Overall a good overview, but it misses chapter 10 S&B which is part of the quantitative analysis, as well as grammar/spelling mistakes and miswordings which change the interpretation of the meanings, e.g.: it states for stratified sampling that "lower sampling error if intra-strata hetergenous" which should be homogeneous.
MOT2312: Research Methods, Full Summary of Videos + Book Sekaran & Bougie + Jackson
Complete summary of the two books.
MOT1452: Summary of All Books and Articles for Inter- and Intra-organisational Decision-Making
Complete Summary of Managing Digital Innovation for MOT1524 Leadership and Technology Management, including Short Summary and List of Definitions
MOT1435: Summary Strategic Management of Technological Innovation including Teacher Videos and Lecture Transcripts
MOT2312: Research Methods, Full Summary of Videos + Book Sekaran & Bougie + Jackson
Overall a good overview, but it misses chapter 10 S&B which is part of the quantitative analysis, as well as grammar/spelling mistakes and miswordings which change the interpretation of the meanings, e.g.: it states for stratified sampling that "lower sampling error if intra-strata hetergenous" which should be homogeneous.