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Illustrated explanation of Cellular respiration and Krebs cycle
Illustrated explanation of Cellular respiration and Krebs cycle and ATP synthesis. Easy to remember the Krebs cycle for exams. Class notes of Cellular respiration chapter
- Book
- Class notes
- • 7 pages •
Illustrated explanation of Cellular respiration and Krebs cycle and ATP synthesis. Easy to remember the Krebs cycle for exams. Class notes of Cellular respiration chapter

Test Bank with Answers CH 15 Campbell Biology answer key | UBC | SFU
CH 15 Campbell Biology answer key
- Book
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
CH 15 Campbell Biology answer key

Ch-14 Mendel and the Gene Idea midterm Quiz w/ answer key
This is a midterm exam for chapter 14 of Campbell biology with answers to help you prepare to get an A+ in the course. It covers all major concepts likely to be your own college or university exam
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
This is a midterm exam for chapter 14 of Campbell biology with answers to help you prepare to get an A+ in the course. It covers all major concepts likely to be your own college or university exam

Chapter 13: Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles Exam
This is a quiz on chapter 13 consisting 50 MCQ with answer key to test your knowledge of the genetics intro chapter. Helps with getting an A in the midterms for college or university.
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
This is a quiz on chapter 13 consisting 50 MCQ with answer key to test your knowledge of the genetics intro chapter. Helps with getting an A in the midterms for college or university.

Study guide for Psych 1st and 2nd year courses at UBC
Here’s a detailed study guide for UBC’s first and second-year psychology courses, along with a 2-hour daily revision schedule. This guide includes the core concepts you would typically cover and integrates lecture slides and practice assignments.
- Book
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Here’s a detailed study guide for UBC’s first and second-year psychology courses, along with a 2-hour daily revision schedule. This guide includes the core concepts you would typically cover and integrates lecture slides and practice assignments.

BIOL112 Course Outline UBC
This is the course outline for first year biology course that covers the Biology of Cell at University of British Columbia.
- Class notes
- • 3 pages •
This is the course outline for first year biology course that covers the Biology of Cell at University of British Columbia.