Hello, I make summaries for almost all of the courses that I follow at Tilburg University during my Master in Marketing Management. Since Stuvia asks a part of the money that I earn here, the prices are higher than usually.
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48 Reviews received
31 items
Conjoint Analysis - Book
A summary of the 6 chapters of the book A. Lemmens provided on Blackboard. The book is really useful if you like to have background or good examples of what we are thought in class. I included the most interesting examples. (full 6 chapters = 56 pages)
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 19 pages •
A summary of the 6 chapters of the book A. Lemmens provided on Blackboard. The book is really useful if you like to have background or good examples of what we are thought in class. I included the most interesting examples. (full 6 chapters = 56 pages)
Brand Management - Article 1 Practice questions
- Flashcards
- • 29 items •
Summary of lectures, video lectures, and assignments combined
Summary of lectures, video lectures, and assignments combined
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
Summary of lectures, video lectures, and assignments combined
Introduction to Research in Marketing - All assignments
All assignments' questions and answers my way of finding the answer. It is all written with pen and scanned in afterwards. I tried to add as many of the given questions' information (like which variables I had to select with my version of the assignment). With this you should be able to make all assignments yourself (download the data sets on blackboard). The first page is a ini-mini summary I wrote, it is not part of the assignments. 

Practice exams (questions/info) are added at the end
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 30 pages •
All assignments' questions and answers my way of finding the answer. It is all written with pen and scanned in afterwards. I tried to add as many of the given questions' information (like which variables I had to select with my version of the assignment). With this you should be able to make all assignments yourself (download the data sets on blackboard). The first page is a ini-mini summary I wrote, it is not part of the assignments. 

Practice exams (questions/info) are added at the end
Channel Management (ALL materials)
- Flashcards
- • 115 items •
Introduction to Research In Marketing
All lectures and video lectures summarized, including examples and images of the examples given by the lecturer. 
If you email me you can get this summary for 5 euros.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 63 pages •
All lectures and video lectures summarized, including examples and images of the examples given by the lecturer. 
If you email me you can get this summary for 5 euros.
Conjoint Analysis
Philosophy of Science summary Midterm
Summary philosophy of science exam
Slides and notes philosophy of science
Introduction to Research in Marketing - All assignments