MSc Crime & Forensic Science, University College London
Welcome to my Stuvia Page!
I am stoked to use this platform to share my BSc & MSc notes in Crime and Forensic Science!
I have always studied and conducted research solely from my notes & all my essays, exams and reports are graded A-B!
Please feel free to Message me if you have any questions or specific topics you are studying in Forensics - I am sitting on hundreds and hundreds of pages worth of notes, so I truly hope this helps someone with their exams and reports.
My Uploads will include Module Notes, My Graded Essays (+references), Past Exams (Q&A) and more, from my BSc in Crime Scene and Forensic Investigations at London Metropolitan University + Final Year Top Up BSc in Forensic Science at Kingston University London, and my MSc in Crime and Forensic Science at University College London (UCL).
Modules covered include:
GeoScience | Law and Expert Evidence | Designing and Doing Research | Quantitative Methods | Foundations of Security and Crime Science | Practices of Crime Scene Investigations and Expert Testimony | Understanding and Interpreting Forensic Evidence | Forensic Biology and DNA Interpretation | MSc 10K Words Dissertation / Final Project |
x @forensicallyme
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