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ATI Teas A&P Practice Test Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
Which of the following tissues attaches muscle to bone? 
A.) Fascia 
B.) Tendon 
C.) Ligament 
D.) Bursa - ANSWER Tendon 
Which of the following ions is most abundant in extracellular fluid? 
A.) Calcium 
B.) Chloride 
C.) Sodium 
D.) Potassium - ANSWER Sodium 
Which of the following does the respiratory system eliminate when there is an excess of hydrogen ions in the body? 
A.) Oxygen 
B.) Carbon Dioxide 
C.) Bicarbonate 
D.) Lactic Acid - ANSWER Carbon Dioxide
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- • 10 pages •
Which of the following tissues attaches muscle to bone? 
A.) Fascia 
B.) Tendon 
C.) Ligament 
D.) Bursa - ANSWER Tendon 
Which of the following ions is most abundant in extracellular fluid? 
A.) Calcium 
B.) Chloride 
C.) Sodium 
D.) Potassium - ANSWER Sodium 
Which of the following does the respiratory system eliminate when there is an excess of hydrogen ions in the body? 
A.) Oxygen 
B.) Carbon Dioxide 
C.) Bicarbonate 
D.) Lactic Acid - ANSWER Carbon Dioxide
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Study Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
a) Symphysis pubis - ANSWER Which of the following bones is a component of the appendicular skeleton? 
a) Xyphoid process 
b) Symphysis pubis 
c) sacrum 
d) sternum 
d) Pituitary - ANSWER Testosterone production is regulated by which of the following glands? 
a) Pineal 
b) Thymus 
c) Parathyroid 
d) Pituitary 
a) Hematocrit - ANSWER Which of the following is the measurement of the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood? 
a) Hematocrit 
b) Hemoglobin 
c) Mean corpuscular volume...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
a) Symphysis pubis - ANSWER Which of the following bones is a component of the appendicular skeleton? 
a) Xyphoid process 
b) Symphysis pubis 
c) sacrum 
d) sternum 
d) Pituitary - ANSWER Testosterone production is regulated by which of the following glands? 
a) Pineal 
b) Thymus 
c) Parathyroid 
d) Pituitary 
a) Hematocrit - ANSWER Which of the following is the measurement of the percentage of red blood cells in whole blood? 
a) Hematocrit 
b) Hemoglobin 
c) Mean corpuscular volume...
ATI teas anatomy practice test Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
Which of the following pituitary hormones stimulates the process of gametogenesis? - ANSWER Follicle stimulating hormone 
calcium concentration in the blood is controlled by what gland? - ANSWER parathyroid 
which of the following occurs as a result of the release of antidiuretic hormone? - ANSWER fluid volume in the body increases
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- • 5 pages •
Which of the following pituitary hormones stimulates the process of gametogenesis? - ANSWER Follicle stimulating hormone 
calcium concentration in the blood is controlled by what gland? - ANSWER parathyroid 
which of the following occurs as a result of the release of antidiuretic hormone? - ANSWER fluid volume in the body increases
Anatomy and Physiology Online Practice A Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
1. Which of the following glands is responsible for temperature regulation? 
A. Apocrine glands 
B. Sebaceous glands 
C. Serous glands 
D. Eccrine glands - ANSWER D 
2. Which of the following is a function of the gallbladder? 
A. Production of bile 
B. Absorption of bile 
C. Storage of bile 
D. Elimination of bile - ANSWER C 
3. The femur and the humerus belong to which of the following categories? 
A. Long bones 
B. Short bones 
C. Flat bones 
D. Irregular bones - ANSWER A
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- • 11 pages •
1. Which of the following glands is responsible for temperature regulation? 
A. Apocrine glands 
B. Sebaceous glands 
C. Serous glands 
D. Eccrine glands - ANSWER D 
2. Which of the following is a function of the gallbladder? 
A. Production of bile 
B. Absorption of bile 
C. Storage of bile 
D. Elimination of bile - ANSWER C 
3. The femur and the humerus belong to which of the following categories? 
A. Long bones 
B. Short bones 
C. Flat bones 
D. Irregular bones - ANSWER A
TEAS ATI Practice Questions Anatomy and Physiology Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
Which of the following term represent a plane that lies exactly in the midline? 
A. Sagittal plane 
B. Midsagittal plane 
C. Frontal plane 
D. Transverse plane - ANSWER B. Midsagittal plane 
What happens during inhalation? 
A. Diaphragm moves down (contracts) 
B. Diaphragm moves up (relaxation) 
C. Rib cage decrease 
D. Volume of chest cavity decrease - ANSWER A. Diaphragm moves down (contracts) 
Which of the following contain in the pelvic cavity? 
A. Stomach, intestines a...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 34 pages •
Which of the following term represent a plane that lies exactly in the midline? 
A. Sagittal plane 
B. Midsagittal plane 
C. Frontal plane 
D. Transverse plane - ANSWER B. Midsagittal plane 
What happens during inhalation? 
