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887 items

PROJECT MA pioneers Manual-Therapy 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update.

0x  verkocht

The cervical spine has the greatest mobility of the entire spine, mostly in the following plane and especially in extension. a. Frontal b. Sagittal c. Longitudenal d. Sagittal Axis 2. Resting position there is a lordosis in the cervical spine, and during flexion the lordosis is ? a. Increase b. Decrease 3. Movement in the cervical spine follows the a. Concave on concave Rule b. Convex on convex Rule c. Concave on convex Rule d. Convex on concave Rule 4. Coupled and non-coupled m...

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PROJECT MA pioneersCardiopulmonary-Physical-Therapy-9th-Sem 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update

0x  verkocht

1. During the administration of suctioning procedures, which of the following may cause an adverse response in the patient? a) An elicited parasympathetic response b) The catheter is inserted to the carina level c) A cough is stimulated d) The use of a nasal trumpet during suctioning 2. Smoking specifically diminishes the function of which type of cells in the bronchial epithelium? a) Goblet cells b) Ciliated cells c) Mucous cells d) Serous cells 3. Which of the following veins e...

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PROJECT MA pioneers Integumentary-Physical-Therapy-1 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024.

0x  verkocht

1. ABI of 0.8-1.0 shows a. No of arterial occlusion b. Some arterial occlusion c. Severe d. None 2. Ischemic ulcers are a. Arterial ulcers b. Venous ulcers c. Diabetic ulcers d. None 3. A patient with a venous stasis ulcer near the left medial malleolus is referred for physical therapy. Skin changes consistent with stasis dermatitis are evident in the lower leg. Physical exam reveals patent femoral, popliteal, and pedal pulses. An enlarged and dilated greater saphenous vein is ev...

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PROJECT MA pioneers MCQs-CARDIO-final 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update

0x  verkocht

MCQs CARDIOPULMONARY REHAB Expectoration of large amount of mucopurulent secretions and frequent secondary infections are the clinical finding of? a. RDS b. CF c. Bronchiectasis d. COPD Which of the following is not true about breathing exercises? a. Diaphragmatic breathing is used to increase ventilation b. Improve gas exchange c. Increase work of breathing d. Improve mobility of chest An increase in depth and rate of breathing is called a. Tachypnea b. Hyperventilation c. Dyspne...

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PROJECT MA pioneers Cardiopulmonary-Paper-DPT-Final 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024.

0x  verkocht

1, A computer programmer, with no significant past medical history, presents to the emergency room with complaints of fever, shaking chills and a worsening productive cough. Complaints of chest pain over the posterior base of the left thorax is made worse on inspiration. An anterior-posterior X-ray shows an infiltrate on the lower left thorax at the posterior base. This patient's chest pain is MOST likely caused by: a) Inflamed tracheobronchial tree. b) Angina. c) Trauma to the chest. d)...

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PROJECT MA pioneers ECG_TEST 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update

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PROJECT MA pioneers ECG_TEST 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update

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PROJECT MA pioneers cardio-mcqz.2 question and answers 2024.

0x  verkocht

Q, 1 teaching pursed lip bsreathing as part of the treatment regimen would be most appropriate for a patient with: a Circumferential thoracic burns b Asbestosis c Radiation pneumonitis d Emphysema* Q, 2 a 54 year old male with a long history of cigarette smoking, has been admitted to the hospital and presents with signs of infection, tachycardia, abnormal breath sounds in both lower lobes and dullness to percussion. The physical therapist’s major concern and focus with this patient is...

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PROJECT MA pioneers Manual-Therapy question and answers 2024.

0x  verkocht

1. The cervical spine has the greatest mobility of the entire spine, mostly in the following plane and especially in extension. a. Frontal b. Sagittal c. Longitudenal d. Sagittal Axis 2. Resting position there is a lordosis in the cervical spine, and during flexion the lordosis is ? a. Increase b. Decrease 3. Movement in the cervical spine follows the a. Concave on concave Rule b. Convex on convex Rule c. Concave on convex Rule d. Convex on concave Rule 4. Coupled and non-couple...

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PROJECT MA pioneers Cardiopulmonary-Physical-Therapy-9th-Semquestion and answers 2024.

0x  verkocht

1. During the administration of suctioning procedures, which of the following may cause an adverse response in the patient? a) An elicited parasympathetic response b) The catheter is inserted to the carina level c) A cough is stimulated d) The use of a nasal trumpet during suctioning 2. Smoking specifically diminishes the function of which type of cells in the bronchial epithelium? a) Goblet cells b) Ciliated cells c) Mucous cells d) Serous cells 3. Which of the following veins e...

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PROJECT MA pioneers Integumentary-Physical-Therapy-1 question and answers 2024.

0x  verkocht

1. ABI of 0.8-1.0 shows a. No of arterial occlusion b. Some arterial occlusion c. Severe d. None 2. Ischemic ulcers are a. Arterial ulcers b. Venous ulcers c. Diabetic ulcers d. None 3. A patient with a venous stasis ulcer near the left medial malleolus is referred for physical therapy. Skin changes consistent with stasis dermatitis are evident in the lower leg. Physical exam reveals patent femoral, popliteal, and pedal pulses. An enlarged and dilated greater saphenous vein is ev...

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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
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  • geupload  2024
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