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Fisdap Medical Study 2024 Exam Update.
A woman is found unresponsive in her poorly ventilated home. Her skin is flushed, hot, 
and dry, and her respirations are rapid and shallow. You should be MOST suspicious for? 
- Correct Answer Heat stroke 
How do you treat a AMS patient? - Correct Answer When treating a patient with an altered 
mental status, you must first ensure a patent airway and determine if the patient is 
breathing adequately. If the patient is breathing adequately, administer supplemen...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
A woman is found unresponsive in her poorly ventilated home. Her skin is flushed, hot, 
and dry, and her respirations are rapid and shallow. You should be MOST suspicious for? 
- Correct Answer Heat stroke 
How do you treat a AMS patient? - Correct Answer When treating a patient with an altered 
mental status, you must first ensure a patent airway and determine if the patient is 
breathing adequately. If the patient is breathing adequately, administer supplemen...
EMT Medical Fisdap Practice Test Exam Questions and Answers.
EMTMedicalFisdapPracticeTestExamQuestions and 
Which of the following is a physiologic effect of epinephrine when used to treat 
anaphylactic shock? 
A) As a vasodilator, it increases the blood pressure. 
B) As a vasoconstrictor, it lowers the blood pressure. 
C) As a bronchodilator, it improves the patient's breathing. 
D) As an antihistamine, it blocks chemicals that cause the reaction. - Correct Answer C) 
As a bronchodilator, it improves the patients breathing 
Functions of the ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 41 pages •
EMTMedicalFisdapPracticeTestExamQuestions and 
Which of the following is a physiologic effect of epinephrine when used to treat 
anaphylactic shock? 
A) As a vasodilator, it increases the blood pressure. 
B) As a vasoconstrictor, it lowers the blood pressure. 
C) As a bronchodilator, it improves the patient's breathing. 
D) As an antihistamine, it blocks chemicals that cause the reaction. - Correct Answer C) 
As a bronchodilator, it improves the patients breathing 
Functions of the ...
FISDAP EMT Medical Exam 122 Questions and Answers.
FISDAPEMTMedicalExam122Questions andAnswers. 
1. Which statement strongly indicates syncope? - Correct Answer I blacked out for a few 
2. When assessing the patient for arm drift, you should ask the patient to - Correct Answer 
hold their arms out palms up, eyes closed 
3. 68 yo patient reports abdominal pain, vomiting, and a loss of appetite, as well as black, 
tarry stools. you should suspect - Correct Answer upper gi bleed 
4. You are called to an outdoor garden center on a hot, humi...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 12 pages •
FISDAPEMTMedicalExam122Questions andAnswers. 
1. Which statement strongly indicates syncope? - Correct Answer I blacked out for a few 
2. When assessing the patient for arm drift, you should ask the patient to - Correct Answer 
hold their arms out palms up, eyes closed 
3. 68 yo patient reports abdominal pain, vomiting, and a loss of appetite, as well as black, 
tarry stools. you should suspect - Correct Answer upper gi bleed 
4. You are called to an outdoor garden center on a hot, humi...
FISDAP Medical Exam 74 Questions with Correct Answers.
FISDAP MedicalExam74QuestionswithCorrect 
Which of the following meds helps the body transport sugar into the cells? - Correct 
Answer Insulin 
A 32 year old patient is found unconsious in the snow. You cannot detect a pulse or 
respiration rate within 10 seconds. What should you do? - Correct Answer assess her 
pulse for 30-45 seconds 
An adult male is sitting alone in a dark room, rocking back and forth. he mutters to his sock 
puppet "are you feeling sad?" what should you do? ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
FISDAP MedicalExam74QuestionswithCorrect 
Which of the following meds helps the body transport sugar into the cells? - Correct 
Answer Insulin 
A 32 year old patient is found unconsious in the snow. You cannot detect a pulse or 
respiration rate within 10 seconds. What should you do? - Correct Answer assess her 
pulse for 30-45 seconds 
An adult male is sitting alone in a dark room, rocking back and forth. he mutters to his sock 
puppet "are you feeling sad?" what should you do? ...
Official (ISC)² CISSP - Domain 1 Security and Risk Management Exam Questions and Answers.
Official(ISC)²CISSP-Domain1SecurityandRiskManagement Exam 
Questions and Answers. 
Acceptable risk - Correct Answer A suitable level of risk commensurate with the potential 
benefits of the organization's operations as determined by senior management. 
Audit/auditing - Correct Answer The tools, processes, and activities used to perform 
compliance reviews. 
Availability - Correct Answer Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information 
by authorized users. 
Business continuity ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
Official(ISC)²CISSP-Domain1SecurityandRiskManagement Exam 
Questions and Answers. 
Acceptable risk - Correct Answer A suitable level of risk commensurate with the potential 
benefits of the organization's operations as determined by senior management. 
Audit/auditing - Correct Answer The tools, processes, and activities used to perform 
compliance reviews. 
Availability - Correct Answer Ensuring timely and reliable access to and use of information 
by authorized users. 
