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Protein molecules are polymers of... correct answers amino acid molecules In a dehydration synthesis reaction, ... is always formed as a by-product of the reaction. correct answers water Which is the terms for compounds that do not mix with water? correct answers Hydrophobic The components of nucleic acids are... correct answers a nitrogenous base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate At a conference, the speaker's grand finale was sautéing mealworms (insect larvae) in butter and ser...

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BIL 150 Final Exam Practice Mallery || QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 100% VERIFIED

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an inquiry-based research approach includes: correct answers 1. seeing what motivated the researchers to do the experiment 2. seeing how the experiments are designed 3. determining what new techniques or methodologies were used in the experiments 4. seeing if the results influenced the future course of this type of research the replacement level fertility for a human reproductive couple is: correct answers 2.1 an effective way population dynamicists can show the structure of a populati...

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10 correct answers If a cell at metaphase of mitosis contains 20 sister chromatids, how many chromosomes will be present in a G1 cell? a) 5 b) 20 c) 10 K+ correct answers In a resting potential, an example of a cation that is more abundant as a solute in the cytosol of a neuron than it is in the interstitial fluid outside the neuron is ___________. a) Na+ b) Cl- c) K+ a plant cell in the process of cytokinesis correct answers Through a microscope, you can see a cell plate beginning t...

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Which of the following statements is true of a species that has a chromosome number of 2n=16? correct answers Each diploid cell has 8 homologous pairs of chromosomes Many diploid organisms produce haploid gametes for reproduction. Which of the following best describes how the diploid number of chromosomes is restored in the offspring of these organisms? correct answers fertilization combines chromosomes from each parent into resulting zygote A cell has completed meiosis I and the first cyt...

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BIL 150 Exam 2 || A+ GUARANTEED

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According to the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes, phospholipids _____. correct answers Can move laterally along the plane of the membrane Why are lipids and proteins free to move laterally? correct answers There are only weak hydrophobic interactions in the interior of the membrane Cell membranes are asymmetrical. What is the most likely explanation of the membranes asymmetrical nature? correct answers The two sides of a cell membrane face different environments and carry out differen...

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biology correct answers the study of life hypothetico-deductive method correct answers good science. idealized version of science symbiosis correct answers a relationship when individuals of two or more species live in direct and intimate contact with one another. this relationship can change based on conditions and circumstances mutualism correct answers type of symbiosis (+,+) commensalism correct answers type of symbiosis (+,0) (0=no effect) parasitism correct answers type of s...

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BIL 150 Exam 1 || A+ GRADED.

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On a hot day, temperature of land rises more quickly than that of sea. Which of the following statements best describe the process? a) specific heat of soil is more than water b) dry soil soaks more water. c) specific heat of soil is less than water d) it rains more over the sea. correct answers specific heat of soil is less than water We can be sure that a mole of table sugar and a mole of vitamin C are equal in their ________. a) number of atoms b) volume c) number of mol...

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BIL 150 Exam 2 || A+ GRADED

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Proteins constructed from same set of how many amino acids? correct answers 20 Covalent bond between amino acids is known as a... correct answers Peptide Bond Each polypeptide has a unique linear sequence of... correct answers amino acids Biologically functioning molecule made up of one of more polypeptides folded and coiled into a specific 3 dimensional shape correct answers Protein 9 amino acids that cannot be synthesized by heterotrophs so they must get them from food correct answ...

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BIL 150 Exam 2 Review || ANSWERS RATED 100% CORRECT.

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Which of the following statements is correct regarding starch and cellulose? correct answers They are polymers of glucose. Why can humans digest starch but not cellulose? correct answers Humans have enzymes that can hydrolyze the α-glycosidic linkages of starch but not the β- glycosidic linkages of cellulose. Which of the following statements correctly describes "saturated fats"? correct answers They contain more hydrogen than unsaturated fats that consist of the same number of ca...

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In the figure, at the arrow marked II, what enzyme(s) are being utilized? correct answers host cell DNA polymerase Which of the following statements describes a cell that undergoes mitosis but not cytokinesis? correct answers The cell contains more than one nucleus. Observations of cancer cells in culture support the hypothesis that cancer cells _____. correct answers Do not exhibit density- dependent inhibition Which of the following phases of mitosis is essentially the opposite of pre...

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