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MAP Calculation a) MAP= 1/3 * SBP + 2/3 * DBP Treatment for frostbite a) Rewarming the skin a. Rewarm the area using a warm-water bath for 15 to 30 minutes b. Skin may turn soft and look red or purple c. You may be encouraged to gently move the affected a
Ex iQuestion: iIn iaddition ito ichanges iin iethnic iand iracial idistribution iwithin ithe ipopulation, iit iis iexpected 
i that ichanges iin distribution iwill iaffect ihealth ipromotion ipractice. iAnswer: iAge 
Illness- iis ia istate iin iwhich ia iperson’s iphysical, iemotional, iintellectual, isocial, idevelopmental, ior ispiritual ifunctioning iis idiminished ior iimpaired. iA iperson ican ihave ia idisease iwithout ifeeling iill iand ia iperson ican ialso ifeel iill iwithout iha...
- Summary
- • 36 pages •
Ex iQuestion: iIn iaddition ito ichanges iin iethnic iand iracial idistribution iwithin ithe ipopulation, iit iis iexpected 
i that ichanges iin distribution iwill iaffect ihealth ipromotion ipractice. iAnswer: iAge 
Illness- iis ia istate iin iwhich ia iperson’s iphysical, iemotional, iintellectual, isocial, idevelopmental, ior ispiritual ifunctioning iis idiminished ior iimpaired. iA iperson ican ihave ia idisease iwithout ifeeling iill iand ia iperson ican ialso ifeel iill iwithout iha...
AQA Biology 2022-2023 Paper 2 Higher Tier Mark
01.1 primary consumer 1 AO2 
01.2 correct shape: 4 tiers with largest at bottom and smallest at top 
 1 AO2 
correctly labelled: 
dragonfly / nymph 
in this order or allow: 3rd-order or tertiary consumer or apex / top predator or (trophic level) 4 
 + hydra 2nd-order or secondary consumer or (trophic level) 3 
 + daphnia 1st-order or primary consumer or herbivore or (trophic level) 2 
 + algae producer or (trophic level) 1 allow for 2 mar...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 21 pages •
01.1 primary consumer 1 AO2 
01.2 correct shape: 4 tiers with largest at bottom and smallest at top 
 1 AO2 
correctly labelled: 
dragonfly / nymph 
in this order or allow: 3rd-order or tertiary consumer or apex / top predator or (trophic level) 4 
 + hydra 2nd-order or secondary consumer or (trophic level) 3 
 + daphnia 1st-order or primary consumer or herbivore or (trophic level) 2 
 + algae producer or (trophic level) 1 allow for 2 mar...
(NUR2474) Pharmacology for Professional Nursing - Test #1 - Review.pdf
1. Lithium levels, use, side effects o Lithium is a MOOD STABILIZER 
o Levels: ▪ 0.4 to 1 mEq/L. 
o Action: ▪ Prevents/decreases incidence of acute manic episodes - May inhibit MOA = Increase activity of brain o Use: ▪ Treat Bipolar Disorder 
o Side Effects: ▪ Nausea, , Abdominal bloating, Anorexia, Fatigue, and Memory impairment, Polyuria (frequently urinating), Tremor, Hypothyroidism o Teratogenic ▪ Def: Can disturb the development of the embryo/fetus and produce malformation ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
1. Lithium levels, use, side effects o Lithium is a MOOD STABILIZER 
o Levels: ▪ 0.4 to 1 mEq/L. 
o Action: ▪ Prevents/decreases incidence of acute manic episodes - May inhibit MOA = Increase activity of brain o Use: ▪ Treat Bipolar Disorder 
o Side Effects: ▪ Nausea, , Abdominal bloating, Anorexia, Fatigue, and Memory impairment, Polyuria (frequently urinating), Tremor, Hypothyroidism o Teratogenic ▪ Def: Can disturb the development of the embryo/fetus and produce malformation ...