Business continuity ...
HESI Entrance Exam 135 Questions with Correct Solutions.
Example: The nurse noticed an abrupt change in the patient's level of pain- Correct 
Answer Abrupt 
To voluntarily refrain from something 
Example: The dental hygienist instructed the patient to abstain from smoking to improve 
his breath odor - CorrectAnswer Abstain 
Example: Paramedic are accountable for maintaining up-to-date knowledge of 
resuscitation techniques - CorrectAnswer Accountable 
To hold fast or stick to...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 14 pages •
Example: The nurse noticed an abrupt change in the patient's level of pain- Correct 
Answer Abrupt 
To voluntarily refrain from something 
Example: The dental hygienist instructed the patient to abstain from smoking to improve 
his breath odor - CorrectAnswer Abstain 
Example: Paramedic are accountable for maintaining up-to-date knowledge of 
resuscitation techniques - CorrectAnswer Accountable 
To hold fast or stick to...
Hesi A1 Exam 112 Questions with Verified Answers.
Hesi A1 Exam 112 Questions with Verified Answers. 
Which cavity would you find the urinary bladder? - Correct Answer Pelvic Cavity 
Which organ will you find in both male reproductive system & urinary system? - Correct Answer Urethra (shorter in women) 
What is responsible for transporting urine from the kidneys to the bladder? - Correct Answer Ureter 
Where are blood cells made? - Correct Answer bone marrow 
A platelet is also known as? - Correct Answer thrombocyte(help to form blood ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
Hesi A1 Exam 112 Questions with Verified Answers. 
Which cavity would you find the urinary bladder? - Correct Answer Pelvic Cavity 
Which organ will you find in both male reproductive system & urinary system? - Correct Answer Urethra (shorter in women) 
What is responsible for transporting urine from the kidneys to the bladder? - Correct Answer Ureter 
Where are blood cells made? - Correct Answer bone marrow 
A platelet is also known as? - Correct Answer thrombocyte(help to form blood ...
HESI Exam Review- HA Complete Questions and Answers.
A 52-year-old male client is seen in the health care provider's (HCP's) office for a physical 
examination after experiencing unusual fatigue over the last several weeks. The client's 
height is 5 feet, 8 inches (173 cm) and his weight is 220 pounds (99.8 kg). Vital signs are 
as follows: temperature, 98.6°F (37°C) orally; pulse, 86 beats/minute; and respirations, 18 
breaths/minute. The blood pressure reading is 184/100 mm Hg. A random b...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 80 pages •
A 52-year-old male client is seen in the health care provider's (HCP's) office for a physical 
examination after experiencing unusual fatigue over the last several weeks. The client's 
height is 5 feet, 8 inches (173 cm) and his weight is 220 pounds (99.8 kg). Vital signs are 
as follows: temperature, 98.6°F (37°C) orally; pulse, 86 beats/minute; and respirations, 18 
breaths/minute. The blood pressure reading is 184/100 mm Hg. A random b...
HESI Exam Key Notes Study Guides for 2025.
Vocabulary Section: - 
Prognosis: - - "forecast" 
- probable result or course of a disease. 
- usually includes the likelihood of recovery for patient. 
Incidence: - - "rate of occurrence" 
- A doctor will often refer to the "incidence" of a disease or condition as a measure of its 
severity or longevity. 
Proscribe: - - "forbid" 
- A doctor will "proscribe
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 18 pages •
Vocabulary Section: - 
Prognosis: - - "forecast" 
- probable result or course of a disease. 
- usually includes the likelihood of recovery for patient. 
Incidence: - - "rate of occurrence" 
- A doctor will often refer to the "incidence" of a disease or condition as a measure of its 
severity or longevity. 
Proscribe: - - "forbid" 
- A doctor will "proscribe
Which tissue cannot be considered a major tissue type - Correct Answer Extracellular 
What is the chemical formula for Ammonia - Correct Answer NH3 
Ions that have a negative charge - Correct Answer Anions 
What is the most numerous element in the body - Correct Answer Hydrogen 
In body weight calculations, what do we have as the highest concentration in the body - 
Correct Answer Protein 
The three dimensional shape of a molecule is ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Which tissue cannot be considered a major tissue type - Correct Answer Extracellular 
What is the chemical formula for Ammonia - Correct Answer NH3 
Ions that have a negative charge - Correct Answer Anions 
What is the most numerous element in the body - Correct Answer Hydrogen 
In body weight calculations, what do we have as the highest concentration in the body - 
Correct Answer Protein 
The three dimensional shape of a molecule is ...
NRNP 6566 Week 9 Knowledge Check (100% Correct) Verified Answers-Graded A++
Medical Surgical Nursing 9th Edition Ignatavicius Test Bank.Latest Update 2024
NSG6101 Week 8 Knowledge Check 2024/ Satisfaction Guaranteed APlus++
HCM Fundamentals Exam Questions & Correct Answers.-Graded A++
Very Helpful material