It's weird written because it's translated, I think. Furthermore, there are many easy to avoid spelling errors in it, too bad!. Next time just leave the summary in English because then you won't make such mistakes.
Translated by Google
5 year ago •celestebrantjes
Samenvatting boek Communiceren: contact maken, houden en verdiepen. F. Oomkes en A. Garner (2003). ISBN: 9789053529065
Samenvatting boek Communiceren: contact maken, houden en verdiepen. F. Oomkes en A. Garner (2003). ISBN: 9789053529065
Samenvatting Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology. G.C. Davey (2014) ISBN: 9781118659335.
Samenvatting boek Communiceren: contact maken, houden en verdiepen. F. Oomkes en A. Garner (2003). ISBN: 9789053529065
Samenvatting gehele boek: Your undergraduate psychology project (2013). M. Forshaw. ISBN: 9780470669983
It's weird written because it's translated, I think. Furthermore, there are many easy to avoid spelling errors in it, too bad!. Next time just leave the summary in English because then you won't make such mistakes.
Translated by GoogleSamenvatting boek Communiceren: contact maken, houden en verdiepen. F. Oomkes en A. Garner (2003). ISBN: 9789053529065