Notes by Lindy
Selling all of my Grade 11 and 12 IEB summaries for the following subjects: Life Science, Physical Science, Mathematics and English. I completed matric with an overall average of 84% and I obtained the highest mark in Visual Art and Life Science, while serving as Head Girl of my school.
I have peer tutored since grade 10, and my notes and summaries, along with past papers, are all that I used to study for my final IEB exams for which I achieved 6 distinctions and an average of 84%
I hope they are helpful :)
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Handmaid's Tale quotations IEB grade 12 English home language
Various quotes to be used in literary essays and in Grade 12 IEB English home language paper 2
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Various quotes to be used in literary essays and in Grade 12 IEB English home language paper 2
The Tempest Quotations grade 12 IEB English Home Language
various quotations to be used in literary essays and in the IEB English home language paper 2
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
various quotations to be used in literary essays and in the IEB English home language paper 2
Grade 11 IEB Physics and Chemistry full syllabus summary deal
These documents cover the entire IEB Physical Science SAG guidelines and include all grade 11 physics and chemistry topics, including additional class notes and all compulsory definitions
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- • 2 items •
These documents cover the entire IEB Physical Science SAG guidelines and include all grade 11 physics and chemistry topics, including additional class notes and all compulsory definitions
Grade 11 IEB Physical Science paper 2 (Chemistry) full syllabus summary
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth full syllabus notes and summaries of the grade 11 IEB physical science paper 2 (Chemistry) syllabus. these notes cover the following topics: Quantitative chemistry, Chemical bonding, energy change, rates of reactions, acids and bases and electrochemistry (does not include examples and applications of electrolytic cells)
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- Summary
- • 19 pages •
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth full syllabus notes and summaries of the grade 11 IEB physical science paper 2 (Chemistry) syllabus. these notes cover the following topics: Quantitative chemistry, Chemical bonding, energy change, rates of reactions, acids and bases and electrochemistry (does not include examples and applications of electrolytic cells)
Grade 11 IEB Physical Science paper 1 (Physics) full syllabus summary
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth notes and summaries of the full grade 11 IEB physics syllabus. these notes cover the following topics: Kinematics, forces, Newton's Laws, Gravitational fields, electric fields, electric circuits and electrodynamics.
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- Summary
- • 17 pages •
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth notes and summaries of the full grade 11 IEB physics syllabus. these notes cover the following topics: Kinematics, forces, Newton's Laws, Gravitational fields, electric fields, electric circuits and electrodynamics.
Grade 11 IEB maths paper 2 full syllabus summary
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth notes and summaries of the full grade 11 IEB mathematics paper 2 syllabus. These notes cover the following grade 11 topics: Statistics, analytical geometry, trigonometry, euclidean geometry and measurement.
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- Summary
- • 13 pages •
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth notes and summaries of the full grade 11 IEB mathematics paper 2 syllabus. These notes cover the following grade 11 topics: Statistics, analytical geometry, trigonometry, euclidean geometry and measurement.
Grade 11 IEB Maths paper 1 full syllabus summary
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth notes and summaries of the full grade 11 IEB maths paper 1 syllabus. These notes cover the topics of: algebra and equations, Number patterns, Finance, Functions and graphs, and probability.
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- Summary
- • 17 pages •
This document includes aesthetic, in-depth notes and summaries of the full grade 11 IEB maths paper 1 syllabus. These notes cover the topics of: algebra and equations, Number patterns, Finance, Functions and graphs, and probability.
Life Science/Biology Paper 3 (practical) guidelines
This document includes in-depth, imperative information and guidelines regarding the life science practical examination-includes definitions
- Summary
- • 3 pages •
This document includes in-depth, imperative information and guidelines regarding the life science practical examination-includes definitions
Grade 12 IEB Life Sciences/Biology Full syllabus summary and notes deal
Full Syllabus Summaries of all topics in strands 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Mind Action Series Grade 12 Life Science textbook: Environmental studies, Life processes in animals and plants, Life at molecular level and Evolution.
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- • 4 items •
- Grade 12 IEB Life sciences/Biology strand 1:Environmental Studies-Population ecology notes • Summary
- Grade 12 IEB Life Sciences/Biology Strand 3: Life at molecular, cellular and tissue Level full summary • Summary
- Grade 12 IEB Life Science/Biology Strand 2:Life processes in animals and plants full summary • Summary
- Grade 12 IEB Life Sciences/Biology Strand 4: Evolution full summary • Summary
Full Syllabus Summaries of all topics in strands 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Mind Action Series Grade 12 Life Science textbook: Environmental studies, Life processes in animals and plants, Life at molecular level and Evolution.
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Paper 1: All SAG Definitions
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Photons and Electrons (Section G) Summary & notes
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Electrodynamics (Section F) Summary & notes
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Electric circuits (Section E) Summary & notes
Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Gravitational and Electric fields (Section D) summary & notes