWERSconstituent 
AnswerThe enumerate it powers of Congress are? - ANSWERSPowers specifically granted to the national government by the constitution 
AnswerThe concept of logrolling refers to? - ANSWERSan arrangement by which two or more members of Congress agree in advanc...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
The founders of the American republic believed that the dominant institution in the national government should be? - ANSWERSfounded on a set of beliefs 
AnswerOne of the people that a legislator represents is called? - ANSWERSconstituent 
AnswerThe enumerate it powers of Congress are? - ANSWERSPowers specifically granted to the national government by the constitution 
AnswerThe concept of logrolling refers to? - ANSWERSan arrangement by which two or more members of Congress agree in advanc...
POLI 2051 exam 4 Kenny Questions & Answers
district courts - ANSWERS- lowest federal court 
- 94 total (1 judge and 1 jury each) 
- deal w/ all crime and civil cases 
- stay within state lines 
- have original jurisdiction 
Answercourts of appeals - ANSWERS- where cases go when they're appealed from district courts 
- job is to make sure there were no procedural errors in the district court, NOT to present new evidence 
- 13 courts; cases are heard by 3 judges 
- appellate jurisdiction 
Answersupreme court - ANSWERS- highest feder...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
district courts - ANSWERS- lowest federal court 
- 94 total (1 judge and 1 jury each) 
- deal w/ all crime and civil cases 
- stay within state lines 
- have original jurisdiction 
Answercourts of appeals - ANSWERS- where cases go when they're appealed from district courts 
- job is to make sure there were no procedural errors in the district court, NOT to present new evidence 
- 13 courts; cases are heard by 3 judges 
- appellate jurisdiction 
Answersupreme court - ANSWERS- highest feder...
Kenny POLI 2051 final exam Questions & Answers
How many district courts are there? - ANSWERS94 
Answerappellate jurisdiction - ANSWERScase is appealed in the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court 
Answeroriginal jurisdiction - ANSWERSthe case originates in the District Courts 
Answerwhich court has a panel of 3 judges? - ANSWERSCourt of Appeals 
AnswerSupreme Court's Original Jurisdiction - ANSWERSlegal disputes involving foreign diplomats and cases in which the opposing parties are state governments 
Answerhow many members are in ...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
How many district courts are there? - ANSWERS94 
Answerappellate jurisdiction - ANSWERScase is appealed in the Court of Appeals and Supreme Court 
Answeroriginal jurisdiction - ANSWERSthe case originates in the District Courts 
Answerwhich court has a panel of 3 judges? - ANSWERSCourt of Appeals 
AnswerSupreme Court's Original Jurisdiction - ANSWERSlegal disputes involving foreign diplomats and cases in which the opposing parties are state governments 
Answerhow many members are in ...
Kenny POLI 2051 exam 2 Questions & Answers
public opinion - ANSWERSthe collected attitudes of citizens on a given issue or question 
Answerwhy is public opinion important? - ANSWERSIn a democracy, there must be a link between what the public thinks and what the government does -- the nature of this link can vary greatly 
Answerwho is most interested in public opinion? - ANSWERSelected officials: public opinion may influence government decision making 
academics: seek to understand why people behave the way that they do 
the people: m...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 16 pages •
public opinion - ANSWERSthe collected attitudes of citizens on a given issue or question 
Answerwhy is public opinion important? - ANSWERSIn a democracy, there must be a link between what the public thinks and what the government does -- the nature of this link can vary greatly 
Answerwho is most interested in public opinion? - ANSWERSelected officials: public opinion may influence government decision making 
academics: seek to understand why people behave the way that they do 
the people: m...
POLI 2051 Kenny Exam 2 Questions & Answers
Public Opinion - ANSWERSCollected attitudes of citizens on a given issue and question 
AnswerIs the public capable of governing? - ANSWERSNo; there could be a possible mob rule; some are not very interested or ignorant to politics 
AnswerWho's interested in politics and public opinion? - ANSWERSElected officials, Academics, The people 
AnswerNature v Nurture - ANSWERSborn with it versus learned from peers and experiences. 
