

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller ClaireKurenta.


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NR 503 Epidemiology midterm Exam.pdf

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1. The ipopulation iof ia icity ion iFebruary i15, i2005, iwas i36,600. iThe icity ihas ia ipassive isurveillance isystem ithat icollects ihospital iand iprivate iphysician ireports iof iinfluenza icases ievery imonth. iDuring ithe iperiod ibetween iJanuary i1 iand iApril i1, i2005, i2,200 inew icases iof iinfluenza ioccurred iin i the icity. iOf ithese icases, i775 ipersons iwere iill iwith iinfluenza iaccording ito isurveillance ireports ion iApril i1, i2005. iThe iprevalence irate iof iacti...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 324 Final Exam Review.pdf

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1. Types iof iTraction Skin: iWeights iattached ito ipatient’s iskin ito idecrease imuscle ispams iand iimmobilize ithe iextremity i before isurgery. iEx iBryant itraction i(for ihip idysplasia iin ichildren) iand iBuck i‘s itraction ifor ihip ifracture iin iadult ipatients). Skeletal: iScrews iare iinserted iinto ibone. iUsed ifor ilong ibone ifractures isuch ias ifemur, itibia, ifibula, i humerus, iulna, iradius, imetacarpals, iphalanges iand imetatarsals. Halo: iused ifor icervical ib...

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  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 324 Exam 3 Concepts Review.pdf

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1. Gastrectomy and Pernicious Anemia (Vit. B 12) Relationship a. The patient with a total gastrectomy does not secrete intrinsic factor, which is needed for cobalamin (vitamin B12) absorption 2. Endoscopy procedure-definition, nursing implications/complications a. A temperature elevation may indicate that a perforation has occurred after an endoscopy b. Endoscopy-> vomiting “coffee-ground” 3. UAP delegation 4. N/V causes and treatments a. Nausea is associated with severe pai...

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  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 324 Concepts Review Exam 2.pdf

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1. Pacemaker isafety-MRI, ibattery ilife, ietc. a. MRI iis icontraindicated ifor ipatients iwith iimplanted imetallic idevices isuch ias ipacemakers 2. Delegation ito iUAP i and iLVN 3. Diet ichoices- a. Iron i. Egg i& iwhole igrain b. Folate c. B12 d. low isodium i. Milk iand iyogurt inaturally icontain ia isignificant iamount iof isodium e. low ifat i. 4. Medications: a. ACE iInhibitors i(pril) i. ACE iinhibitors icause iretention iof ipotassium iby ithe ikidney, is...

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  •  • 7 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 324 Adult Health I Final Exam Review.pdf

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GI tract Highlights: Mouth to Anus; ● Mouth: mastication and breakdown of starches by salivary amylase ● Pharyn and Esophagus: During swallowing, epiglottis closes oI laryn ; Upper ⅓ of esophagus is skeletal muscle and distal ⅔ is smooth muscle, LES ● Stomach: churning and mi ing food; intrinsic factors for B12 absorption; very little absorption happens; HCL acid makes gastric juices acidic 1.5-3.5, Pyloric sphincter to Duodenum ● Small Intestines: Duodenum, Jejunum, and Ileum; Main ...

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  •  • 22 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 324 Adult Health I Exam 3 Study Guide.pdf

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Gastrointestinal: Learning Objectives: At the end of this class a student will be able to: 1. Define key terms related to Gastrointestinal system: a. Borborygmi- Waves of loud, gurgling sounds Hyperactive bowel as a result of eating b. Hematemesis- Vomiting Blood Esophageal varices, bleeding peptic ulcer c. Melena- Abnormal black tarry stool, containing digested blood Cancer, bleeding in the upper GI tract from ulcers, varices d. Steatorrhea- Fatty, frothy, foul smelling stool Chronic pancreatit...

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  •  • 14 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 324 Adult Health I Exam 1 Study Guide.pdf

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Chapter i17: Water iContent iof ithe iBody • 2/3 iof iwater iis iintracellular ifluid iin ithe icells • 1/3 iof iwater iis iin iextracellular ifluid ioutside iof icells • More ifat iin ithe ibody ithe iless iwater • 1 iL iof iwater i=2.2 ilbs • 3-6 iL iof ifluid iis isecreted iin iand ireabsorbed ifrom iGI ieveryday • Fluid ivolume iover iload: iasses ifor iedema icrackle, ithe iblood ipressure iwould iincrease, iand ithe isat iwill i lower • Body ifluid iCompartments o Interstit...

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  •  • 21 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Health Assessment II Head to Toe Assessment Final Script

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May iI icome iin? Patient: Yes. Me: Hi, imy iname iis i(insert iname) iand iI iam ia istudent inurse iat iChamberlain iUniversity, iand iI ihave iphysician’s iorders ito iperform ia ihead ito itoe iassessment ion iyou iwhich iwill itake iabout i 15-20 iminutes, iis inow ia igood itime? Patient: Yes. Me: I iam igoing ito istart ioff iwith iproviding iyou iwith isome iprivacy iby iclosing ioff ithese icurtains i and itaking icare iof imy ihand ihygiene. close icurtains ...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 14 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Health Assessment II Exam 1 Study Guide.pdf

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Arterial < I Heart Ipumps Ioxygenated Iblood Ithrough Iarteries Ito Iall I body Itissues < INo Ipulse/1+ Ipulse < I Occlusions < I Pallor: Isecondary Ito Iischemia, Icaused Iby Ilack Iof Iblood I flow < IUlcers Iat Itips Iof Itoes < IHIGH-PRESSURE ISYSTEM < IStrong < I Tough artery Iwall Icharacteristics < ITense < I elastic Ifibers: Iallow Iwall Ito Istretch Iwith Isystole Iand I recoil Iwith Idiastole < I muscle Ifibers: Icontrol Iblood Idelivered Ito It...

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  •  • 17 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Health Assessment II Exam

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Jarvis: IPhysical IExamination I& IHealth IAssessment, I7th IEdition I1.Which Istatement Iis Itrue I regarding Ithe Iarterial Isystem? The Iarterial Isystem Iis Ia Ihigh-pressure Isystem. The Inurse Iis Ireviewing Ithe Iblood Isupply Ito Ithe Iarm. IThe Imajor Iartery Isupplying Ithe Iarm Iis Ithe I_ I artery. Brachial The Inurse Iis Ipreparing Ito Iassess Ithe Idorsalis Ipedis Iartery. IWhere Iis Ithe Icorrect Ilocation Ifor I palpation? Lateral Ito Ithe Iextensor Itendon Iof It...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 68 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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