
Psychologie Notes voor Tilburg University

Hoi, ik ben een psychologiestudent aan de UvT. Ik volg de major Psychological Methods and Data Science. Ik sta een 8.6 gemiddeld. Als je vragen hebt, graag een bericht sturen.


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2 Reviews received

    5 year ago hehevelke

    Statistics summary

    5 year ago benjaminochmann1

    Summary of HC Book of MTO-A/Research Methodology Chapter 1-14 (without Chapter 9)

    Overall a pretty good summary, I encourage everyone to still read(!) the lecture slides and the book.

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Statistics summary

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This is a summary of all the material covered in "Introduction to statistics" and "MTO-B". This bundle includes all the topics, worked out and examples of each test done. I passed Introduction to statistics with a 10. Every test has a nice overview within a table, so you can easily study the theoretical components of each test. I've added examples for each test, so you know how this test is actually done. This summary is exhaustive. It has everything but sometimes goes beyond that. Some topic...

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  •  Book
  • Summary
  •  • 67 pages • 
  • by ernanihazbolatow123 • 
  • uploaded  2019
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