My assignments are priced according to my marked grade. If you are dissatisfied, please consider that I do not grade my essays, and just because I had a good grade, it does not mean it will be the same for you! I am trying to help, so please be considerate. I do not check Stuvia regularly, so if it is urgent, *0* 8* 2 *6 *1*8* 0*3*7*6....and I will get back to you as soon as I can :)
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45 Reviews received
42 items
The Prevalence of Crime and Trauma in South Africa
This essay was graded 91%.

The module explored the counselling context in reference to people who have experienced situations of crisis and trauma. The module included the knowledge and skills needed for the effective intervention and management of a crisis. In this module, we had to differentiate between a crisis and trauma, and the types of intervention strategies that each requires. We explored the foundations of trauma counselling related to health, illness, death, the family context and th...
- Essay
- • 14 pages •
This essay was graded 91%.

The module explored the counselling context in reference to people who have experienced situations of crisis and trauma. The module included the knowledge and skills needed for the effective intervention and management of a crisis. In this module, we had to differentiate between a crisis and trauma, and the types of intervention strategies that each requires. We explored the foundations of trauma counselling related to health, illness, death, the family context and th...
Ethics in Counselling A1
Assignment 1 for my ethics in counselling module. It was a tricky assignment but received 70% for it. The module involves all the in's and out's of ethical practice as a therapist and counsellor.
- Essay
- • 9 pages •
Assignment 1 for my ethics in counselling module. It was a tricky assignment but received 70% for it. The module involves all the in's and out's of ethical practice as a therapist and counsellor.
Ethics in Counselling A2
This module involved all the in's and out's of ethical standards in therapeutic practice. It was a challenging module and required a lot of out-of-the-box thinking. This assignment was graded 75%.
- Essay
- • 16 pages •
This module involved all the in's and out's of ethical standards in therapeutic practice. It was a challenging module and required a lot of out-of-the-box thinking. This assignment was graded 75%.
Diversity: Discrimination faced by sex workers in South Africa
Assignment 1 (Part 1 & 2) about the discrimination faced by sex workers in South Africa. Part one is the awareness-raising plan that I would use in my approach to raising awareness on the issue. Part 2 is the essay on discrimination against sex workers. Assignment grade averaged 86% overall.
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
Assignment 1 (Part 1 & 2) about the discrimination faced by sex workers in South Africa. Part one is the awareness-raising plan that I would use in my approach to raising awareness on the issue. Part 2 is the essay on discrimination against sex workers. Assignment grade averaged 86% overall.
Discrimination faced by Sex Workers in South Africa: Awareness-Raising Plan & Media Design
This is an additional document handed in with my first assignment about discrimination faced by sex-workers in South Africa. This document is the formulated plan to raise-awareness and how I would implement a strategy to raise awareness in general society on this issue and includes an additional awareness-raising poster/graphic that I designed as well.
- Package deal
- Other
- • 8 pages •
This is an additional document handed in with my first assignment about discrimination faced by sex-workers in South Africa. This document is the formulated plan to raise-awareness and how I would implement a strategy to raise awareness in general society on this issue and includes an additional awareness-raising poster/graphic that I designed as well.
Discrimination Faced by Sex-Workers in South Africa
Graded 87% and is an essay on social issues related to discrimination faced by individuals working in the sex industry and prostitution in South Africa. This task also required us to come up with a plan and additional poster/graphic to raise awareness about this issue which can be purchased separately should you need it.
- Package deal
- Essay
- • 14 pages •
Graded 87% and is an essay on social issues related to discrimination faced by individuals working in the sex industry and prostitution in South Africa. This task also required us to come up with a plan and additional poster/graphic to raise awareness about this issue which can be purchased separately should you need it.
Gender-Based Violence & The Impact of Trauma
Graded 90%. This is an essay I wrote based on my 20 minute presentation presented in class about gangs and gender-based violence and the devastating impact trauma has on the lives of individuals, communities and society as a whole. Should you want me to upload the presentation, feel free to message me.
- Essay
- • 11 pages •
Graded 90%. This is an essay I wrote based on my 20 minute presentation presented in class about gangs and gender-based violence and the devastating impact trauma has on the lives of individuals, communities and society as a whole. Should you want me to upload the presentation, feel free to message me.
Essay 2: Counselling Skills for the Helping Relationship
This essay was graded 70% and tasked us to reflect on effective and ineffective counselling skills used by the counsellor in a counselling session video clip. Due to the similarities between this assignment and the first assignment, I have made this one cheaper. It is still different to assignment 1 though, and can be helpful in different ways depending on what it is you are looking for.
- Package deal
- Essay
- • 11 pages •
This essay was graded 70% and tasked us to reflect on effective and ineffective counselling skills used by the counsellor in a counselling session video clip. Due to the similarities between this assignment and the first assignment, I have made this one cheaper. It is still different to assignment 1 though, and can be helpful in different ways depending on what it is you are looking for.
Micro-skills and effective techniques in the counseling context
This assignment was graded 81% and involves a reflection on a counselling role-play looking at the strengths and weaknesses of certain micro-skills and counselling techniques and why they were or were not used effectively as well as the function that the use of these of these counselling skills serve within the counselling context and helping relationship.
- Package deal
- Essay
- • 9 pages •
This assignment was graded 81% and involves a reflection on a counselling role-play looking at the strengths and weaknesses of certain micro-skills and counselling techniques and why they were or were not used effectively as well as the function that the use of these of these counselling skills serve within the counselling context and helping relationship.
Interpretation of Research Results
Interpretation of Research Results
Psychopathology- The Case of John & PTSD
Psychopathology- The Case of John & PTSD
Solution Focused Brief Therapy for Adolescent in Crisis (Case Study)