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California Optometry Law Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
T/F - Corticosteroids for post-surgical inflammation and pain requires 72h consult if worse - 
ANSWER False - must co-manage w/ surgeon 
If a pt is on corticosteroids for ocular allergies, how long before consult? - ANSWER 21d if 
condition worsens 
A worsening iritis while pt is on steroids requires how long before consult? - ANSWER 72h
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
T/F - Corticosteroids for post-surgical inflammation and pain requires 72h consult if worse - 
ANSWER False - must co-manage w/ surgeon 
If a pt is on corticosteroids for ocular allergies, how long before consult? - ANSWER 21d if 
condition worsens 
A worsening iritis while pt is on steroids requires how long before consult? - ANSWER 72h
CBSPD EXAM Questions and Answers 2024- 2025(Verified Answers)
1. What should the sterilizer access area pressure be ANS Negative 
w/10 airexchanges per hour 
2. What two steps are involved in decontamination ANS 1. Manual and/or 
auto-mated mechanical cleaning 
2. application of a thermal or chemical disinfection process 
3. Define Cleaning.. ANS The removal of contamination from an item to the 
extentnecessary for further processing or for the intended use.
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 18 pages •
1. What should the sterilizer access area pressure be ANS Negative 
w/10 airexchanges per hour 
2. What two steps are involved in decontamination ANS 1. Manual and/or 
auto-mated mechanical cleaning 
2. application of a thermal or chemical disinfection process 
3. Define Cleaning.. ANS The removal of contamination from an item to the 
extentnecessary for further processing or for the intended use.
(CBSPD) Practice Final Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024 (A+ Graded Verified)
1. Which of the following is a major cause of AER failures?: Using incorrect 
2. Which agency requires that eyewash stations be available for emergency 
use?: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 
3. The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requires that SDS's (Safety 
Data Sheet) must be available for?: All chemicals used in the department
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 12 pages •
1. Which of the following is a major cause of AER failures?: Using incorrect 
2. Which agency requires that eyewash stations be available for emergency 
use?: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 
3. The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requires that SDS's (Safety 
Data Sheet) must be available for?: All chemicals used in the department
CBSPD Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
What should the sterilizer access area pressure be? - ANSWER Negative w/10 air exchanges 
per hour 
What two steps are involved in decontamination? - ANSWER 1. Manual and/or automated 
mechanical cleaning 
2. application of a thermal or chemical disinfection process 
Define Cleaning... - ANSWER The removal of contamination from an item to the extent 
necessary for further processing or for the intended use.
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
What should the sterilizer access area pressure be? - ANSWER Negative w/10 air exchanges 
per hour 
What two steps are involved in decontamination? - ANSWER 1. Manual and/or automated 
mechanical cleaning 
2. application of a thermal or chemical disinfection process 
Define Cleaning... - ANSWER The removal of contamination from an item to the extent 
necessary for further processing or for the intended use.
CBSPD FINAL EXAM Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Why is it Important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set? - ANSWER Extra 
condensation will make the set more difficult to dry. 
Which of the following best describes the overall role of the CS/SPD? - ANSWER To provide 
dependable service to enhance patient care. 
Which of the following government agencies regulates environmental disinfectants? - 
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Why is it Important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set? - ANSWER Extra 
condensation will make the set more difficult to dry. 
Which of the following best describes the overall role of the CS/SPD? - ANSWER To provide 
dependable service to enhance patient care. 
Which of the following government agencies regulates environmental disinfectants? - 
CBSPD Tech Certification Exam Study Guide Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
A broken glass suction bottle is returned to Decontamination. Which of the following should the 
technician do? - ANSWER Place it in an appropriate rigid container 
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provide health and safety hazard and risk information on which of the 
following? - ANSWER Chemical 
Which of the following generally describes the correct sequence for traffic workflow in areas in 
which medical devices are processed? - ANSWER Decontamination, Assembly, Packaging, 
Sterilization, Sterile Sto...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 6 pages •
A broken glass suction bottle is returned to Decontamination. Which of the following should the 
technician do? - ANSWER Place it in an appropriate rigid container 
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) provide health and safety hazard and risk information on which of the 
following? - ANSWER Chemical 
Which of the following generally describes the correct sequence for traffic workflow in areas in 
which medical devices are processed? - ANSWER Decontamination, Assembly, Packaging, 
Sterilization, Sterile Sto...
