Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper LV1630.
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3 items
Advance Video Editing (ENT4390)
This document includes class notes & answers to quizzes /exams. There are helpful steps on how to use Avid to do the assignments, given by the teacher. Answers to the online discussion/ response to online forum. Summaries of required reading assignments. Very helpful for the spontaneous in-class quizzes when teacher calls on you, which he does often.
- Boek
- College aantekeningen
- • 8 pagina's •
This document includes class notes & answers to quizzes /exams. There are helpful steps on how to use Avid to do the assignments, given by the teacher. Answers to the online discussion/ response to online forum. Summaries of required reading assignments. Very helpful for the spontaneous in-class quizzes when teacher calls on you, which he does often.
Video Editing Skills (ENT 3190)
This is my review of my class notes from video editing skills with Prof. Trevino. It includes every definition, description, & information provided in class. Also includes very important info that was in the midterm, final, and class discussions given by teacher. Hopefully, the same answers are still in future exams.
- Boek
- College aantekeningen
- • 8 pagina's •
This is my review of my class notes from video editing skills with Prof. Trevino. It includes every definition, description, & information provided in class. Also includes very important info that was in the midterm, final, and class discussions given by teacher. Hopefully, the same answers are still in future exams.
Magic, Witchcraft, & Religion (ANTH 1102)
This is a review of notes that Professor Pope-Fischer covers throughout the semester. It will be very helpful during a midterm or final exam.
- College aantekeningen
- • 24 pagina's •
This is a review of notes that Professor Pope-Fischer covers throughout the semester. It will be very helpful during a midterm or final exam.