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ACLS Pre-Course Self-Assessment Study Guide
ACLS Pre-Course Self-Assessment Study Guide
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- • 21 páginas •
ACLS Pre-Course Self-Assessment Study Guide

AHA ACLS Review Questions with verified answers
AHA ACLS Review Questions with verified answers
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- • 9 páginas •
AHA ACLS Review Questions with verified answers

ACLS questions with verified answers.
ACLS questions with verified answers.
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
ACLS questions with verified answers.

CDFM-A Module 1: Resource Management Environment - Competency Area 4: Management's Responsibility for Internal Control questions with verified answers
Appendix A to A - 123 Ans Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Control Activities Examples Include: Ans 1) Separation of duties 2) Periodic password changes 3) Access to and accountability of resources 4) Restricting data access to essential personnel 5) Separate storage of cash and sensitive documents Control Environment Factors include: Ans 1) Integrity and ethical values of management/staff 2) Management's commitment to competence 3) The manner in which the agency delegates ...
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
Appendix A to A - 123 Ans Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Control Activities Examples Include: Ans 1) Separation of duties 2) Periodic password changes 3) Access to and accountability of resources 4) Restricting data access to essential personnel 5) Separate storage of cash and sensitive documents Control Environment Factors include: Ans 1) Integrity and ethical values of management/staff 2) Management's commitment to competence 3) The manner in which the agency delegates ...

CDFM Module 3 Competency 3 - Accounting and Finance questions with verified answers
Bona fide need - reminder Ans FY appropriation may only be obligated to meet bona fide need arising in FY need arose. Does not apply to no-year, just multi/annual Can cost estimates be used if historical value is unknown? Ans Yes - deemed cost Define PP&E Ans Asset with two years or more useful life Not intended for sale Tangible Cap thresholds established by each department Intended to be used or available for use by entity Describe a deposit fund Ans Not included in the bu...
- Examen
- • 24 páginas •
Bona fide need - reminder Ans FY appropriation may only be obligated to meet bona fide need arising in FY need arose. Does not apply to no-year, just multi/annual Can cost estimates be used if historical value is unknown? Ans Yes - deemed cost Define PP&E Ans Asset with two years or more useful life Not intended for sale Tangible Cap thresholds established by each department Intended to be used or available for use by entity Describe a deposit fund Ans Not included in the bu...

CDFM 3.1 Fiscal Law questions with verified answers
____ is no longer available for adjustments or payments. Any adjustments will be charged to current same appropriation (1% max). Ans Cancelled ____ is the probable or potentially adverse effects from inadequate management controls that may result in the loss of Government resources or cause an agency to fail to accomplish significant mission objectives through fraud, error, or mismanagement. Ans Risk _____ is the shift from one purpose or activity to another within different appropriations...
- Examen
- • 23 páginas •
____ is no longer available for adjustments or payments. Any adjustments will be charged to current same appropriation (1% max). Ans Cancelled ____ is the probable or potentially adverse effects from inadequate management controls that may result in the loss of Government resources or cause an agency to fail to accomplish significant mission objectives through fraud, error, or mismanagement. Ans Risk _____ is the shift from one purpose or activity to another within different appropriations...

CDFM Module 3:4 (Auditing) questions with verified answers
** Appropriateness refers to Ans the quality of evidence (relevance, validity and reliability) ** GAGAS requires auditors to prepare written or electronic audits reports that Ans Comply with standards for form, content and distribution. ** Key function of the DoD IG Ans Conducts, supervises, monitors and initiates audits and investigations related to DoD programs and operations **An Audit Review of Internal Control can be useful in what regards Ans It is useful in designing the nature, ...
- Examen
- • 11 páginas •
** Appropriateness refers to Ans the quality of evidence (relevance, validity and reliability) ** GAGAS requires auditors to prepare written or electronic audits reports that Ans Comply with standards for form, content and distribution. ** Key function of the DoD IG Ans Conducts, supervises, monitors and initiates audits and investigations related to DoD programs and operations **An Audit Review of Internal Control can be useful in what regards Ans It is useful in designing the nature, ...

CDFM Module 3: Accounting and Finance; Competency Area 1: Fiscal Law questions with verified answers
3.1.11 The ____ is the basic authority for the use of public monies? Ans US Constitution 3.1.12 ______ conveys the responsibility of PHYSICAL CONTROL of the monies entrusted to the care of an accountable official of the Government. Ans Pecuniary 3.1.12 Are there relief for a Pecuniary Certifier who losses case or miscertification when certain conditions are met? Ans Yes 3.1.12 Disbursing officers, cashiers, and collecting officers are examples of what type of certifier? Ans Pecuniary Ce...
- Examen
- • 20 páginas •
3.1.11 The ____ is the basic authority for the use of public monies? Ans US Constitution 3.1.12 ______ conveys the responsibility of PHYSICAL CONTROL of the monies entrusted to the care of an accountable official of the Government. Ans Pecuniary 3.1.12 Are there relief for a Pecuniary Certifier who losses case or miscertification when certain conditions are met? Ans Yes 3.1.12 Disbursing officers, cashiers, and collecting officers are examples of what type of certifier? Ans Pecuniary Ce...

CDFM Module 2.2 Questions with verified answers
CDFM Module 2.2 Questions with verified answers
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- • 39 páginas •
CDFM Module 2.2 Questions with verified answers

CDFM: Module 3: Part 1/3 Fiscal Law questions with verified answers
_______________ must grant relief is __________________ determines that relief is appropriate given the criteria specified in these two sections of the US Code (31 USC 3527 and 3528). Ans CG; SecDef __________________ is one of the few agencies having authority to accept and keep gifts in what two situations? Ans DoD 1. First, DoD may accept contributions of money or real property from any person, foreign Government, or international organization. The proceeds from the sale of property are c...
- Examen
- • 15 páginas •
_______________ must grant relief is __________________ determines that relief is appropriate given the criteria specified in these two sections of the US Code (31 USC 3527 and 3528). Ans CG; SecDef __________________ is one of the few agencies having authority to accept and keep gifts in what two situations? Ans DoD 1. First, DoD may accept contributions of money or real property from any person, foreign Government, or international organization. The proceeds from the sale of property are c...
PSG 110 Essentials of Polysomnography questions with correct answers
waste of money
AIC 304 STUDY questions with verified answers
NURS 5315 Advanced Pathophysiology questions with correct answers
Nurs 5315: Adv Patho Exam 1 questions with correct answers