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Guidewire Module 2 EXAM (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
1. What are the different phases in guidewire project Lifecyle? - ANSWER Pre-Inception, Inception, Development, Stabilization, Deployment, Support and success 
1. Implementing workshop, inception planning, benefit mapping workshop is done in - ANSWER Pre-Inception phase 
Elaborate requirement, confirm scope, plan project/sprint, infrastructure sizing is done in - ANSWER Inception phase
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
1. What are the different phases in guidewire project Lifecyle? - ANSWER Pre-Inception, Inception, Development, Stabilization, Deployment, Support and success 
1. Implementing workshop, inception planning, benefit mapping workshop is done in - ANSWER Pre-Inception phase 
Elaborate requirement, confirm scope, plan project/sprint, infrastructure sizing is done in - ANSWER Inception phase
GuideWire Fundamentals EXAM (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Every Policy will have these two things - ANSWER Effective Date & Expiration Date 
The Period of time between the Effective Date and Expiration Date is called? - ANSWER The Policy Term (Usually 6 Months or 1 Year) 
What is the difference between Policy Term and Policy Period? - ANSWER Can be multiple Periods within a Term
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 2 pages •
Every Policy will have these two things - ANSWER Effective Date & Expiration Date 
The Period of time between the Effective Date and Expiration Date is called? - ANSWER The Policy Term (Usually 6 Months or 1 Year) 
What is the difference between Policy Term and Policy Period? - ANSWER Can be multiple Periods within a Term
Guidewire Fundamentals Exam(QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
What are the three tiers in GW application architecture - ANSWER Data, application, presentation (or user interface/web clients) 
In which tier are the following used? PCF Files, Gosu, and Data model entities? - ANSWER Presentation, application, and data respectively 
For each of the following, identify if it is stored as a database table, as a table column, or not stored in the database at all: 
a) An entity (such as ABContact) 
b) A physical data field (such as ABContact.CreateTime) ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 12 pages •
What are the three tiers in GW application architecture - ANSWER Data, application, presentation (or user interface/web clients) 
In which tier are the following used? PCF Files, Gosu, and Data model entities? - ANSWER Presentation, application, and data respectively 
For each of the following, identify if it is stored as a database table, as a table column, or not stored in the database at all: 
a) An entity (such as ABContact) 
b) A physical data field (such as ABContact.CreateTime) ...
Guidewire Insurance Methodology EXAM (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Which phases in the Guidewire project lifecycle are divided into sprints - ANSWER Inception 
What is the typical duration of a sprint in the inception phases ? - ANSWER 1 week 
During the stabilization phase what is the purpose of performance testing ? - ANSWER Run tests to check how well the system works in anticipated and peak loads
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
Which phases in the Guidewire project lifecycle are divided into sprints - ANSWER Inception 
What is the typical duration of a sprint in the inception phases ? - ANSWER 1 week 
During the stabilization phase what is the purpose of performance testing ? - ANSWER Run tests to check how well the system works in anticipated and peak loads
Guidewire Associate Exam (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
What are the four main areas of configuration in a Guidewire application? - ANSWER 1. User Interface 
2. Data Model 
3. Application Logic 
4. Integration 
What are some of the technologies used in InsuranceSuite applications? - ANSWER Page Configuration Format (PCF) files 
Gosu (programming language) 
What are some reasons for a non-developer to understand the technology stack? - ANSWER To determine what data is stored and if new requirements need additional data elements. 
To know ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
What are the four main areas of configuration in a Guidewire application? - ANSWER 1. User Interface 
2. Data Model 
3. Application Logic 
4. Integration 
What are some of the technologies used in InsuranceSuite applications? - ANSWER Page Configuration Format (PCF) files 
Gosu (programming language) 
What are some reasons for a non-developer to understand the technology stack? - ANSWER To determine what data is stored and if new requirements need additional data elements. 
To know ...
