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Nurses’ role in health assessment o ADPIE o Assessment – collection of data from multiple sources ▪ Review of clinical record; interview; health history; physical examination; functional assessment; cultural/spiritual assessment; consultation; review of literature o Diagnosis – interpretation of data by identifying clusters of cues so as to make inferences ▪ Compare clusters of cues with definitions and defining characteristics ▪ Validation on inferences based on findings ▪ Identif...
- Summary
- • 7 pages •
Nurses’ role in health assessment o ADPIE o Assessment – collection of data from multiple sources ▪ Review of clinical record; interview; health history; physical examination; functional assessment; cultural/spiritual assessment; consultation; review of literature o Diagnosis – interpretation of data by identifying clusters of cues so as to make inferences ▪ Compare clusters of cues with definitions and defining characteristics ▪ Validation on inferences based on findings ▪ Identif...
NR 222 Health and Wellness Study Guide Exam 1.p
Nursing iresponds ito ithe ihealth icare ineeds iof isociety, iwhich iare iinfluenced iby ieconomic, isocial iand icultural 
i factors • American iNursing iAssociation i(ANA) idefinition: o Nursing iis i“the iprotection, ipromotion, iand ioptimization iof ihealth iand iabilities; iprevention iof 
i illness iand iinjury; ialleviation iof isuffering ithrough ithe idiagnosis iand itreatment iof ihuman iresponse; iand iadvocacy iin ithe icare iof iindividuals, ifamilies, icommunities, iand ipo...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Nursing iresponds ito ithe ihealth icare ineeds iof isociety, iwhich iare iinfluenced iby ieconomic, isocial iand icultural 
i factors • American iNursing iAssociation i(ANA) idefinition: o Nursing iis i“the iprotection, ipromotion, iand ioptimization iof ihealth iand iabilities; iprevention iof 
i illness iand iinjury; ialleviation iof isuffering ithrough ithe idiagnosis iand itreatment iof ihuman iresponse; iand iadvocacy iin ithe icare iof iindividuals, ifamilies, icommunities, iand ipo...
NR 222 Final Exam.pdf
Question i1 The inurse iis ito iinstruct ithe iclient iabout ithe ilong- iterm iconsequences iof inon-compliance ito iprescribed imedication. iWhich ieducation istrategy iwould ibe imost iappropriate ifor ithe inurse ito iuse 
i in iorder ito idevelop ithe iaffective ilearning idomain iof ithe iclient? A. Lecture ifollowed iby ia isimple iwritten itest. B. Role iplaying iand igroup idiscussion C. Video ipresentation iand ihandouts D. Demonstration iand ipractice 
Question i2 A inurse ima...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
Question i1 The inurse iis ito iinstruct ithe iclient iabout ithe ilong- iterm iconsequences iof inon-compliance ito iprescribed imedication. iWhich ieducation istrategy iwould ibe imost iappropriate ifor ithe inurse ito iuse 
i in iorder ito idevelop ithe iaffective ilearning idomain iof ithe iclient? A. Lecture ifollowed iby ia isimple iwritten itest. B. Role iplaying iand igroup idiscussion C. Video ipresentation iand ihandouts D. Demonstration iand ipractice 
Question i2 A inurse ima...
NR 222 Final Exam Blueprint.pdf
Nursing: iprotection, ipromotion, iand ioptimization iof ihealth iand iabilities, iprevention iof iillness iand iinjury, 
i alleviation iof isuffering ithrough idiagnosis iand itreatment, iand iadvocacy iin ithe icare iof iindividuals, ifamilies, icommunities, iand ipopulations 
Health: istate iof icomplete iphysical, imental, iand isocial iwell-being inot imerely ithe iabsence iof idisease ior 
i infirmity 
Health ipromotion: iactivities isuch ias iroutine iexercise iand igood inutrition ih...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
Nursing: iprotection, ipromotion, iand ioptimization iof ihealth iand iabilities, iprevention iof iillness iand iinjury, 
i alleviation iof isuffering ithrough idiagnosis iand itreatment, iand iadvocacy iin ithe icare iof iindividuals, ifamilies, icommunities, iand ipopulations 
Health: istate iof icomplete iphysical, imental, iand isocial iwell-being inot imerely ithe iabsence iof idisease ior 
i infirmity 
Health ipromotion: iactivities isuch ias iroutine iexercise iand igood inutrition ih...
MAP Calculation a) MAP= 1/3 * SBP + 2/3 * DBP Treatment for frostbite a) Rewarming the skin a. Rewarm the area using a warm-water bath for 15 to 30 minutes b. Skin may turn soft and look red or purple c. You may be encouraged to gently move the affected area as it rewarms. b) Oral pain medicine a. The rewarming process can be painful c) Protecting the injury a. Once the skin thaws, loosely wrap the area with sterile sheets, towels, or dressing to protect the skin. b. May have to protect fingers ...
- Summary
- • 28 pages •
MAP Calculation a) MAP= 1/3 * SBP + 2/3 * DBP Treatment for frostbite a) Rewarming the skin a. Rewarm the area using a warm-water bath for 15 to 30 minutes b. Skin may turn soft and look red or purple c. You may be encouraged to gently move the affected area as it rewarms. b) Oral pain medicine a. The rewarming process can be painful c) Protecting the injury a. Once the skin thaws, loosely wrap the area with sterile sheets, towels, or dressing to protect the skin. b. May have to protect fingers ...
