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A-Level Edexcel Mathematics Pure Maths Paper 1 2023 (Summer 2023)
A-Level Edexcel Mathematics Pure 
Maths Paper 1 2023 (Summer 2023) 
How do you make tertiary chloroalkanes? - ANS-Tertiary alcohol + 
concentrated HCl 
How do you make bromoalkanes? - ANS-Alcohols + HBr or PBr3 
What compound is used to oxidise alcohols? - ANS-Acidified potassium 
dichromate (can be used to distinguish between types of alcohols) 
What does a primary alcohol oxidise to? - ANS-first: aldehyde 
second: carboxylic acid 
What does a secondary alcohol oxidise to? - ANS-Ketone 
Why ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 24 pages •
A-Level Edexcel Mathematics Pure 
Maths Paper 1 2023 (Summer 2023) 
How do you make tertiary chloroalkanes? - ANS-Tertiary alcohol + 
concentrated HCl 
How do you make bromoalkanes? - ANS-Alcohols + HBr or PBr3 
What compound is used to oxidise alcohols? - ANS-Acidified potassium 
dichromate (can be used to distinguish between types of alcohols) 
What does a primary alcohol oxidise to? - ANS-first: aldehyde 
second: carboxylic acid 
What does a secondary alcohol oxidise to? - ANS-Ketone 
Why ...
Volledige samenvatting Publiekrecht. Vastgoed & Makelaardij leerjaar 2 (VEMPUB11).Afgerond met een 8,8
Volledige samenvatting Publiekrecht. Vastgoed & 
Makelaardij leerjaar 2 (VEMPUB11).Afgerond met een 8,8 
We onderheiden 4 hoofdgroepen weefsel - ANS-1 
2 steunweefsel 
3 spierweefsel 
4 zenuwweefsel 
spieropbouw - ANS-1 spier 
2 spiervezelbundel 
3 spiervezel 
4 myofibril 
5 sacromeer 
2 soorten spiervezelstypes - ANS-1 slow twitch en 2 fast 
type 1 slow twitch - ANS-rode vezels - veel mitochondriën - 
hoge aerobe capaciteit - duurkracht 
type 2 fast twitch - ANS-witte ve...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 20 pages •
Volledige samenvatting Publiekrecht. Vastgoed & 
Makelaardij leerjaar 2 (VEMPUB11).Afgerond met een 8,8 
We onderheiden 4 hoofdgroepen weefsel - ANS-1 
2 steunweefsel 
3 spierweefsel 
4 zenuwweefsel 
spieropbouw - ANS-1 spier 
2 spiervezelbundel 
3 spiervezel 
4 myofibril 
5 sacromeer 
2 soorten spiervezelstypes - ANS-1 slow twitch en 2 fast 
type 1 slow twitch - ANS-rode vezels - veel mitochondriën - 
hoge aerobe capaciteit - duurkracht 
type 2 fast twitch - ANS-witte ve...
Samenvatting ALLE tentamenstof Inleiding statistiek (zelf 9 gehaald)
Samenvatting ALLE tentamenstof 
Inleiding statistiek (zelf 9 
algemeen verbindende voorschriften avv - ANS-de wet bevat 
deze, regels die voor iedereen gelden indien het in de regel 
genoemde geval zich voordoet 
de wet is een verzamelnaam voor avv 
beginselen van de rechtspraak - ANS-hoofdbeginsel = het recht 
pp een eerlijk proces art 6 EVRM 
1. de zitting is openbaar 
2. de uitspraak is openbaar 
3. de rechter is onpartijdig 
4. de rechter is onafhankelijk 
 uitspraak is gem...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 8 pages •
Samenvatting ALLE tentamenstof 
Inleiding statistiek (zelf 9 
algemeen verbindende voorschriften avv - ANS-de wet bevat 
deze, regels die voor iedereen gelden indien het in de regel 
genoemde geval zich voordoet 
de wet is een verzamelnaam voor avv 
beginselen van de rechtspraak - ANS-hoofdbeginsel = het recht 
pp een eerlijk proces art 6 EVRM 
1. de zitting is openbaar 
2. de uitspraak is openbaar 
3. de rechter is onpartijdig 
4. de rechter is onafhankelijk 
 uitspraak is gem...
