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45 Reviews received
42 items
Stages of psycho-social development (Case Study)
The grade for this essay was 84%. The assignment instructions were to read the provided case study about a girl named Siyasanda and comment on her development through the application of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development. The essay talks about the application of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development; the challenges experienced during the earlier stages of Siyasanda’s psychosocial development and the projected/future psychosocial development for Siyasanda in early and middl...
- Package deal
- Essay
- • 12 pages •
The grade for this essay was 84%. The assignment instructions were to read the provided case study about a girl named Siyasanda and comment on her development through the application of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development. The essay talks about the application of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development; the challenges experienced during the earlier stages of Siyasanda’s psychosocial development and the projected/future psychosocial development for Siyasanda in early and middl...
Narrative Therapy (Reflective Essay)
This assignment scored 82% and is on Narrative Therapy. The essay describes the key figures associated with Narrative Therapy including the key concepts of narrative therapy; the steps followed in the narrative therapeutic process; the goals of narrative therapy and the narrative therapist's function and role. It also provides a brief description of the therapeutic relationship and concludes with a personal reflection on how narrative therapy could be useful for someone suffering with depression...
- Essay
- • 14 pages •
This assignment scored 82% and is on Narrative Therapy. The essay describes the key figures associated with Narrative Therapy including the key concepts of narrative therapy; the steps followed in the narrative therapeutic process; the goals of narrative therapy and the narrative therapist's function and role. It also provides a brief description of the therapeutic relationship and concludes with a personal reflection on how narrative therapy could be useful for someone suffering with depression...
Interpretation of Research Results
Interpretation of Research Results
Psychopathology- The Case of John & PTSD
Psychopathology- The Case of John & PTSD
Solution Focused Brief Therapy for Adolescent in Crisis (Case Study)