AQA Combined Science Physics Paper 2 Marking Scheme
iron and steel will be attracted (to the magnet) 
aluminium, copper and tin will not be attracted (to the magnet) 
 allow 1 mark is one metal is in the incorrect list, but all the other four are correct 
if no other mark awarded allow 1 mark for iron and steel are magnetic 
the paperclip would still be attracted to the magnet 
allow the paper clip becomes an induced magnet allow because the paper clip i...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 15 pages •
iron and steel will be attracted (to the magnet) 
aluminium, copper and tin will not be attracted (to the magnet) 
 allow 1 mark is one metal is in the incorrect list, but all the other four are correct 
if no other mark awarded allow 1 mark for iron and steel are magnetic 
the paperclip would still be attracted to the magnet 
allow the paper clip becomes an induced magnet allow because the paper clip i...
NURS 6551 Midterm Exam 4.pdf
Question i1 How ican iliver iand irenal idiseases iresult iin iabnormal iuterine ibleeding i (AUB)? a. They icause ian iimbalance iin iplatelet i aggregation. 
b. They iresult iin ian iinability ito iadequately iclear iestrogen ifrom ithe i body. 
c. They icause ithyroid idysfunction, iwhich ileads ito ibleeding iabnormalities. 
d. They iresult iin ielevated iprolactin ilevels, iwhich ilead ito i bleeding iabnormalities. 
Question i2 What iis inow ithought ito ibe ithe imost iimp...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 29 pages •
Question i1 How ican iliver iand irenal idiseases iresult iin iabnormal iuterine ibleeding i (AUB)? a. They icause ian iimbalance iin iplatelet i aggregation. 
b. They iresult iin ian iinability ito iadequately iclear iestrogen ifrom ithe i body. 
c. They icause ithyroid idysfunction, iwhich ileads ito ibleeding iabnormalities. 
d. They iresult iin ielevated iprolactin ilevels, iwhich ilead ito i bleeding iabnormalities. 
Question i2 What iis inow ithought ito ibe ithe imost iimp...
Question I1 
A Ipatient Iwith Isuspected ICushing’s Isyndrome Iis Ibeing Ievaluated Ito Iestablish Ithe Idiagnosis Iand 
Icause. IPatients Iwith Ian Iadrenal Itumor Itypically Iwill Idemonstrate: 
A. Low IACTH Iand Ilow Icortisol B. Low IACTH Iand Ihigh Icortisol C. High IACTH Iand Ilow Icortisol D. High IACTH Iand Ihigh Icortisol 
Question I2 
Pneumatosis, Ior Igas Icysts, Imay Iform Iin Ithe Iwall Ianywhere Ialong Ithe Igastrointestinal Itract; Iin 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 50 pages •
Question I1 
A Ipatient Iwith Isuspected ICushing’s Isyndrome Iis Ibeing Ievaluated Ito Iestablish Ithe Idiagnosis Iand 
Icause. IPatients Iwith Ian Iadrenal Itumor Itypically Iwill Idemonstrate: 
A. Low IACTH Iand Ilow Icortisol B. Low IACTH Iand Ihigh Icortisol C. High IACTH Iand Ilow Icortisol D. High IACTH Iand Ihigh Icortisol 
Question I2 
Pneumatosis, Ior Igas Icysts, Imay Iform Iin Ithe Iwall Ianywhere Ialong Ithe Igastrointestinal Itract; Iin 
NURS 6670 Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 1 to 39.pdf
Question i1 
Question i2 
 The iphysiologic isymptoms iof iwithdrawal imay irequire ia ishort-term ihospitalization 
 Unlike iother isubstances iof iabuse, ithere iare ino imedications ito ihelp ireduce ithe iintensity iof iwithdrawal 
 She iwill ineed ito ibe imonitored ifor idepression 
 Overcoming ithe iintense icraving ifor icocaine iis ithe ibiggest iissue
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 36 pages •
Question i1 
Question i2 
 The iphysiologic isymptoms iof iwithdrawal imay irequire ia ishort-term ihospitalization 
 Unlike iother isubstances iof iabuse, ithere iare ino imedications ito ihelp ireduce ithe iintensity iof iwithdrawal 
 She iwill ineed ito ibe imonitored ifor idepression 
 Overcoming ithe iintense icraving ifor icocaine iis ithe ibiggest iissue
NURS 6670 Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 1 to 39.pdf
1. Karen Iis Ia I25-year-old Iwhite Iwoman Iwho Ilives Ialone Iin Ian Iapartment Iwith Iher Idog. IKaren Ihas Ibeen Idivorced Ifor I2 Iyears Iand Iis Itaking IProzac Iprescribed Iby Iher Ipsychiatrist Ifor Idepression. I IKaren Iand Iher Iboyfriend Ihad Ibeen Idiscussing Imarriage Iuntil Ihe Itold Iher Ithat Ihe Iwanted Ito Iend Itheir Irelationship. I IKaren Ibecame Ieven Imore Idepressed Iand Icould Inot Iwork Ifor Ia Iweek. I IKaren Ireturned Ito Iwork, Irefusing Ito Idiscuss Iher Iissues Iwi...
