Notes by Lindy
Selling all of my Grade 11 and 12 IEB summaries for the following subjects: Life Science, Physical Science, Mathematics and English. I completed matric with an overall average of 84% and I obtained the highest mark in Visual Art and Life Science, while serving as Head Girl of my school.
I have peer tutored since grade 10, and my notes and summaries, along with past papers, are all that I used to study for my final IEB exams for which I achieved 6 distinctions and an average of 84%
I hope they are helpful :)
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Grade 12 IEB Life science/biology strand 2: (2.4) Human Reproduction summary
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.4 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: Human Reproduction. it includes the full 2.4 Human Reproduction syllabus as well as additional class notes, own research notes and all relevant diagrams
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- Summary
- • 20 pages •
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.4 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: Human Reproduction. it includes the full 2.4 Human Reproduction syllabus as well as additional class notes, own research notes and all relevant diagrams
Grade 12 IEB Life science/biology strand 2: (2.3) Reproductive animal strategies summary
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.3 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: Reproductive animal strategies. it includes the full 2.3 reproductive animal strategies syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
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- Summary
- • 7 pages •
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.3 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: Reproductive animal strategies. it includes the full 2.3 reproductive animal strategies syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
Grade 12 IEB Life science/biology strand 2: (2.2) Reproduction in flowering plants summary
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.2 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: Reproduction in flowering plants. It includes the full 2.2 Plant reproduction syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
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- Summary
- • 9 pages •
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.2 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: Reproduction in flowering plants. It includes the full 2.2 Plant reproduction syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
Grade 12 IEB Life science/biology strand 2: (2.1) Human Endocrine System summary
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.1 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: The Human Endocrine System. it includes the full 2.1 Endocrine system syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
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- Summary
- • 12 pages •
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises 2.1 of strand 2 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: The Human Endocrine System. it includes the full 2.1 Endocrine system syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
Grade 12 IEB Life science/biology strand 1: population ecology full summary
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises the entire strand 1 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: population and community ecology. it includes the full strand 1 syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
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- Summary
- • 13 pages •
This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises the entire strand 1 of the IEB grade 12 mind action series textbook: population and community ecology. it includes the full strand 1 syllabus as well as additional class and research notes.
IEB Life science/biology practical (paper 3) guidelines and terminology
This neatly typed, in-depth, aesthetic document covers all aspects, guidelines and terminology of the life science/biology practical exam paper. includes definitions, terminology, guidelines. formulas and instructions on how to achieve maximum results in a prac exam.
- Summary
- • 3 pages •
This neatly typed, in-depth, aesthetic document covers all aspects, guidelines and terminology of the life science/biology practical exam paper. includes definitions, terminology, guidelines. formulas and instructions on how to achieve maximum results in a prac exam.
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language Paper 2 The tempest and Handmaids Tale notes deal
these aesthetic, in-depth, digital documents summarise the entirety of 'The Tempest' and "Handmaid's Tale'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the play/novel, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs.

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- • 2 items •
these aesthetic, in-depth, digital documents summarise the entirety of 'The Tempest' and "Handmaid's Tale'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the play/novel, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs.

Grade 12 IEB English Home Language The Handmaid's Tale full summary, characters, themes, info and literary essay format
This aesthetic, in-depth, digital document summarises the entirety of Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the novel, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs. 
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language paper 2: The Handmaid's Tale notes
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 9 pages •
This aesthetic, in-depth, digital document summarises the entirety of Margaret Atwood's 'The Handmaid's Tale'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the novel, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs. 
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language paper 2: The Handmaid's Tale notes
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language The Tempest full summary, characters, themes, info and literary essay format
This aesthetic, in-depth, digital document summarises the entirety of William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the play, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs. 
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language paper 2: The Tempest notes
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 11 pages •
This aesthetic, in-depth, digital document summarises the entirety of William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest'. It includes all characters and descriptions, general information about the play, a full plot summary, all possible themes for literary essays, quotations and literary essay guidelines with examples of questions and paragraphs. 
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language paper 2: The Tempest notes
Grade 12 IEB English Home Language paper 2 Tempest and Handmaid's Tale quotations
Quotes from The Tempest and handmaid's Tale to be used in literary essays in English paper 2
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- • 2 items •
Quotes from The Tempest and handmaid's Tale to be used in literary essays in English paper 2
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Paper 1: All SAG Definitions
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Photons and Electrons (Section G) Summary & notes
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Electrodynamics (Section F) Summary & notes
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Electric circuits (Section E) Summary & notes
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Gravitational and Electric fields (Section D) summary & notes