

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller ClaireKurenta.


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NR 304 Final Exam Worksheet.pdf

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1. Define isubjective iand iobjective idata. iGive ithree iexamples iof ieach iand istate iif ithe ifindings iare i documented iin ithe ihistory ior iphysical iexamination ifindings. • Subjective iData iwhat ithe iperson isays iabout ihimself ior iherself iduring ithe iphysical i examination; isymptom iis ia isubjective isensations ithat ithe iperson iis ifeeling; o Examples: iitching, ipain, ifeelings iof iworry, inausea, idepression, ifatigue, ianxiety, loneliness, ietc. • Objective iD...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 14 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Final Exam Study Guide.pdf

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What iage iis iit irecommended ithat iwomen ireceive iannual ibreast iscreenings?: iAge i40 What iare iadditional imusculoskeletal iassessments iin ian iinfant?:C-shaped ispine i flexion iof iarms iand ilegs tight ifists cannot ihold iup iown ihead What iare ifindings icommon iin iexacerbation iof iheart ifailure?:SOB i weight igain swelling iof ilegs, ifeet ior iabdomen i coughing ior icoughing iup isputum i racing iheart fatigue What iare inormal ifindings iof ian iinfant i...

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  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Final Exam Review.pdf

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Hypovolemic IShock NR I304 IFinal IExam IReview • Volume Idepletion; Iplasma Iof Ithe Iblood Iis Itoo Ilow • S/s- a. Dehydration b. Dizziness c. Fainting d. Fatigue e. Thirst f. Weakness g. Nausea h. Vomiting i. Tachycardia j. Insufficient Iurine Iproduction k. Mental Iconfusion l. Pallor m. Sleepiness - Deep IVein IThrombosis • Deep Ivein Ioccluded Iby Ia Ithrombus • Inflammation, Iblocked Ivenous Ireturn, Icyanosis, Iedema • Virchow Itriad- Istasis, Ihypercoagulability, ...

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  •  • 15 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Final Exam Concepts.pdf

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Chapter i1: • Identify isteps iof iNursing iProcess: iEvaluation o Reassessment iof ipatient o Have igoals ibeen imet? • Identify itasks iin iNursing iProcess: iDiagnosis o Compiling idata ito idetermine iNANDA idiagnosis ifor ipatient o Cluster idata, idiscard iirrelevant iinformation • Types iof iDatabases: iProblem iCentered o Limited ior ishort-term iproblem o Concerns ione iproblem, icomplex, ior ibody isystem o Used iin iall isettings Chapter i9: • Identify iComponents iof ithe i...

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  •  • 13 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Exam 2 Study Guide.pdf

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Structure Iand IFunction IAbdominal IOrgans ▪ Solid IViscera-doesn’t Ichange Ishape, Iliver, Ispleen, Iovary ▪ Hollow IViscera-changes Ishape, Istomach, Iintestine, Ibladder ▪ Abdominal IMuscles ▪ Peritoneal ICavity-lines Ithe Iabdomen Visceral IPeritoneum-lines Iorgans, Istressed Iand Iinflamed Iwith Iappendicitis Iand I choleycistytis Parietal I Peritoneum-entire Iwall Structure Iand IFunction IAbdominal IVasculature ▪ Abdominal IAorta-listen Ifor Ibruit Ifor Iaortic Ianeurysm...

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  •  • 13 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 304 Exam 1 Study guide.pdf

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In Ipreparation Ifor Ithe INR I304 IHealth IAssessment IExam I#1 Iplease Iutilize Ithe Ifollowing Istudy I guide Ito Iassist Iin Iorganizing Ithe Irelevant Iconcepts Iaccordingly. Please Ireview Ithe Ifollowing Itopics Ias Ifollows: Anatomy Iand IFunction: o What Isystem Idoes Ithis Ieffect? o What Iare Ithe Ithree Imost Isignificant Ithings Ithat Ithe Inurse IMUST Iknow? Pathophysiology: o Discuss Ithe Ipathology Iof Ithis Itopic Ias Iit Irelates Ito: ▪ Etiology • Causes, IContr...

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  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Thorax Iand ILungs -What Idata Ican Ibe Igathered Ion Ia Ipatient Iin Irespiratory Idistress Ifrom Igeneral Isurvey Ionly? -Do Ithey Iuse Iaccessory Imuscles Iwhen Ibreathing? IPosition-tripod, IBarrel Ichest, INasal Iflaring, I color -Structure Iand IFunction: IThe Ithorax -Thoracic Icage -Sternum, I12 Ipairs Iof Iribs -12 Ithoracic Ivertebrae -Muscles Iand Icartilage -Thoracic ICavity -Mediastinium -Pleural Icavity -Lung I(Apex Iand Ibase) Structure Iand IFunction: IPleural IMembranes -...

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  •  • 10 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 302 Exam 2 Review .pdf

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1. Describe the function of lymph nodes and explain the technique approach when assessing lymph nodes. • To detect and eliminate foreign substances from the body. The vessels gather the clear, watery fluid (lymph) from the tissue spaces into the circulation. The nodes slowly filter the lymph and engulf pathogens, preventing harmful substances from entering the circulation. • Using a gentle circular motion of your finger pads, palpate the lymph nodes. Beginning with the preauricular lymph nod...

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  •  • 10 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 302 Exam 2 Concept Review.pdf

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CH.12 Structures and functions of skin, hair, nails Skin: 3 layers 1. Epidermis (outer): thin but tough, cell are bound tightly together that form a rugged protective barrier. The inner basal layer forms new skin cells. 2. Dermis: is the inner supportive layer consisting of connective tissue, or collagen . This is tough , fibrosis area that enable skin to resist tearing. The sensory receptor, blood vessel, and lymphatics lie in the dermis. 3. Subcutaneous layer: composed of adipose tissue, which...

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  • Summary
  •  • 41 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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NR 302 Ch. 13 - Head, Face, Neck, and Regional Lymphatics.pdf

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1. A physician tells the nurse that a patient’s vertebra prominens is tender and asks the nurse to reevaluate the area in 1 hour. The area of the body the nurse will assess is: A. Just above the diaphragm. B. Just lateral to the knee cap. C. At the level of the C7 vertebra. D. At the level of the T11 vertebra. 2. A mother brings her 2-month-old daughter in for an examination and says, “My daughter rolled over against the wall, and now I have noticed that she has this...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 15 pages • 
  • by ClaireKurenta • 
  • uploaded  2022
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