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 5th Edition by Robert Parrino, David Kidwell, Bate
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 5th Edition 
by Robert Parrino, David Kidwell, Bate 
The nurse is dressed and is preparing to care for a patient in the 
perioperative area. The nurse has scrubbed hands and has 
donned a sterile gown and gloves. Which action will indicate a 
break in sterile technique? 
a. Touching clean protective eyewear 
b. Standing with hands above waist area 
c. Accepting sterile supplies from the surgeon 
d. Staying with the sterile table once it is ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 79 pages •
Test Bank for Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 5th Edition 
by Robert Parrino, David Kidwell, Bate 
The nurse is dressed and is preparing to care for a patient in the 
perioperative area. The nurse has scrubbed hands and has 
donned a sterile gown and gloves. Which action will indicate a 
break in sterile technique? 
a. Touching clean protective eyewear 
b. Standing with hands above waist area 
c. Accepting sterile supplies from the surgeon 
d. Staying with the sterile table once it is ...
Super-Duper Texas Adjuster License Test Review 3000 Questions and Answers
Super-Duper Texas Adjuster License 
Test Review 3000 Questions and 
Bonds/Surety: who is considered the surety in a surety bond? - ANS-The 
one who guarantees the performance of the principal to the obligee -- 
usually a bonding agency. The surety is also the one who will pay the 
obligee if the principal does not perform 
Business Owners' Policy: A BOP is a(n) ____________ policy for both 
business and personal property - ANS-open perils / all risk policy 
Business Owners' Poli...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 49 pages •
Super-Duper Texas Adjuster License 
Test Review 3000 Questions and 
Bonds/Surety: who is considered the surety in a surety bond? - ANS-The 
one who guarantees the performance of the principal to the obligee -- 
usually a bonding agency. The surety is also the one who will pay the 
obligee if the principal does not perform 
Business Owners' Policy: A BOP is a(n) ____________ policy for both 
business and personal property - ANS-open perils / all risk policy 
Business Owners' Poli...
A. "plainer headdresses and fewer neck-rings" 
B. "belts hung with small crocodile heads" 
C. "the heads and shoulders of two tiny Europeans" - ANS-To either side kneel two 
high-court functionaries, dressed very like the Oba, but with plainer headdresses and 
fewer neck-rings. They wear belts hung with small crocodile heads, the emblem of 
those authorized to conduct business with Europeans - and the heads and ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 9 pages •
A. "plainer headdresses and fewer neck-rings" 
B. "belts hung with small crocodile heads" 
C. "the heads and shoulders of two tiny Europeans" - ANS-To either side kneel two 
high-court functionaries, dressed very like the Oba, but with plainer headdresses and 
fewer neck-rings. They wear belts hung with small crocodile heads, the emblem of 
those authorized to conduct business with Europeans - and the heads and ...
Super-Duper Texas Adjuster License Test Review 3000 Questions and Answers
Super-Duper Texas Adjuster License Test Review 3000 
Questions and Answers 
Homeowners Policy: What are the 7 types of personal property that are not covered in 
an unendorsed homeowners policy? - ANS-(1) Any articles separately described and 
specifically insured by this or other insurance 
(2) Animals, birds, or fish 
(3) Money, coins, securities, credit cards 
(4) Trailers, semi-trailers, or mobile homes 
(5) aircraft & parts 
(6) watercraft 
(7) Property of roomers or tenants 
Homeowners ...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 32 pages •
Super-Duper Texas Adjuster License Test Review 3000 
Questions and Answers 
Homeowners Policy: What are the 7 types of personal property that are not covered in 
an unendorsed homeowners policy? - ANS-(1) Any articles separately described and 
specifically insured by this or other insurance 
(2) Animals, birds, or fish 
(3) Money, coins, securities, credit cards 
(4) Trailers, semi-trailers, or mobile homes 
(5) aircraft & parts 
(6) watercraft 
(7) Property of roomers or tenants 
Homeowners ...