AnswerGenerational effects - ANSWERSspecific age groups unique...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
Public Opinion - ANSWERSCollected attitudes of citizens on a given issue and question 
AnswerIs the public capable of governing? - ANSWERSNo; there could be a possible mob rule; some are not very interested or ignorant to politics 
AnswerWho's interested in politics and public opinion? - ANSWERSElected officials, Academics, The people 
AnswerNature v Nurture - ANSWERSborn with it versus learned from peers and experiences. 
AnswerGenerational effects - ANSWERSspecific age groups unique...
POLI 2051 Exam 1 Study Guide Dr. Kenny Questions & Answers
government - ANSWERSformally established way of making and carrying out political decisions 
Answerpolitics - ANSWERSthe competition to shape government's impact on society's problems and goals 
Answerpurposes of government - ANSWERS1. protecting life 
2. rights and liberties 
3. providing public goods 
4. promoting equality 
Answerpolitical ideology - ANSWERSa coherent set of beliefs about how politics affect society and which policies are desirable 
Answersocial contract theory -...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
government - ANSWERSformally established way of making and carrying out political decisions 
Answerpolitics - ANSWERSthe competition to shape government's impact on society's problems and goals 
Answerpurposes of government - ANSWERS1. protecting life 
2. rights and liberties 
3. providing public goods 
4. promoting equality 
Answerpolitical ideology - ANSWERSa coherent set of beliefs about how politics affect society and which policies are desirable 
Answersocial contract theory -...
POLI 2051 Kenny LSU test 1 Questions & Answers
which of the following is a question one could ask in applying the democracy standard to a country? - ANSWERShow effective are government policies at carrying out the wishes of the citizens? 
Answer______________ is usually cited as the purest form of democracy that ever existed. - ANSWERSAthens of the 5th century BCE 
Answerwhich of the following best contrasts structure with government in the taxonomy of political life? - ANSWERSStructure is the foundation on which everything else is built...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 21 pages •
which of the following is a question one could ask in applying the democracy standard to a country? - ANSWERShow effective are government policies at carrying out the wishes of the citizens? 
Answer______________ is usually cited as the purest form of democracy that ever existed. - ANSWERSAthens of the 5th century BCE 
Answerwhich of the following best contrasts structure with government in the taxonomy of political life? - ANSWERSStructure is the foundation on which everything else is built...
government - ANSWERSa formally established way of making and carrying out political decisions 
Answerpolitics - ANSWERSthe competition to shape government's impact on society's problems and goals 
Answerpurposes of government - ANSWERSprotecting life, rights and liberties, providing public goods, and promoting equality 
Answerpolitical ideology - ANSWERSa coherent set of beliefs about how policies affect society and which policies are desirable 
Answerfour political ideologies - AN...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
government - ANSWERSa formally established way of making and carrying out political decisions 
Answerpolitics - ANSWERSthe competition to shape government's impact on society's problems and goals 
Answerpurposes of government - ANSWERSprotecting life, rights and liberties, providing public goods, and promoting equality 
Answerpolitical ideology - ANSWERSa coherent set of beliefs about how policies affect society and which policies are desirable 
Answerfour political ideologies - AN...
poli sci 2051 exam 3 reading quizzes Questions & Answers
the press frames a politician as seeking to win at all costs. - ANSWERSPeople are "primed" to see a politician as self-serving when 
Answerreport the facts and present both sides of a partisan debate. - ANSWERSObjective journalism is based on the idea that the reporter's job is to 
AnswerMost locations had a single daily newspaper and three television networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC. - ANSWERSWhat did it mean for Americans to live in a low-choice media system only a few decades ago? 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
the press frames a politician as seeking to win at all costs. - ANSWERSPeople are "primed" to see a politician as self-serving when 
Answerreport the facts and present both sides of a partisan debate. - ANSWERSObjective journalism is based on the idea that the reporter's job is to 
AnswerMost locations had a single daily newspaper and three television networks—ABC, CBS, and NBC. - ANSWERSWhat did it mean for Americans to live in a low-choice media system only a few decades ago? 