A. Diaphragm moves down (contracts) 
B. Diaphragm moves up (relaxation) 
C. Rib cage decrease 
D. Volume of chest cavity decrease - ANSWER A. Diaphragm moves down (contracts) 
Which of the following contain in the pelvic cavity? 
A. Stomach, intestines a...
Anatomy and Physiology- TEAS Test Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
which of the following pairs correctly matches a cellular organelle with its function? 
Golgi apparatus- protein synthesis 
smooth endoplasmic reticulum- energy production 
cytoskeleton- movement 
cell membrane- storage - ANSWER cytoskeleton- movement 
which of the following describes an anatomical relationship between two structures in the human body? 
the mouth is anterior to the nose 
the ribs are lateral to the sternum 
the patella is inferior to the tibia 
muscles are superficial t...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
which of the following pairs correctly matches a cellular organelle with its function? 
Golgi apparatus- protein synthesis 
smooth endoplasmic reticulum- energy production 
cytoskeleton- movement 
cell membrane- storage - ANSWER cytoskeleton- movement 
which of the following describes an anatomical relationship between two structures in the human body? 
the mouth is anterior to the nose 
the ribs are lateral to the sternum 
the patella is inferior to the tibia 
muscles are superficial t...
ATI - Anatomy and Physiology Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
Eukaryotes - ANSWER multicellular, complex organisms, have a proper nucleus containing genome, and organelles (lysosomes, endoplasmic reticular - smooth and rough - golgi complexes, and mitochondria), DNA = contained in multiple linear chromosomes, cells divide using MITOSIS 
Prokaryotes - ANSWER primitive organisms, much smaller cells, unicellular, no nucleus, genome = in nucleoid, no organelles, DNA = contained in single circular chromosome, cells divide using BINARY FISSION 
binary ...
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 31 pages •
Eukaryotes - ANSWER multicellular, complex organisms, have a proper nucleus containing genome, and organelles (lysosomes, endoplasmic reticular - smooth and rough - golgi complexes, and mitochondria), DNA = contained in multiple linear chromosomes, cells divide using MITOSIS 
Prokaryotes - ANSWER primitive organisms, much smaller cells, unicellular, no nucleus, genome = in nucleoid, no organelles, DNA = contained in single circular chromosome, cells divide using BINARY FISSION 
binary ...
Anatomy and Physiology ATI Practice A&B Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
Which of the following actions is the stimulus for defecation? - ANSWER Stretching of the muscles of the rectum 
In the process of wound healing, which of the following plays a role in clearing a wound of cellular debris? - ANSWER neutrophils 
Which of the following glands is responsible for temperature regulation? - ANSWER eccrine glands
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- • 10 pages •
Which of the following actions is the stimulus for defecation? - ANSWER Stretching of the muscles of the rectum 
In the process of wound healing, which of the following plays a role in clearing a wound of cellular debris? - ANSWER neutrophils 
Which of the following glands is responsible for temperature regulation? - ANSWER eccrine glands
Anatomy And Physiology ATI TEAS Test study guide Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
Which of the following terms describes the location of the wrist relative to the elbow? 
a. distal 
b. proximal 
c. anterior 
d. posterior - ANSWER a 
Which of the following cavities holds the ovaries? 
a. ventral 
b. thoracic 
c. abdominal 
d. pelvic - ANSWER d 
Which of the following layers of the wall of the heart contains cardiac muscles? 
a. myocardium only 
b. epicardium only 
c. endocaardium only 
d. myocardium and epicardium only - ANSWER a
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
Which of the following terms describes the location of the wrist relative to the elbow? 
a. distal 
b. proximal 
c. anterior 
d. posterior - ANSWER a 
Which of the following cavities holds the ovaries? 
a. ventral 
b. thoracic 
c. abdominal 
d. pelvic - ANSWER d 
Which of the following layers of the wall of the heart contains cardiac muscles? 
a. myocardium only 
b. epicardium only 
c. endocaardium only 
d. myocardium and epicardium only - ANSWER a
ATI REVIEW A&P Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
What gland has both endocrine and exocrine functions - ANSWER Pancreas 
Where does the exchange of oxygen take place? - ANSWER In the lungs and the tissue of the body 
What happens to cells in hypertonic solution? - ANSWER Cell shrivels and dies; absorbs more salt
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- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
What gland has both endocrine and exocrine functions - ANSWER Pancreas 
Where does the exchange of oxygen take place? - ANSWER In the lungs and the tissue of the body 
What happens to cells in hypertonic solution? - ANSWER Cell shrivels and dies; absorbs more salt
Primary Care: Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing - An Interprofessional Approach 5th edition Test Bank ( Dunphy 2019) Chapter 1-79||All Chapters Complete||A+ Solution Guide
Just started using this test bank. I wished I had it earlier for exams. Loving it!
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