not very good. list of colleges here and there some phrases added
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10 year ago •JenniferPalmieri
Reuzen van de Sociologie (smv)
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This abstract is a summary of the powerpoint sheets from colleges. The sheets is even more information than in this summary. There is no additional information from the book. In one word: waste of money
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11 year ago •jeanfail
Reuzen van de Sociologie (smv)
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I do not believe this summary covers the entire book, it looks more like a summary of the lecture notes ...
Beschrijvende en inferentiële statistiek
Reuzen van de Sociologie (smv)
not very good. list of colleges here and there some phrases added
Translated by GoogleReuzen van de Sociologie (smv)
This abstract is a summary of the powerpoint sheets from colleges. The sheets is even more information than in this summary. There is no additional information from the book. In one word: waste of money
Translated by GoogleReuzen van de Sociologie (smv)
I do not believe this summary covers the entire book, it looks more like a summary of the lecture notes ...
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