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Fire guard - ANSWER A person holding a certificate of Fitness for such purposes, who is trained in and responsible for maintaining a fire watch and performing such fire safety duties as may be prescribed by the commissioner 
Fire Watch - ANSWER A temporary measure intended to ensure continuous and systemic surveillance of a building or portion thereof by one or more qualified individuals for the purposes of identifying and controlling fire hazards, detecting early signs of fire, raising an ala...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
Fire guard - ANSWER A person holding a certificate of Fitness for such purposes, who is trained in and responsible for maintaining a fire watch and performing such fire safety duties as may be prescribed by the commissioner 
Fire Watch - ANSWER A temporary measure intended to ensure continuous and systemic surveillance of a building or portion thereof by one or more qualified individuals for the purposes of identifying and controlling fire hazards, detecting early signs of fire, raising an ala...
F60 practice Correct 100%
P.A.S.S. - ANSWER Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep 
Hot work Authorization - ANSWER Program authorization bearing the signature of the responsible person; must be available for inspection during thecwork and for 48 hours afterwards.
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 1 pages •
P.A.S.S. - ANSWER Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep 
Hot work Authorization - ANSWER Program authorization bearing the signature of the responsible person; must be available for inspection during thecwork and for 48 hours afterwards.
FDNY G-60 Test Complete Questions & Solutions(RATED A+)
A Certificate of Fitness Holder must keep his or her G-60 certificate of fitness - ANSWER readily available on the premise for inspection by Fire Department representatives 
Fire extinguishers must be inspected once every - ANSWER Month 
In regards to portable fire extinguishers, "PASS" stands for - ANSWER Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep 
A city-wide permit is valid - ANSWER For a 30 calendar day period
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
A Certificate of Fitness Holder must keep his or her G-60 certificate of fitness - ANSWER readily available on the premise for inspection by Fire Department representatives 
Fire extinguishers must be inspected once every - ANSWER Month 
In regards to portable fire extinguishers, "PASS" stands for - ANSWER Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep 
A city-wide permit is valid - ANSWER For a 30 calendar day period
FDNYC G60 Practice Exam Correct 100%
All torch operators, an oxigen-fuel torch using any amount of oxigen and flamable gas and fire guards must have a current - ANSWER Certificate of Fitness 
The Certificate of Fitness holder - ANSWER must regulate the pressure and flow of oxygen and natural gas to each torch. 
if the torch operator for jewelry manufacture involves - ANSWER any oxygen with any fuel gas containers, the operator must be a C of F holder. 
A Certificate of Fitness Holder must keep his or her certificate - ANSWER ...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
All torch operators, an oxigen-fuel torch using any amount of oxigen and flamable gas and fire guards must have a current - ANSWER Certificate of Fitness 
The Certificate of Fitness holder - ANSWER must regulate the pressure and flow of oxygen and natural gas to each torch. 
if the torch operator for jewelry manufacture involves - ANSWER any oxygen with any fuel gas containers, the operator must be a C of F holder. 
A Certificate of Fitness Holder must keep his or her certificate - ANSWER ...
Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification 1 MODULE 8 Recovery Tools QUIZZES & SOLUTIONS
Peer Support Specialists should encourage people to seek employment because it... - ANSWER Improves self-esteem 
 Increases income 
 Decreases isolation 
Decreases recidivism 
Young adults who had been hospitalized believed they could no longer aspire to working or school. One program found that this self-stigma could be reversed by connecting them with... - ANSWER Peers who also had diagnoses who were working or going to school 
Self-help support groups help people get jobs by... -...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
Peer Support Specialists should encourage people to seek employment because it... - ANSWER Improves self-esteem 
 Increases income 
 Decreases isolation 
Decreases recidivism 
Young adults who had been hospitalized believed they could no longer aspire to working or school. One program found that this self-stigma could be reversed by connecting them with... - ANSWER Peers who also had diagnoses who were working or going to school 
Self-help support groups help people get jobs by... -...
Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist Certification Accurate
HOPE - ANSWER Inspire hope in those engaging in services by living a life of Recovery and/or Resiliency 
PERSON-DRIVEN - ANSWER 1. Support individuals receiving services and their support network within the context of the individual's worldview, to achieve their goals based upon their needs and wants 
2. Focus on self-determination, as defined by the person engaging in services, and support the person's participation in their own recovery 
3. Inform others about options, provide informat...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
HOPE - ANSWER Inspire hope in those engaging in services by living a life of Recovery and/or Resiliency 
PERSON-DRIVEN - ANSWER 1. Support individuals receiving services and their support network within the context of the individual's worldview, to achieve their goals based upon their needs and wants 
2. Focus on self-determination, as defined by the person engaging in services, and support the person's participation in their own recovery 
3. Inform others about options, provide informat...
Medi-CalPeer Support Specialist - PRACTICE EXAM Correct 100%
What best describes a Peer Support Specialist? - ANSWER A person who has personally experienced and is in recovery from mental health or substance use issues, or who is the family member or parent of someone with mental health or substance use issues, and has formal training to support others in recovery. 
You REDUCE relationship rapport with someone you are supporting by: - ANSWER Being unaware of your power 
A benefit of sharing your recovery story is to: - ANSWER Support change, and show ...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
What best describes a Peer Support Specialist? - ANSWER A person who has personally experienced and is in recovery from mental health or substance use issues, or who is the family member or parent of someone with mental health or substance use issues, and has formal training to support others in recovery. 
You REDUCE relationship rapport with someone you are supporting by: - ANSWER Being unaware of your power 
A benefit of sharing your recovery story is to: - ANSWER Support change, and show ...
CALMHSA Peer Support Certification PT12 Accurate 100%
What are the stages of recovery? - ANSWER Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination. 
What does the proverb 'You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But You Can't Make It Drink' mean? - ANSWER You can provide an opportunity, but cannot force someone to take it. 
What is the role of a PSS? - ANSWER Support, resource, strength, empathy, and compassion. 
What is the Trans-theoretical Model of Behavior Change? - ANSWER Change is a process, interventions tai...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 28 pages •
What are the stages of recovery? - ANSWER Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination. 
What does the proverb 'You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But You Can't Make It Drink' mean? - ANSWER You can provide an opportunity, but cannot force someone to take it. 
What is the role of a PSS? - ANSWER Support, resource, strength, empathy, and compassion. 
What is the Trans-theoretical Model of Behavior Change? - ANSWER Change is a process, interventions tai...
CalMHSA Medi-Cal Peer Support Certification Exam Correct 100%
adult - ANSWER an individual who is 18 years of age or older 
beneficiary/recipient - ANSWER an individual who receives peer services from a Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist 
California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) - ANSWER the certifying entity approved by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to certify peer support specialists, peer support specialist training entities, and peer support specialist continuing education providers 
certificant - ANSWER an i...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
adult - ANSWER an individual who is 18 years of age or older 
beneficiary/recipient - ANSWER an individual who receives peer services from a Medi-Cal Peer Support Specialist 
California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) - ANSWER the certifying entity approved by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to certify peer support specialists, peer support specialist training entities, and peer support specialist continuing education providers 
certificant - ANSWER an i...
Peer Support Specialist Certification Exam Study Guide Correct 100%
Person-Centered - ANSWER A person-centered approach is where the person is placed at the center of the service and treated as a 
person first. 
What are the OARS tools in Motivational Interviewing? - ANSWER O Open-ended questions invite others to "tell their story" in their own words without 
leading them in a specific direction (as opposed to questions that can be answered yes 
or no). Be cautious about asking too many questions as it can damage the peer 
A Affirmations a...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Person-Centered - ANSWER A person-centered approach is where the person is placed at the center of the service and treated as a 
person first. 
What are the OARS tools in Motivational Interviewing? - ANSWER O Open-ended questions invite others to "tell their story" in their own words without 
leading them in a specific direction (as opposed to questions that can be answered yes 
or no). Be cautious about asking too many questions as it can damage the peer 
A Affirmations a...