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Test Bank - Abnormal Psychology, 9th Edition (Oltmanns, 2018)
Test Bank for Abnormal Psychology 9e 9th Edition by Thomas F. Oltmanns, Robert E. Emery ISBN-13: 1830 Full chapters test bank PDF 1. Examples and Definitions of Abnormal Behavior 2. Causes of Abnormal Behavior 3. Treatment of Psychological Disorders 4. Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior 5. Mood Disorders and Suicide 6. Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 7. Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, and Somatic Symptom Disorders 8. Stress an...
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- • 513 pages •
Test Bank for Abnormal Psychology 9e 9th Edition by Thomas F. Oltmanns, Robert E. Emery ISBN-13: 1830 Full chapters test bank PDF 1. Examples and Definitions of Abnormal Behavior 2. Causes of Abnormal Behavior 3. Treatment of Psychological Disorders 4. Classification and Assessment of Abnormal Behavior 5. Mood Disorders and Suicide 6. Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 7. Acute and Posttraumatic Stress Disorders, Dissociative Disorders, and Somatic Symptom Disorders 8. Stress an...
Test Bank - Microbiology: An Introduction, 12th Edition (Tortora, 2017), Chapter 1-28 | All Chapters
Table of Contents: Part I: Fundamentals of Microbiology Chapter 1. The Microbial World and You Chapter 2. Chemical Principles Chapter 3. Observing Microorganisms through a Microscope Chapter 4. Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Chapter 5. Microbial Metabolism Chapter 6. Microbial Growth Chapter 7. The Control of Microbial Growth Chapter 8. Microbial Genetics Chapter 9. Biotechnology and DNA Technology Part II: A Survey of the Microbial World Chapter 10. Classification of Mic...
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- • 562 pages •
Table of Contents: Part I: Fundamentals of Microbiology Chapter 1. The Microbial World and You Chapter 2. Chemical Principles Chapter 3. Observing Microorganisms through a Microscope Chapter 4. Functional Anatomy of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Chapter 5. Microbial Metabolism Chapter 6. Microbial Growth Chapter 7. The Control of Microbial Growth Chapter 8. Microbial Genetics Chapter 9. Biotechnology and DNA Technology Part II: A Survey of the Microbial World Chapter 10. Classification of Mic...
Test Bank - Essentials of Genetics, 10th Edition (Klug, 2020), Chapter 1-21 + Special Topics | All Chapters
Table Of Content 1. Introduction to Genetics 2. Mitosis and Meiosis 3. Mendelian Genetics 4. Modification of Mendelian Ratios 5. Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes 6. Chromosome Mutations: Variation in Number and Arrangement 7. Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes 8. Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages 9. DNA Structure and Analysis 10. DNA Replication 11. Chromosome Structure and DNA Sequence Organization 12. The Genetic Code and Transcription 13. Translation a...
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- • 288 pages •
Table Of Content 1. Introduction to Genetics 2. Mitosis and Meiosis 3. Mendelian Genetics 4. Modification of Mendelian Ratios 5. Sex Determination and Sex Chromosomes 6. Chromosome Mutations: Variation in Number and Arrangement 7. Linkage and Chromosome Mapping in Eukaryotes 8. Genetic Analysis and Mapping in Bacteria and Bacteriophages 9. DNA Structure and Analysis 10. DNA Replication 11. Chromosome Structure and DNA Sequence Organization 12. The Genetic Code and Transcription 13. Translation a...
Test Bank - Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy, 6th Edition (Bauman, 2020), Chapter 1-27 | All Chapters
Table Of Content: A Brief History of Microbiology The Chemistry of Microbiology Cell Structure and Function Microscopy, Staining, and Classification Microbial Metabolism Microbial Nutrition and Growth Microbial Genetics Recombinant DNA Technology Controlling Microbial Growth in the Environment Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body: Antimicrobial Drugs Characterizing and Classifying Prokaryotes Characterizing and Classifying Eukaryotes Characterizing and Classifying Viruses, Viroids, and Prion...
