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MIS 581 Week 8 Final Exam (Version 4)

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Question 1. (TCO A) List and describe four of the seven phases of the systems development life cycle. Question 2.(TCO B) Why is it usually more advantageous to a company to buy a commercial software product than to attempt to produce one in-house or through outsourcing. Question 3.(TCO C) Describe why traditional engineering methodologies, like waterfall, do not work for software development. Question 4.(TCOs G and H) List and describe the four major guidelines an analyst should use to set up...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by Milestonee • 
  • uploaded  2021
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MIS 581 Week 8 Final Exam (Version 3)

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1. Question: (TCO A) List and describe four of the seven phases of the systems development life cycle. 2. Question:(TCO B) One of the difficult decisions a systems analyst has to make when it comes to software is whether to recommend making, buying, or outsourcing software for information systems projects. What are the advantages of creating custom software in-house? What are the disadvantages of this approach? 3. Question:(TCO C) Describe a situation in which JAD would be not be ideal. 4....

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 7 pages • 
  • by Milestonee • 
  • uploaded  2021
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MIS 581 Week 8 Final Exam (Version 2)

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1. Question: (TCO A) List and describe the three primary roles of the systemsanalyst. 2. Question: (TCOB)Oneofthedifficultdecisionsasystemsanalysthastomakewhenitcomes tosoftwareiswhethertorecommendmaking,buying,oroutsourcingsoftwarefor information systems projects. What are the advantages of purchasing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software? What are the disadvantages of thisapproach? 3. Question: (TCO C) Describe a situation in which JAD would beideal. 4. Question: (TCOs G and H) In terms ...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by Milestonee • 
  • uploaded  2021
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MIS 581 Week 8 Final Exam (Version 1)

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1. Question(TCO A) Describe the agile approach to a systems development. 2. Question (TCO B) One of the difficult decisions a systems analyst has to make when it comes to software is whether to recommend making, buying, or outsourcing software for information systems projects. What are the advantages of purchasing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software? What are the disadvantages of this approach? 3. Question (TCO C) Describe a situation in which JAD would be ideal. 4. Question (TCOs G and ...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by Milestonee • 
  • uploaded  2021
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