1. Alzheimer’s disease is a rapid, reversible brain disease. t/f a. False—slow, progressive, irreversible 2. The patient can eat solid foods for up to 2 hours before their procedure/surgery. t/f a. False—6-8 hours of NPO before a procedure 3. What are the cardinal signs of PD? a. Tremors b. Muscle rigidity c. Shuffling gait/postural instability d. Bradykinesia 4. In the severe stages of PD, the pts arms are affected, shuffling gate and they have a mask-like face. t/f a. False—in the mild...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
1. Alzheimer’s disease is a rapid, reversible brain disease. t/f a. False—slow, progressive, irreversible 2. The patient can eat solid foods for up to 2 hours before their procedure/surgery. t/f a. False—6-8 hours of NPO before a procedure 3. What are the cardinal signs of PD? a. Tremors b. Muscle rigidity c. Shuffling gait/postural instability d. Bradykinesia 4. In the severe stages of PD, the pts arms are affected, shuffling gate and they have a mask-like face. t/f a. False—in the mild...
Dysmenorrhea – a common complaint with women – what are the non-pharmacological 
and pharmacological treatments. NSAID’s (Motrin, Naproxen, Alive), heating pad, rest, 
increase calcium, increase fluids, decrease red meat, alcohol, smoking drugs, exercise. 2. Obstetrical issues – pregnancy risks - Know Naegle’s Rule – to establish gestational age 
ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, stress can affect cycle, as well as high 
exercise, pregnancy, medications, drugs, hormone...
- Summary
- • 9 pages •
Dysmenorrhea – a common complaint with women – what are the non-pharmacological 
and pharmacological treatments. NSAID’s (Motrin, Naproxen, Alive), heating pad, rest, 
increase calcium, increase fluids, decrease red meat, alcohol, smoking drugs, exercise. 2. Obstetrical issues – pregnancy risks - Know Naegle’s Rule – to establish gestational age 
ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, stress can affect cycle, as well as high 
exercise, pregnancy, medications, drugs, hormone...
BIOS256 Week 4 Lab #10 Influence of Fluid Intake on Urine Formation Laboratory Report
See Table 3: Urine Production Rate See Graph 1: Average Daily Urine Production Under Different Hydration States 
Type in the following AVERAGE urine production rate (L/day) • Normal 
• Dehydrated • Water Loaded 
 Normal Dehydrated Water Loaded Subject 1 1.98 0.63 7.59 Subject 2 1.96 0.62 7.18 Subject 3 1.82 0.64 7.48 Average 1.92 0.63 7.42 
1. Does dehydration increase, decrease, or not change average urine production rate
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
See Table 3: Urine Production Rate See Graph 1: Average Daily Urine Production Under Different Hydration States 
Type in the following AVERAGE urine production rate (L/day) • Normal 
• Dehydrated • Water Loaded 
 Normal Dehydrated Water Loaded Subject 1 1.98 0.63 7.59 Subject 2 1.96 0.62 7.18 Subject 3 1.82 0.64 7.48 Average 1.92 0.63 7.42 
1. Does dehydration increase, decrease, or not change average urine production rate
BIOS256 Week 3 Lab #3 Enzyme Activity Laboratory Report.pdf
1. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at: ph of 7 
2. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at: 10c 
3. Sucrase activity: does not change with increase of sucrose 
Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity 
1. Dependent Variable: Amount of product used 
2. Independent Variable: PH 
3. Controlled Variables: Sucrose and sucrose incubation time, Amount of Substrate used, PH 
Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity 
1. Depe...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
1. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at: ph of 7 
2. Sucrase will have the greatest activity at: 10c 
3. Sucrase activity: does not change with increase of sucrose 
Effect of pH on Enzyme Activity 
1. Dependent Variable: Amount of product used 
2. Independent Variable: PH 
3. Controlled Variables: Sucrose and sucrose incubation time, Amount of Substrate used, PH 
Effect of Temperature on Enzyme Activity 
1. Depe...
AQA Combined Science Chemistry Paper 2.pdf
01.1 potable 1 AO1.1 
boil (water) 
(boils) at 100°C 
allow boils at 100◦C for 2 marks 
ignore heat do not accept filter do not accept incorrect test 
alternative approach freeze (water) (1) 
(freezes) at 0°C (1) 
if no other mark awarded, allow 1 mark for evaporate or distil water and no solid left 
01.3 Level 2: The design/plan would lead to the production of a valid outcome. All key steps are...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 18 pages •
01.1 potable 1 AO1.1 
boil (water) 
(boils) at 100°C 
allow boils at 100◦C for 2 marks 
ignore heat do not accept filter do not accept incorrect test 
alternative approach freeze (water) (1) 
(freezes) at 0°C (1) 
if no other mark awarded, allow 1 mark for evaporate or distil water and no solid left 
01.3 Level 2: The design/plan would lead to the production of a valid outcome. All key steps are...