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21 éléments

Summary Media Effects Advances in Theory and Research
Comprehensive summary of the book Media Effects Advances in Theory and Research Edited by Mary Beth Oliver, Arthur A, Raney, and Jennings Bryant. 
This summary is made for the course Media psychology of the bachelor Communication Science at the Universiteit Twente. 
Covering the following chapters: 1, 2, 10, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 24, 18
- Book
- Resume
- • 69 pages •
Comprehensive summary of the book Media Effects Advances in Theory and Research Edited by Mary Beth Oliver, Arthur A, Raney, and Jennings Bryant. 
This summary is made for the course Media psychology of the bachelor Communication Science at the Universiteit Twente. 
Covering the following chapters: 1, 2, 10, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 24, 18
Hoorcolleges aantekeningen opvoeding en maatschappij ()
Migratie praktische opdracht aardrijkskunde
Summary applying communication theory for professional life
Samenvatting Development, Learning and Behavior: 201700107
Profielwerkstuk het taalverwervingsproces van kinderen in de leeftijdscategorie van 0-4 jaar