

I sell my college notes about education and pedagogy.
All of my notes are typed and not handwritten.


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Class notes Indian Literature (AandH101)

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Indian Literature This document contains a brief and concise information about the Indian Literature. Take note that this is summarized already, its not that detailed anymore. It covers the following topic regarding the mentioned literature: 1. Sanskrit 2. Veda and its 4 types 3. Brahmana 4. Most important epics in India (detailed information each) PLEASE BE REMINDED OF THE FOLLOWING; 1. The document is digitally written (typed), not a compiled picture of a handwritten notes. 2. All th...

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  • Class notes
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by abajarblessel • 
  • uploaded  2024
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Class notes N/A (AandH101)

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This document contains the basic information about the significant impact of classical influences in European literature. Some of the information presented here is related to renaissance, enlightenment, romanticism, realism, Victorian, modernism and postmodern period. The common topics or area of interest in the period. Lastly, the famous authors during those periods and their works (only the title of their work/s, not the content itself). TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING; 1. The document is dig...

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  • Class notes
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by abajarblessel • 
  • uploaded  2024
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