Fac1501 Assignment 5 Semester 2 2023-2024
Fac1501 Assignment 5 Semester 
Name the two types of accounting basis used by a vendor to determine the tax 
payable: - ANS-The Invoice Basis 
The Payment Basis 
Original Cash Purchases Invoices (Internal/External Source Document) - ANSExternal Source Documents 
Original Slips (Internal/External Source Document) - ANS-External Source 
Output Tax - ANS-VAT charged on the supply of goods and or services. Amount paid 
to SARS 
Output Tax is larger than Input Tax - - ANS-the diffe...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 7 pages •
Fac1501 Assignment 5 Semester 
Name the two types of accounting basis used by a vendor to determine the tax 
payable: - ANS-The Invoice Basis 
The Payment Basis 
Original Cash Purchases Invoices (Internal/External Source Document) - ANSExternal Source Documents 
Original Slips (Internal/External Source Document) - ANS-External Source 
Output Tax - ANS-VAT charged on the supply of goods and or services. Amount paid 
to SARS 
Output Tax is larger than Input Tax - - ANS-the diffe...
BIOD_152_Final_Exam Correct Answers
BIOD_152_Final_Exam Correct Answers 
A. lumbricoides global burden - ANS-1.2 billion infections worldwide, around 
60,000 deaths a year 
A. lumbricoides Mechanism of Entry - ANS-Fecal oral route, can be obtained 
from water contaminated by feces or soil. 
A. lumbricoides Mechanisms of Pathogenesis - ANS-Adults wander into 
intestine and cause blockage in intestine, bile/pancreatic ducts, perforation 
of liver, and perforation of intestinal wall. Minor damage caused by juvenilles 
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 10 pages •
BIOD_152_Final_Exam Correct Answers 
A. lumbricoides global burden - ANS-1.2 billion infections worldwide, around 
60,000 deaths a year 
A. lumbricoides Mechanism of Entry - ANS-Fecal oral route, can be obtained 
from water contaminated by feces or soil. 
A. lumbricoides Mechanisms of Pathogenesis - ANS-Adults wander into 
intestine and cause blockage in intestine, bile/pancreatic ducts, perforation 
of liver, and perforation of intestinal wall. Minor damage caused by juvenilles 
TEST BANK for Operations Management, 14th Edition by William J. Stevenson, Verified Chapters 1 - 19, Complete Newest Version
TEST BANK for Operations Management, 
14th Edition by William J. Stevenson, 
Verified Chapters 1 - 19, Complete Newest 
Which action should the nurse take when a 35-year-old patient has a result of 
minor cellular changes on her Pap test? - ANS-a. Teach the patient about 
b. Teach the patient about punch biopsy. 
C. Schedule another Pap test in 4 months. 
d. Administer the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. 
A 48-year-old woman in the emergency department reports t...
- Exam (elaborations)
- • 17 pages •
TEST BANK for Operations Management, 
14th Edition by William J. Stevenson, 
Verified Chapters 1 - 19, Complete Newest 
Which action should the nurse take when a 35-year-old patient has a result of 
minor cellular changes on her Pap test? - ANS-a. Teach the patient about 
b. Teach the patient about punch biopsy. 
C. Schedule another Pap test in 4 months. 
d. Administer the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. 
A 48-year-old woman in the emergency department reports t...
2024 APEA PREDICTOR EXAM 2024-2025 TEST BANK / APEA Pre-Predictor Test Questions and Answers with Rationales 2024/2025
Test Bank for Davis Advantage for Understanding Medical-Surgical Nursing, 7th Edition by Linda S. Williams-100% Top scores- TABLE OF CONTENTS Unit 1 Understanding Health Care Issues