

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller jordankorevaar.


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22 items

Grade 12 Biology: Reproductive Animal Strategies

0x  sold

A complete Summary of Reproductive Animal Strategies. These notes include thorough explanations of the 5 reproductive strategies, including definitions, how each strategy maximizes reproduction, and South African examples which will be required to know in the final IEB Life Science exam. These notes are a summary of the grade 12 Mind Action Series Life Science textbook.

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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Grade 12 Biology: Reproduction in Flowering Plants

3x  sold

A complete summary of Reproduction in Flowering Plants. This includes: definitions, asexual and sexual reproduction, how sexual reproduction takes place, angiosperm reproduction, male and female parts of a flower, the difference between pollination and fertilization and the engineering techniques in crops. These notes are summaries of the grade 12 Mind Action Series Life Science textbook.

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 10 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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Grade 12 Biology: Human Reproduction

2x  sold

An in-depth summary covering everything in human reproduction. This includes: the male and female reproductive system (including the names and functions of the reproductive organs), puberty, gametogenesis, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, contraception, sexually transmitted infections and infertility. These notes cover a large section of the final IEB Life Science exam and are a summary of the grade 12 Mind Action Series Life Science textbook.

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 29 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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Grade 12 Biology: Population Ecology

4x  sold

An in-depth summary of Population Ecology, including definitions, factors that affects a population, the methods of calculating the size of a population, the relationships between different species, ecological succession and social organization. These notes are summarized from the grade 12 Mind Action Series Life Science textbook.

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 13 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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Grade 12 Biology: Genetic Engineering

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An in-depth summary of Genetic Engineering for IEB matrics. These notes include the roles of important people, a thorough summary of genes and their alleles, how to complete a Punnet square and the role of dominant and recessive genes, sex chromosomes and their diseases, and the methods of genetic engineering. These notes are summaries of the Mind Action Series grade 12 Life Science textbook.

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 11 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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Grade 12 Biology: DNA and RNA

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A detailed summary of DNA and RNA Structure and Coding. This includes definitions, the roles of the people who discovered the structure of DNA, where DNA is found, the structure of DNA, and the similarities and differences between DNA and RNA.

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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History Paper 2: The Black Power Movement

2x  sold

A detailed summary of the Black Power Movement, including a breakdown of each important organisation, a summary of the famous icons involved in the movement and a timeline and brief summary of the events that took place.

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  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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The Cold War history notes

4x  sold

These notes cover the Cold War, the events in Berlin, the Cuban Missile Crisis, China's relations and it's involvement as a superpower. It is a complete summary consisting of definitions, precise dates and events and a list of facts for each section which will be useful in the essay and descriptive writing sections of paper 1. There is a detailed explanation for each important event that occurred.

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  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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grade 12 history P1- Independent Africa (Tanzania, Congo and Angola)

2x  sold

An in-depth summary of the history of Tanzania, the Congo and Zaire. These notes include clear explanations of historical terminology, specific dates and explanations of each important movement that took place and a detailed summaries and comparisons for each country. A list of facts for each section is also included so that the learner can produce a good argument in the essay and descriptive writing in history, P1.

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  • Summary
  •  • 34 pages • 
  • by jordankorevaar • 
  • uploaded  2020
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