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- • 509 pages •
Table Of Content: A Brief History of Microbiology The Chemistry of Microbiology Cell Structure and Function Microscopy, Staining, and Classification Microbial Metabolism Microbial Nutrition and Growth Microbial Genetics Recombinant DNA Technology Controlling Microbial Growth in the Environment Controlling Microbial Growth in the Body: Antimicrobial Drugs Characterizing and Classifying Prokaryotes Characterizing and Classifying Eukaryotes Characterizing and Classifying Viruses, Viroids, and Prion...
Test Bank - Introduction to Clinical Pharmacology 10th Edition (Visovsky, 2021)
Table of Contents: Unit I. General Principles 1. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process in LPN Practice 2. Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Aspects of Drug Administration 3. Principles of Pharmacology Unit II. Principals of Medication Administration 4. Drug Calculation: Preparing and Administering Drugs Unit III. Drug Categories 5. Drugs for Bacterial Infections 6. Drugs for Tuberculosis, Fungal and Parasitic Infections 7. Drugs for Viral and Retroviral Infections 8. Drugs for Allergy and Respirator...
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- • 251 pages •
Table of Contents: Unit I. General Principles 1. Pharmacology and the Nursing Process in LPN Practice 2. Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Aspects of Drug Administration 3. Principles of Pharmacology Unit II. Principals of Medication Administration 4. Drug Calculation: Preparing and Administering Drugs Unit III. Drug Categories 5. Drugs for Bacterial Infections 6. Drugs for Tuberculosis, Fungal and Parasitic Infections 7. Drugs for Viral and Retroviral Infections 8. Drugs for Allergy and Respirator...
Test Bank for Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 6th Edition by Susan Fickertt Wilson, Jean Foret Giddens, 9780323377768 (Complete 24 Chapters)
Test Bank for Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 6th Edition by Susan Fickertt Wilson, Jean Foret Giddens, 9780323377768 Chapter 1-24 Complete Guide. Unit I. Foundations for Health Assessment 1. Introduction to Health Assessment 2. Interviewing Patients to Obtain a Health History 3. Techniques and Equipment for Physical Assessment 4. General Inspection and Measurement of Vital Signs 5. Ethnic, Cultural, and Spiritual Considerations 6. Pain Assessment 7. Mental Health and Abusive Behavior As...
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- • 303 pages •
Test Bank for Health Assessment for Nursing Practice, 6th Edition by Susan Fickertt Wilson, Jean Foret Giddens, 9780323377768 Chapter 1-24 Complete Guide. Unit I. Foundations for Health Assessment 1. Introduction to Health Assessment 2. Interviewing Patients to Obtain a Health History 3. Techniques and Equipment for Physical Assessment 4. General Inspection and Measurement of Vital Signs 5. Ethnic, Cultural, and Spiritual Considerations 6. Pain Assessment 7. Mental Health and Abusive Behavior As...
Test Bank for Psychiatric Nursing 9th Edition by Norman L. Keltner, (All Chapters Included 1-36).
Test Bank for Psychiatric Nursing 9th Edition by Norman L. Keltner, Debbie Steele Chapter 1-36 | ISBN- ISBN- | Complete Guide A+. Chapter 1: Me, Meds, Milieu 2: Historical Issues 3: Legal Issues 4: Psychobiologic Bases of Behavior 5: Cultural Issues 6: Spirituality Issues 7: Models for Working With Psychiatric Patients 8: Learning to Communicate Professionally 9: Working With an Individual Patient 10: Working With Groups of Patients 11: Working With the Family 12: Introduction to Psychotropic Dr...
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- • 335 pages •
Test Bank for Psychiatric Nursing 9th Edition by Norman L. Keltner, Debbie Steele Chapter 1-36 | ISBN- ISBN- | Complete Guide A+. Chapter 1: Me, Meds, Milieu 2: Historical Issues 3: Legal Issues 4: Psychobiologic Bases of Behavior 5: Cultural Issues 6: Spirituality Issues 7: Models for Working With Psychiatric Patients 8: Learning to Communicate Professionally 9: Working With an Individual Patient 10: Working With Groups of Patients 11: Working With the Family 12: Introduction to Psychotropic Dr...