GuideWire EXAM (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
True/False: It is okay to use the internal "wire.*" classes - ANSWER False 
When Referencing Typecodes, instead of the text reference "typecode" use ______________ - ANSWER TC_TYPECODE 
For conditional operators, which is preferred? "not", "and", "or"; "!", "&&", "||" - ANSWER "not", "and", "or"
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 1 pages •
True/False: It is okay to use the internal "wire.*" classes - ANSWER False 
When Referencing Typecodes, instead of the text reference "typecode" use ______________ - ANSWER TC_TYPECODE 
For conditional operators, which is preferred? "not", "and", "or"; "!", "&&", "||" - ANSWER "not", "and", "or"
Guidewire Best Practices Exam (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Avoid using internal path for your classes - ANSWER wire.* should be avoided. These can always be potentially changed or replaced during an upgrade. 
When referencing typecodes, use the static property on the typelist class instead of the string representation - ANSWER Use TC_TYPECODE instead of "typecode", example: LossCause.TC_REAREND instead of "rearend" 
Use the text for logical operators instead of the symbols - ANSWER Use "and","or", and "not" instead of "&&", "||...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 16 pages •
Avoid using internal path for your classes - ANSWER wire.* should be avoided. These can always be potentially changed or replaced during an upgrade. 
When referencing typecodes, use the static property on the typelist class instead of the string representation - ANSWER Use TC_TYPECODE instead of "typecode", example: LossCause.TC_REAREND instead of "rearend" 
Use the text for logical operators instead of the symbols - ANSWER Use "and","or", and "not" instead of "&&", "||...
Guidewire Insurance Suite Analyst EXAM (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Gosu - ANSWER Core programming technology 
Data Model - ANSWER The organization of the data stored by the application 
User Interface - ANSWER What the user sees and interacts with
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 4 pages •
Gosu - ANSWER Core programming technology 
Data Model - ANSWER The organization of the data stored by the application 
User Interface - ANSWER What the user sees and interacts with
Guidewire EXAM (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Subrogation Referral - ANSWER Is triggered automatically through built in business rules when a third party is at fault or partially at fault 
Benefits of leveraging the base configuration - ANSWER - Leverage project resources and tools more effectively 
- Decrease development time 
- Decrease testing 
- Decreaes maintenance cost 
- Decease future upgrade efforts 
- Lower their cost of ownership 
Only customize when 
- Increase overall efficiency 
- Establish a comple...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 3 pages •
Subrogation Referral - ANSWER Is triggered automatically through built in business rules when a third party is at fault or partially at fault 
Benefits of leveraging the base configuration - ANSWER - Leverage project resources and tools more effectively 
- Decrease development time 
- Decrease testing 
- Decreaes maintenance cost 
- Decease future upgrade efforts 
- Lower their cost of ownership 
Only customize when 
- Increase overall efficiency 
- Establish a comple...
Guidewire Associate Exam EXAM (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS ) (2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
What are the four main areas of configuration in a Guidewire application? - ANSWER 1. User Interface 
2. Data Model 
3. Application Logic 
4. Integration 
What are some of the technologies used in InsuranceSuite applications? - ANSWER Page Configuration Format (PCF) files 
Gosu (programming language) 
What are some reasons for a non-developer to understand the technology stack? - ANSWER To determine what data is stored and if new requirements need additional data elements. 
To know ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
What are the four main areas of configuration in a Guidewire application? - ANSWER 1. User Interface 
2. Data Model 
3. Application Logic 
4. Integration 
What are some of the technologies used in InsuranceSuite applications? - ANSWER Page Configuration Format (PCF) files 
Gosu (programming language) 
What are some reasons for a non-developer to understand the technology stack? - ANSWER To determine what data is stored and if new requirements need additional data elements. 
To know ...
Primary Care: Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing - An Interprofessional Approach 5th edition Test Bank ( Dunphy 2019) Chapter 1-79||All Chapters Complete||A+ Solution Guide
Just started using this test bank. I wished I had it earlier for exams. Loving it!
Alpha Phi Alpha risk management 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)
Fire Instructor 1 Final Exam (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS )(2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Not really accurate
A&P 2 Final Exam 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)
Portage Learning Anatomy Physiology II: Lab 8 Exam 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)