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College aantekeningen Culturele Antropologie 2: Perspectief En Relevantie (201100020)

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Aantekeningen van college's 1 t/m 6 van CA2, gegeven door Geert Mommersteeg. Aantekeningen zijn gemaakt met behulp van het boek Cultural Anthropology: appreciating cultural diversity (18e editie) van Kottak

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  • Class notes
  •  • 16 pages • 
  • by lulu21 • 
  • uploaded  29-03-2021
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Mid-term take-home exam March 2021 - Cultural Anthropology 3: History and Theory in Anthropology (201800017)

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Mid-term take home examen, waarbij twee essays geschreven zijn. (1) Describe what kind of evidence the anthropologist needs to collect according to Malinowski in order to be able ‘to grasp the native’s point of view’. Explain what was so revolutionary about his approach. (2) Explain how Franz Boas responded to scientific racism. Does his model enable us to avoid hierarchies of difference?

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  •  Book
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by lulu21 • 
  • uploaded  29-03-2021
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