- Case
- • 36 pages •
1. Karen Iis Ia I25-year-old Iwhite Iwoman Iwho Ilives Ialone Iin Ian Iapartment Iwith Iher Idog. IKaren Ihas Ibeen Idivorced Ifor I2 Iyears Iand Iis Itaking IProzac Iprescribed Iby Iher Ipsychiatrist Ifor Idepression. I IKaren Iand Iher Iboyfriend Ihad Ibeen Idiscussing Imarriage Iuntil Ihe Itold Iher Ithat Ihe Iwanted Ito Iend Itheir Irelationship. I IKaren Ibecame Ieven Imore Idepressed Iand Icould Inot Iwork Ifor Ia Iweek. I IKaren Ireturned Ito Iwork, Irefusing Ito Idiscuss Iher Iissues Iwi...
NURS 6650 Midterm Exam.pdf
• Question I1 
1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 While Iin Ia Ifamily Itherapy Isession, Ia Iwife Icomments, I“Instead Iof Ispending Itime Iwith Ime, Ihe Iis Iusually Iwatching Isports Ion Itelevision.” IUsing Ian Iemotionally Ifocused Ifamily Itherapy Iapproach, Iwhat Iis Ian Iappropriate Iresponse Iby Ia IPMHNP Iusing Ian Ievocative Iquestion Itechnique? Selected IAnswer: B. I “How Iare Iyou Ifeeling Inow Ias Iyou Iare Isharing Ithat?” 
 • Question I2 0 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 The IP...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 17 pages •
• Question I1 
1 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 While Iin Ia Ifamily Itherapy Isession, Ia Iwife Icomments, I“Instead Iof Ispending Itime Iwith Ime, Ihe Iis Iusually Iwatching Isports Ion Itelevision.” IUsing Ian Iemotionally Ifocused Ifamily Itherapy Iapproach, Iwhat Iis Ian Iappropriate Iresponse Iby Ia IPMHNP Iusing Ian Ievocative Iquestion Itechnique? Selected IAnswer: B. I “How Iare Iyou Ifeeling Inow Ias Iyou Iare Isharing Ithat?” 
 • Question I2 0 Iout Iof I1 Ipoints 
 The IP...
NURS 6650 Midterm Exam 2.pdf
• Question 1 
1 out of 1 points 
 The PMHNP is meeting with the parents of a school-aged girl. The mother reports feeling frustrated, because they cannot get their daughter to do her homework. “All she wants to do is play on her phone,” the father reports. The mother tells the PMHNP that they have tried threatening her by telling her that she won’t be able to have her friends over and that she won’t be allowed to watch TV. Which of the following responses made by the PMHNP demonstrat...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 18 pages •
• Question 1 
1 out of 1 points 
 The PMHNP is meeting with the parents of a school-aged girl. The mother reports feeling frustrated, because they cannot get their daughter to do her homework. “All she wants to do is play on her phone,” the father reports. The mother tells the PMHNP that they have tried threatening her by telling her that she won’t be able to have her friends over and that she won’t be allowed to watch TV. Which of the following responses made by the PMHNP demonstrat...