

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller danielchege930.


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173 items

Pharmacology HESI Qestions And Answers Latest.

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Pharmacology HESI Qestions And Answers Latest. A nclient nwho nis ntaking nan noral ndose nof ntetracycline nreports ngastrointestinal nupset. nWhich nsnack nshould nthe nnurse ninstruct nthe nclient nto ntake nwith nthe ntetracycline? a. nFruit-flavored nyogurt b. nToasted nwheat nbread nand njelly c. nCold ncereal nwith nskim nmilk d. nCheese nand ncrackers n- n n n ncorrect nanswer.B. The nnurse nis nassessing nthe neyes nof na nclient nwho njust nreceived nmydriatic neye ndrops. nW...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 11 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Pharm HESI Practice questions and answers rated A+

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Pharm HESI Practice Exam Questions And Answers Rated A+. The gnurse gis gcaring gfor ga gclient gwho ghas gtaken gatenolol gfor g2 gyears. gThe ghealthcare gprovider grecently gchanged gthe gmedication gto genalapril gto gmanage gthe gclient's gblood gpressure. gWhich ginstruction gshould gthe gnurse gprovide gthe gclient gregarding gthe gnew gmedication? A. gTake gthe gmedication gat gbedtime. B. gReport gpresence gof gincreased gbruising. C. gCheck gpulse gbefore gtaking gmedication. ...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 35 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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HESI Pharmacology Practice Exam Questions And Answers Well Illustrated.

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HESI Pharmacology Practice Exam Questions And Answers Well Illustrated. Following nthe nadministration nof nsublingual nnitroglycerin nto na nclient nexperiencing nan nacute nanginal nattack, nwhich nassessment nfinding nindicates nto nthe nnurse nthat nthe ndesired neffect nhas nbeen nachieved? n A. nClient nstates nchest npain nis nrelieved B. nClient's npulse ndecreases nfrom n120 nto n90 C. nClient's nsystolic nblood npressure ndecreases nfrom n180 nto n90 D. nClients nSaO2 nlevel...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Prophecy OR Questions And Answers Rated A+.

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Prophecy OR Questions And Answers Rated A+. What ztype zof zsupport zwould zyou zplace zto zalleviate zpressure zon zthe zbrachial zplexus znerve zwhen za zpatient zis zin za zside-lying zposition z- z z z zcorrect zanswer.Axillary zRoll You zare zthe zcirculating znurse zconfirming zconsent zwith za zpatient zscheduled zfor zan zexploratory zlaparotomy zwith zcolostomy. zThe zpatient zstates zthey zdo znot zwant za zcolostomy. zWhat zshould zyou zdo? z- z z z zcorrect zanswer.Do znot ztak...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Relias ED RN A Questions And Answers Verified And Updated.

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Relias ED RN A Questions And Answers Verified And Updated. What jis jthe jcurrent jrecommended jdose jof jintravenous jor jintraosseous jepinephrine jin jadult jpatients jwith jcardiac jarrest? 10 jmg jevery j10 jminutes 1 jmg jevery j3-5 jminutes 1 jmg jevery j7 jminutes 0.1 jmg jevery j2 jminutes j- j j j jcorrect janswer.1 jmg jevery j3-5 jminutes A jpatient jwith ja jtraumatic jbrain jinjury j(TBI) jis jMOST jlikely jto jsuffer jfrom jwhat jcondition? Diabetes jmellitus Cerebra...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 12 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Relias Learning Nursing Test Questions And Answers Rated A+.

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Relias Learning Nursing Test Questions And Answers Rated A+. Which oof othe ofollowing omakes oit omore olikely othat otreatment oattendance ocontinues, othat othe otreatment oplan ois oadhered oto, oand othat oclinical ocommitments oare ofollowed othrough? o a) oHaving othe oclient oin ocontrol oof otheir oown orecovery b) oHaving othe otherapist oin ocontrol oof othe oclient's orecovery c) oHaving othe ofamily oin ocontrol oof othe oclient's orecovery d) oLetting othe orecovery oproce...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 4 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Medical Surgical Telemetry B Questions And Answers Latest.

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Medical Surgical Telemetry B Questions And Answers Latest. The uphysician uhas uordered ufor uyour uCOPD upatient uto ureceive u80mg uof uSolu-Medrol uIV uevery u8 uhours. uThe umedication uis usupplied uas u125 umilligrams uin ua u2ml uvial. uHow umuch uof uthe umedication ushould uthe unurse uadminister uto uensure uthe uordered udose uis ugiven. u- u u u ucorrect uanswer.Wrong uAnswer: u1.5ml Which uof uthe ufollowing uPPE uis urequired ufor uthe ustaff uentering ua upatient's uroom uw...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 1 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Medical Surgical Assessment A Questions And Answers Graded A+ 2024.

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Medical Surgical Assessment A Questions And Answers Graded A+ 2024. A mnurse mis mreviewing mthe mlaboratory mresults mof ma mclient mwho mis mscheduled mfor ma mCT mscan mwith man mIV mcontrast magent. mWhich mof mthe mfollowing mlaboratory mfindings mshould mthe mnurse mreport mto mthe mprovider mprior mto mthe mprocedure? A) mSodium m136 mmEq/L B) mPotassium m4.8 mmEq/L C) mCreatinine m1.9 mmg/dL D) mCalcium m10 mmg/dL m- m m m mcorrect manswer.C) mCreatinine m1.9 mmg/dL Creatin...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 27 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Prophecy Medical Surgical-Telemetry Questions And Answers Latest.

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Prophecy Medical Surgical-Telemetry Questions And Answers Latest. You oare oto oobtain oinformed oconsent ofor oa oSpanish-speaking opatient oscheduled ofor osurgery. oYou odo onot ospeak oSpanish oand oare ohaving odifficulty ocommunicating owith oyour opatient. oWhich oof othe ofollowing oresources owould obe omost oappropriate oto outilize oin oorder oto oobtain oconsent? o- o o o ocorrect oanswer.The ohospitals olanguage ointerpreter You're oreviewing othe odischarge omedication olist...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 5 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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Relias Medical Surgical RN A Questions With Complete Solutions.

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Relias Medical Surgical RN A Questions With Complete Solutions. Which padaptive pequipment pwould pbe pmost pappropriate pto puse pfor pa pseverely pcontracted ppatient pwho pis punable pto pbear pweight pwhen ptransferring pfrom pbed pto pchair p- p p p pcorrect panswer.Patient pLift pexample phoyer What plab pvalues pare pexpected pto pbe pin pa ppatient pwith pend pstage prenal pdisease pon phemodialysis p- p p p pcorrect panswer.BUN p32, pCREATNINE p8.32 Your p85 pyear pold ppatient...

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  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by danielchege930 • 
  • uploaded  01-07-2024
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