On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller Leo11.
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Complete Summary: Strategy & Innovation Management 2023
Fantastic summary of the Papers
- Summary
- • 75 pages •
Fantastic summary of the Papers
Summary: Organizing for Innovation 2023 (not all Papers)
Fantastic summary of all papers from 2022; some remain unchanged for the 2023 exam. 
Missing Papers 
Week 2) 
Vestal, A., & Danneels, E. 2022. Technological Distance and Breakthrough Inventions in Multi-Cluster Teams: How Intra- and Inter- Location Ties Bridge the Gap. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67(1): 167–206. 
Sharapov, D., & Macaulay, S. C. 2022. Design as an Isolating Mechanism for Capturing Value from Innovation: From Cloaks and Traps to Sabotage. Academy of Management Revi...
- Summary
- • 31 pages •
Fantastic summary of all papers from 2022; some remain unchanged for the 2023 exam. 
Missing Papers 
Week 2) 
Vestal, A., & Danneels, E. 2022. Technological Distance and Breakthrough Inventions in Multi-Cluster Teams: How Intra- and Inter- Location Ties Bridge the Gap. Administrative Science Quarterly, 67(1): 167–206. 
Sharapov, D., & Macaulay, S. C. 2022. Design as an Isolating Mechanism for Capturing Value from Innovation: From Cloaks and Traps to Sabotage. Academy of Management Revi...
Capturing Value for Innovation summary
Good. All readings included.
- Summary
- • 23 pages •
Good. All readings included.
Organizing for Innovation Papers 2022-2023
All papers are briefly summarized with important results and information.
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
All papers are briefly summarized with important results and information.
Digital Transformation Strategy Literature Summary 2022-2023
The goal of this document is to provide readers with a quick and easy way to understand the main findings and contributions of the papers it covers. By providing a summary of each paper, rather than the entire text, readers will be able to quickly scan through and select the papers that are most relevant to their interests and needs.
- Summary
- • 16 pages •
The goal of this document is to provide readers with a quick and easy way to understand the main findings and contributions of the papers it covers. By providing a summary of each paper, rather than the entire text, readers will be able to quickly scan through and select the papers that are most relevant to their interests and needs.