Hello, I make summaries for almost all of the courses that I follow at Tilburg University during my Master in Marketing Management. Since Stuvia asks a part of the money that I earn here, the prices are higher than usually.
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31 items
Decision Making in Marketing
Tutorial + Lecture
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
- Papers Tutorial Decision Making in Marketing - IBA • Class notes
- Decision making in marketing - Lectures • Class notes
Tutorial + Lecture
Decision making in marketing - Lectures
The lectures of DM summarized, including extra information on the topics. I also have a summary of the two tutorials (papers) which you have to learn.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 32 pages •
The lectures of DM summarized, including extra information on the topics. I also have a summary of the two tutorials (papers) which you have to learn.
Papers Tutorial Decision Making in Marketing - IBA
You have to learn the slides of the tutorials and the lectures. This document includes the tutorials, including the answers to the open questions about the papers.
- Package deal
- Class notes
- • 6 pages •
You have to learn the slides of the tutorials and the lectures. This document includes the tutorials, including the answers to the open questions about the papers.
Summary philosophy of science exam
summary for the exam
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 21 pages •
summary for the exam
Philosophy of Science summary Midterm
A 26 pages-long summary of the book "Theory and Reality". The slides of the lectures are included in the information!!
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 29 pages •
A 26 pages-long summary of the book "Theory and Reality". The slides of the lectures are included in the information!!
Conjoint Analysis
Philosophy of Science summary Midterm
Summary philosophy of science exam
Slides and notes philosophy of science
Introduction to Research in Marketing - All assignments