On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller isabellevanderwegen.
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Summary Squaring the Circular Economy (GEO4-2338)
This summary contains all the topics discussed during the lecture based on the compulsory articles related to the final exam. In addition, the lecture PowerPoint sheets are incorporated, as well as the guest lecture and additional notes. This document should be enough to pass the exam :)
- Summary
- • 75 pages •
This summary contains all the topics discussed during the lecture based on the compulsory articles related to the final exam. In addition, the lecture PowerPoint sheets are incorporated, as well as the guest lecture and additional notes. This document should be enough to pass the exam :)

Summary Governance and Sustainability Transitions (GEO4-2611)
This summary contains all the topics discussed during the lecture based on the compulsory articles related to the final exam. In addition, the lecture PowerPoint sheets of lectures and guest lectures are incorporated with additional notes. This document should be enough to pass the exam :)
- Summary
- • 51 pages •
This summary contains all the topics discussed during the lecture based on the compulsory articles related to the final exam. In addition, the lecture PowerPoint sheets of lectures and guest lectures are incorporated with additional notes. This document should be enough to pass the exam :)

Summary Tools for Energy and Material Analysis (GEO4-2326) - Final exam
This summary contains all lecture slides with additional notes and example questions (qualitative as well as quantitative) and should be enough to pass the final exam of the course.
- Summary
- • 68 pages •
This summary contains all lecture slides with additional notes and example questions (qualitative as well as quantitative) and should be enough to pass the final exam of the course.

Summary Tools for Energy and Material Analysis (GEO4-2326) - Mid term exam
This summary contains all lecture slides with additional notes and example questions (qualitative as well as quantitative) and should be enough to pass the mid-term exam of the course.
- Summary
- • 62 pages •
This summary contains all lecture slides with additional notes and example questions (qualitative as well as quantitative) and should be enough to pass the mid-term exam of the course.

Summary Sustainable Assessment and Management Tool GEO4 - 2602
This summary contains all lecture slides with additional notes and example questions (qualitative as well as quantitative) and should be enough to pass the exam of the course.
- Summary
- • 88 pages •
This summary contains all lecture slides with additional notes and example questions (qualitative as well as quantitative) and should be enough to pass the exam of the course.

Summary Corporate Sustainability and Change Management GEO4-2610
This summary includes all the notes and slides from lectures, guest lectures and tutorials and should be enough to prepare yourself well for the exam
- Summary
- • 52 pages •
This summary includes all the notes and slides from lectures, guest lectures and tutorials and should be enough to prepare yourself well for the exam

Food for Thought questions & Nummerical Exercises
This document provides you (almost) all answers of the Food for Thought and Numerical Exercises given during the lectures. When learning these answers, you should be well prepared for the exam. I have used this document to prepare myself and passed with an 8,2. Good luck!
- Summary
- • 53 pages •
This document provides you (almost) all answers of the Food for Thought and Numerical Exercises given during the lectures. When learning these answers, you should be well prepared for the exam. I have used this document to prepare myself and passed with an 8,2. Good luck!

Summary Innovation Management GEO4-2268
This summary contains all the topics discussed during the lecture based on the compulsory articles related to the final exam. In addition, the lecture PowerPoint sheets are incorporated. This document should be enough to pass the exam :) Passed with a 8,6/10,0
- Summary
- • 69 pages •
This summary contains all the topics discussed during the lecture based on the compulsory articles related to the final exam. In addition, the lecture PowerPoint sheets are incorporated. This document should be enough to pass the exam :) Passed with a 8,6/10,0

Summary Innovation Systems (GEO1-2208)
De collegesheets zijn samengevat en aangevuld met opmerkingen vanuit de colleges inclusief oefenvragen voor het tentamen. Gehaald tentamencijfer: 8,2
- Summary
- • 38 pages •
De collegesheets zijn samengevat en aangevuld met opmerkingen vanuit de colleges inclusief oefenvragen voor het tentamen. Gehaald tentamencijfer: 8,2

Samenvatting Onderzoeksvaardigheden Innovatiewetenschappen (GEO1-2204)
Een samenvatting van de hoofdstukken uit het boek aangevuld met de powerpoint dia's uit de hoorcolleges. Geschikt voor zowel deeltentamen 1 als 2! Passed with a grade 8,2/10.0
- Book
- Summary
- • 27 pages •
Een samenvatting van de hoofdstukken uit het boek aangevuld met de powerpoint dia's uit de hoorcolleges. Geschikt voor zowel deeltentamen 1 als 2! Passed with a grade 8,2/10.0
Summary Innovation Management GEO4-2268
Samenvatting Onderzoeksvaardigheden Innovatiewetenschappen (GEO1-2204)
Summary Innovation Strategies for Firms and Entrepreneurs (GEO3-2221)
Food for Thought questions & Nummerical Exercises