On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller angeloboticario.
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17 items
Gastrointestinal System Drug Study Nursing Pharmacology
Drug study of all the classifications of GIT drugs in table form. This includes their indications, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, side effects, and nursing considerations.
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- • 13 pages •
Drug study of all the classifications of GIT drugs in table form. This includes their indications, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, side effects, and nursing considerations.
Central Nervous System Drug Study Nursing Pharmacology
Central Nervous System Drug Study. This includes all the classifications of CNS drugs, its indications, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, side effects, and nursing management.
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- • 12 pages •
Central Nervous System Drug Study. This includes all the classifications of CNS drugs, its indications, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, side effects, and nursing management.
Cardiovascular System Drug Study Nursing Pharmacology
Cardiovascular System drug study. this includes all the drugs relevant to the CVS, its indications, contraindications, side effects, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and nursing considerations.
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- • 23 pages •
Cardiovascular System drug study. this includes all the drugs relevant to the CVS, its indications, contraindications, side effects, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, and nursing considerations.
Pharmacokinetics Introduction to Pharmacology
Pharmacokinetics notes.
- Class notes
- • 2 pages •
Pharmacokinetics notes.
Genitourinary Drugs Nursing Pharmacology
Summary of all the genitourinary drugs from the book and from the discussion. This includes diuretics, antispasmodics, analgesics, stimulants, relaxants, and anti-infective drugs used in the urinary system.
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
Summary of all the genitourinary drugs from the book and from the discussion. This includes diuretics, antispasmodics, analgesics, stimulants, relaxants, and anti-infective drugs used in the urinary system.
Antineoplastic Drugs Pharmacology
Summary of all the antineoplastic or anticancer drugs from the book and from the discussion.
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
Summary of all the antineoplastic or anticancer drugs from the book and from the discussion.
Gavage and Lavage Procedure, Maternal and Child Health Nursing
Gavage and Lavage step by step procedure for nurses. Description and rationale of the procedure. Complete instructions including the materials needed.
- Class notes
- • 4 pages •
Gavage and Lavage step by step procedure for nurses. Description and rationale of the procedure. Complete instructions including the materials needed.
Newborn Resuscitation
i needed this.
Pharmacokinetics Introduction to Pharmacology
all in one!
Growth and Development Stages
life saver! great shortcut instead of reading lengthy books.
Input and Output Charting
complete details! great example