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1-The nurse is conducting screening at a local clinic to identify clients needing instruction regarding weight management. Which clients body mass index BMI never written normal limits I require no further interventions (SATA) A client who has high bloo
1-The nurse is conducting screening at a local clinic to identify clients needing instruction regarding 
weight management. Which clients body mass index BMI never written normal limits I require no 
further interventions (SATA) 
A client who has high blood pressure and has a BMI of 32, 
A client who was diagnosed anorexia nervosa and has a BMI of 16, 
A client diagnosed with diabetes and has a BMI of 31,
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
1-The nurse is conducting screening at a local clinic to identify clients needing instruction regarding 
weight management. Which clients body mass index BMI never written normal limits I require no 
further interventions (SATA) 
A client who has high blood pressure and has a BMI of 32, 
A client who was diagnosed anorexia nervosa and has a BMI of 16, 
A client diagnosed with diabetes and has a BMI of 31,
NR 228 Final Exam with All solution 2023
Hepatitis A - Correct answer--Transmitted by fecal-oral route; often caused by poor 
handwashing or stool precautions; common in areas of poor sanitation. 
-Onset rapid: within 4 to 6 weeks 
Hepatitis B - Correct answer--Transmitted through contaminated blood and sexual 
contact; also perinatally 
-Onset slow: approximately 12 weeks 
Hepatitis C - Correct answer--Transmitted through blood, saliva, or semen 
-Onset slow: approximately 8 weeks 
-Progression from Hep C -> cirrhosis
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
Hepatitis A - Correct answer--Transmitted by fecal-oral route; often caused by poor 
handwashing or stool precautions; common in areas of poor sanitation. 
-Onset rapid: within 4 to 6 weeks 
Hepatitis B - Correct answer--Transmitted through contaminated blood and sexual 
contact; also perinatally 
-Onset slow: approximately 12 weeks 
Hepatitis C - Correct answer--Transmitted through blood, saliva, or semen 
-Onset slow: approximately 8 weeks 
-Progression from Hep C -> cirrhosis
NR 228 FINAL EXAM REVIEW granded a+ 2023.
• What is the difference between essential and non-essential nutrients? 
o Non-essential nutrients are made by the body 
o Essential nutrients are not made by the body in an amount adequate to 
meet needs 
• How do you calculate kilocalories? 
o Protein and carbohydrates = 4 kcal/gram 
o Fats = 9 kcal/gram 
o Alcohol = 7 kcal/gram
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
• What is the difference between essential and non-essential nutrients? 
o Non-essential nutrients are made by the body 
o Essential nutrients are not made by the body in an amount adequate to 
meet needs 
• How do you calculate kilocalories? 
o Protein and carbohydrates = 4 kcal/gram 
o Fats = 9 kcal/gram 
o Alcohol = 7 kcal/gram
1. What are some causes of fluid retention? (select all that apply): A. Excess 
sodium/sodium retention 
B. Kwashiorkor 
C. Water intoxication 
2. What can cause a sodium deficiency? (select all that apply) 
A. Dehydration 
B. Hypernatremia 
C. Diarrhea 
D. Liver Disease: A. Dehydration 
C. Diarrhea 
3. What are some ways to treat GERD? 
A. Lay down after meals 
B. Avoid big meals 
C. Avoid tight clothing 
D. Avoid high fat foods 
E. Eat chocolate to ease stomach: B, C, D
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
1. What are some causes of fluid retention? (select all that apply): A. Excess 
sodium/sodium retention 
B. Kwashiorkor 
C. Water intoxication 
2. What can cause a sodium deficiency? (select all that apply) 
A. Dehydration 
B. Hypernatremia 
C. Diarrhea 
D. Liver Disease: A. Dehydration 
C. Diarrhea 
3. What are some ways to treat GERD? 
A. Lay down after meals 
B. Avoid big meals 
C. Avoid tight clothing 
D. Avoid high fat foods 
E. Eat chocolate to ease stomach: B, C, D
1. Which principle of health diet suggest selecting a wide range of foods as represented by the USDA’s 
MyPlate food plan? 
a) Variety 
b) Moderation 
c) Adequacy 
d) Energy density 
2. A group of strategies used to increase the level of health of individuals, families, groups and 
communities is known as: 
a) Wellness 
b) health promotion 
c)tertiary prevention 
d) nutritional assessment
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 13 pages •
1. Which principle of health diet suggest selecting a wide range of foods as represented by the USDA’s 
MyPlate food plan? 