CBSPD Multi-choice Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Why is it important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set? A. Extra condensation will 
make the set more difficult to dry B. It came help with storage C. Easier to carry D. None of the 
above - ANSWER A. Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry 
Which of the following best describe the overall role of the CB/SPD A. To help Nurse prepare for 
patients B. To provide dependable service to enhance patient care C. Specialized portable 
devices D. None of the above - ANSWER...
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 38 pages •
Why is it important to evenly distribute large instruments in a set? A. Extra condensation will 
make the set more difficult to dry B. It came help with storage C. Easier to carry D. None of the 
above - ANSWER A. Extra condensation will make the set more difficult to dry 
Which of the following best describe the overall role of the CB/SPD A. To help Nurse prepare for 
patients B. To provide dependable service to enhance patient care C. Specialized portable 
devices D. None of the above - ANSWER...
CBSPD exam prep Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
High-level disinfection (at least) - ANSWER Semi critical devices should be processed by 
which disinfection method? 
Sterilization - ANSWER Critical devices should be processed by which disinfection method? 
Sanitization - ANSWER Non critical devices should be privy which disinfection method?
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
High-level disinfection (at least) - ANSWER Semi critical devices should be processed by 
which disinfection method? 
Sterilization - ANSWER Critical devices should be processed by which disinfection method? 
Sanitization - ANSWER Non critical devices should be privy which disinfection method?
CBSPD Practice Exam 1 Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Which of the following agencies regulates clearances for glutaraldehyde-based disinfectants? 
- CDC 
- EPA 
Which agency is responsible for employee health and safety at work? 
- EPA 
- FDA 
- CDC 
Recommended practices are: 
- Statements of sound principles of practice that are based on scientific data and the opinions of 
- Principles, laws, or rules designed to govern behavior 
- Documents that reflects state and federal regulations 
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Which of the following agencies regulates clearances for glutaraldehyde-based disinfectants? 
- CDC 
- EPA 
Which agency is responsible for employee health and safety at work? 
- EPA 
- FDA 
- CDC 
Recommended practices are: 
- Statements of sound principles of practice that are based on scientific data and the opinions of 
- Principles, laws, or rules designed to govern behavior 
- Documents that reflects state and federal regulations 
(CBSPD) Practice Final Exam Questions With 100% Correct Answers 2024(A+ Graded Verified)
Which of the following is a major cause of AER failures? - ANSWER Using incorrect 
Which agency requires that eyewash stations be available for emergency use? - ANSWER 
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 
The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requires that SDS's (Safety Data Sheet) must be 
available for? - ANSWER All chemicals used in the department
- Package deal
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 5 pages •
Which of the following is a major cause of AER failures? - ANSWER Using incorrect 
Which agency requires that eyewash stations be available for emergency use? - ANSWER 
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) 
The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard requires that SDS's (Safety Data Sheet) must be 
available for? - ANSWER All chemicals used in the department
Primary Care: Art and Science of Advanced Practice Nursing - An Interprofessional Approach 5th edition Test Bank ( Dunphy 2019) Chapter 1-79||All Chapters Complete||A+ Solution Guide
Just started using this test bank. I wished I had it earlier for exams. Loving it!
Alpha Phi Alpha risk management 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)
Fire Instructor 1 Final Exam (QUESTIONS WITH 100% CORRECT ANSWERS )(2024 / 2025) (Verified by Experts)
Not really accurate
A&P 2 Final Exam 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)
Portage Learning Anatomy Physiology II: Lab 8 Exam 2024 Latest Questions and Answers (Verified by Expert)