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WGU D426 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU D426 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025 A ____ is a column, or group of columns, used to identify a row. - answerPrimary key A ____ consists of a single column. - answerSimple primary key A ____ key consists of multiple columns. - answerComposite primary All primary keys columns are necessary for uniqueness. When any column is removed, the resulting simple or composite column is no longer unique. - answerM...

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WGU D430 fundamentals of information Security

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU D430 fundamentals of information Security Information security - answerKeeping data, software, and hardware secure against unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. Compliance - answerThe requirements that are set forth by laws and industry regulations. Example : HIPPA/ HITECH- healthcare, PCI/DSS- payment card industry, FISMA- federal government agencies CIA - answerThe core m...

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WGU D430 Fundamentals of Information Security Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU D430 Fundamentals of Information Security Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025 Define the confidentiality in the CIA triad. - answerOur ability to protect data from those who are not authorized to view it. Examples of confidentiality - answerA patron using an ATM card wants to keep their PIN number confidential. An ATM owner wants to keep bank account numbers confidential. How can confidentiality be broken...

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WGU D202 Human Growth and Development. Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU D202 Human Growth and Development. Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025 What is the embryonic period? - answerWeeks 3-8 of pregnancy, formation of placenta and brain development What is the fetal period? - answerFrom the end of the embryonic period until the end of pregnancy, viability at 24 weeks What influences sexual orientation? - answerGenetics, birth order, hormones What are some maternal factors tha...

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WGU D202 Human Growth and Development Exam Study Guide.

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU D202 Human Growth and Development Exam Study Guide. Self-concept - answeran understanding of personal abilities and attributes that develops during middle childhood self-esteem - answeran evaluation of personal identity and assessment of the self while performing various activities self-efficacy - answerbelief in the abilities of self to behave in a certain way to bring about specific results Erikson Industry vs. ...

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WGU D027 Study Guide

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU D027 Study Guide Autosomal Dominant - answer1 parent has, 50% change of child having Autosomal Recessive - answerBoth parents are carriers, 25% change of child having, 50% chance child is a carrier. Cystic Fibrosis - answeraffects pancreas causing secretions in lungs 21st Trisomy - answerDown Syndrome Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) - answermale has extra X, female like qualities Turner Syndrome - answerMissing X in fem...

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WGU D027 Exam Questions With Verified And Updated Answers.

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU D027 Exam Questions With Verified And Updated Answers. What organ does cystic fibrosis affect? - answerAffects the pancreas causing secretions into the lungs What is Klinefelter syndrome? - answerAn extra X chromosome for males so example XXY causing female-like qualities What is Turner Syndrome? - answerfemales. missing or deformed x chromosome. right hemisphere dysfunction, hearing loss, ear infection, language a...

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WGU C777 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU C777 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025 What is a characteristic of a web page with responsive design? A) The ability to react to user events B) A measure of the page load speed C) The ability to resize to the screen size D) A measure of the page close speed - answerThe ability to resize to the screen size Which language provides dynamic content for a web page across all browsers? A) XML B) JavaScript ...

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WGU C777 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e WGU C777 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025 What is a characteristic of a web page with responsive design? - answerThe ability to resize to the screen size Which language provides dynamic content for a web page across all browsers? - answerJavaScript Which type of content should use an <aside>? - answerNews feeds Which element should a developer use for a bulleted list? - answer<ul> What does an ...

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West coast EMT block 2 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025

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©THESTAR EXAM SOLUTIONS 2024/2025 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 | P a g e West coast EMT block 2 Exam Questions And Answers Updated 2024/2025 A 5-year-old boy has fallen and has a severe deformity of the forearm near the wrist. He has possibly sustained a fracture of the __________forearm. Select one: A. superior B. distal C. proximal D. dorsal - answerB. distal A diabetic patient has polydipsia. This means that she: Select one: A. is excessively thirsty. B. is unable to swallow. C. ur...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
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