a) Variety 
b) Moderation 
c) Adequacy 
d) Energy density 
2. A group of strategies used to increase the level of health of individuals, families, groups and 
communities is known as: 
a) Wellness 
b) health promotion 
c)tertiary prevention 
d) nutritional assessment
NR 228 - Chapter 1 Wellness Nutrition Verified 2023
Nutrients - Answer substances in foods required by the body for energy, growth, 
maintenance, and repair 
Essential Nutrients - Answer cannot be made by the human body and must be provided 
by foods 
Nonessential Nutrients - Answer manufactured in the body 
Dimensions of Health - Answer physical health 
intellectual health 
emotional health 
social health 
spiritual health (cultural) 
environmental health 
Wellness - Answer a lifestyle that enhances our level of health
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
Nutrients - Answer substances in foods required by the body for energy, growth, 
maintenance, and repair 
Essential Nutrients - Answer cannot be made by the human body and must be provided 
by foods 
Nonessential Nutrients - Answer manufactured in the body 
Dimensions of Health - Answer physical health 
intellectual health 
emotional health 
social health 
spiritual health (cultural) 
environmental health 
Wellness - Answer a lifestyle that enhances our level of health
HESI Study Packet 
HESI Test Overview (Math, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, 
Math (face sheets precedes each section—pages bold, underlined; 
Answers follow each section 
Math diagnostic Test 
HEST Math Review I-III: Add, subtract, multiply, divide 
Math IV-VI: Add, subtract, multiply, divide decimals 
Math VII-XII: Fraction terms; reducing proper and improper fractions; LCD 
changing improper to mixed, mixed to improper; ass, subtract, multiply, 
divide fractions;...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 195 pages •
HESI Study Packet 
HESI Test Overview (Math, Reading, Comprehension, Vocabulary, 
Math (face sheets precedes each section—pages bold, underlined; 
Answers follow each section 
Math diagnostic Test 
HEST Math Review I-III: Add, subtract, multiply, divide 
Math IV-VI: Add, subtract, multiply, divide decimals 
Math VII-XII: Fraction terms; reducing proper and improper fractions; LCD 
changing improper to mixed, mixed to improper; ass, subtract, multiply, 
divide fractions;...
The nurse is caring for a patient with chronic lower back pain. The nurse 
knowsthat the most reliable indicator of pain in this client is: 
The patient is reporting "6/10" pain. 
The patient is refusing to get out of 
bed.The patient is refusing to eat 
The patient's heart rate is 90 beats per 
Which of the following actions should the nurse take to ensure an accurate 
bloodpressure (BP) reading?
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 345 pages •
The nurse is caring for a patient with chronic lower back pain. The nurse 
knowsthat the most reliable indicator of pain in this client is: 
The patient is reporting "6/10" pain. 
The patient is refusing to get out of 
bed.The patient is refusing to eat 
The patient's heart rate is 90 beats per 
Which of the following actions should the nurse take to ensure an accurate 
bloodpressure (BP) reading?
A person with AB- blood can NOT receive blood from whom? - AB+ 
Which blood group is considered the universal donor? - OWhat is the only artery in the body to carry oxygen poor blood? - Pulmonic artery
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 16 pages •
A person with AB- blood can NOT receive blood from whom? - AB+ 
Which blood group is considered the universal donor? - OWhat is the only artery in the body to carry oxygen poor blood? - Pulmonic artery
Hesi A2 practice Test 2
The client's condition was "exacerbated" in the fall. - Made worse 
The "overt" signs of the baby's illness were distressing to the parents. - Easily observed 
His "paroxysmal" coughing was a sign of this illness. - Convulsive
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 26 pages •
The client's condition was "exacerbated" in the fall. - Made worse 
The "overt" signs of the baby's illness were distressing to the parents. - Easily observed 
His "paroxysmal" coughing was a sign of this illness. - Convulsive
1-NURS 6512 Week 6 Midterm Exam Latest 2024-2025, Walden University latest update
KAPLAN DIAGNOSTIC A EXAM-with 100% Graded A + 2023
Test bank For Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures By Margaret R. Colyar
Test bank For Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures By Margaret R. Colyar
is repeated the same questions over and over again in 45 pages