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice, 3rd Edition (Yoost, 2023) 9780323828093 (Complete 42 Chapters)
Test Bank - Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice, 3rd Edition (Yoost, 2023), Chapter 1-42| With Complete Solutions Chapter 01: Nursing, Theory, and Professional Practice Chapter 02: Values, Beliefs, and Caring Chapter 03: Communication Chapter 04: Critical Thinking in Nursing Chapter 05: Introduction to the Nursing Process Chapter 06: Assessment Chapter 07: Nursing Diagnosis Chapter 08: Planning Chapter 09: Implementation and Evaluation Chapter 10: Documentation, E...
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- • 417 pages •
Test Bank - Fundamentals of Nursing: Active Learning for Collaborative Practice, 3rd Edition (Yoost, 2023), Chapter 1-42| With Complete Solutions Chapter 01: Nursing, Theory, and Professional Practice Chapter 02: Values, Beliefs, and Caring Chapter 03: Communication Chapter 04: Critical Thinking in Nursing Chapter 05: Introduction to the Nursing Process Chapter 06: Assessment Chapter 07: Nursing Diagnosis Chapter 08: Planning Chapter 09: Implementation and Evaluation Chapter 10: Documentation, E...
Test Bank for Physical Examination and Health Assessment 9th Edition by Carolyn Jarvis ISBN 9780323809849 (Complete 32 Chapters)
Test Bank for Physical Examination and Health Assessment 9th Edition by Carolyn Jarvis ISBN 9780323809849 (Complete 32 Chapters). Table of Contents: Chapter 1 - Evidence-Based Assessment 3 Chapter 2 - Cultural Assessment 13 Chapter 3 - The Interview 26 Chapter 4 - The Complete Health History 43 Chapter 5 - Mental Status Assessment 55 Chapter 6 - Substance Use Assessment 70 Chapter 7 - Domestic and Family Violence Assessment 76 Chapter 8 - Assessment Techniques and Safety in the Clinical Setting ...
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- • 479 pages •
Test Bank for Physical Examination and Health Assessment 9th Edition by Carolyn Jarvis ISBN 9780323809849 (Complete 32 Chapters). Table of Contents: Chapter 1 - Evidence-Based Assessment 3 Chapter 2 - Cultural Assessment 13 Chapter 3 - The Interview 26 Chapter 4 - The Complete Health History 43 Chapter 5 - Mental Status Assessment 55 Chapter 6 - Substance Use Assessment 70 Chapter 7 - Domestic and Family Violence Assessment 76 Chapter 8 - Assessment Techniques and Safety in the Clinical Setting ...
TEST BANK FOR PRIMARY CARE ART AND SCIENCE OF ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSING-AN INTERPROFESSIONAL APPROACH 6TH EDITION- DUNPHY ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-6718-1 Unit I Caring-Based Nursing: The Art Chapter 1 Primary Care in the Twenty-First Century: A Circle of Caring Chapter 2 Caring and the Advanced Practice Nurse Chapter 3 Health Promotion Chapter 4 The Art of Diagnosis and Treatment Chapter 5 Evidence-Based Practice Unit II Caring-Based Nursing: The Science SECTION 1: NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS Chapter 6 Com...
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- • 714 pages •
TEST BANK FOR PRIMARY CARE ART AND SCIENCE OF ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSING-AN INTERPROFESSIONAL APPROACH 6TH EDITION- DUNPHY ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-6718-1 Unit I Caring-Based Nursing: The Art Chapter 1 Primary Care in the Twenty-First Century: A Circle of Caring Chapter 2 Caring and the Advanced Practice Nurse Chapter 3 Health Promotion Chapter 4 The Art of Diagnosis and Treatment Chapter 5 Evidence-Based Practice Unit II Caring-Based Nursing: The Science SECTION 1: NEUROLOGICAL PROBLEMS Chapter 6 Com...
Test Bank - Davis Advantage for Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 10th Edition by Karyn I. Morgan, (All Chapters Included 1-43)
Test Bank for Psychology Themes and Variations 6th Canadian Edition By Doug McCann, (All Chapters 1-16).
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Test Bank - Family Practice Guidelines 6th Edition by Jill C. Cash, (All Chapters 1-23)
Test Bank - Structure and Function of the Body 16th Edition by Kevin T. Patton, (All Chapters Included 1-22).