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BIOL202 Week 5 Lab 5 Growth of Microorganisms APU

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Lab5:GrowthofMicroorganisms(100points)  Eachquestiononthelabworksheetmustbeansweredcompletely,thoroughly,incompletesentencesand correctlyin orderto beconsideredforfullcredit  Ifthequestionasksyoutodoresearchorfindasource,areputable,credibleand/orscholarlysourcecitationmustbeincluded inorder tobeconsidered for fullcredit  Ifamathformulaisrequiredtoarrivetoananswer,workmustbeshownotherwise,nocreditwill beawarded Pre-LabQuestions 1. Why don’t microorganisms in cultures exhibit c...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 9 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 5 Quiz Questions and Answers APU

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1. Question: What does the immune system recognize as foreign and is what is also responsible for the induction of the immune response? 2. Question: What enters capillaries and venules and causes vasodilation when an inflammatory response is turned on? 3. Question: What describes how a host defends itself against an invading pathogen? 4. Question: What is excluded in the group of cellular defenses of macrophage? 5. Question: How are antigens described? 6. Question: What cells specialize to ...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 7 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 4 Discussion Antibiotic Resistance APU

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Week 4:AntibioticResistance IchosetobethepatientwithpossibleMRSA. 1. IsthisinfectionlikelyMRSA? 2. What would a MRSA infection look like on a patient; for example,describehowthewoundpresents. 3. WasthepatientexposedtoMRSAinthehospitalprep,duringthesurgery theweek previously orsometimeafterwards(post-discharge)? 4. Where does liability for this (potential) infection rest? Is it theresponsibilityofthepatient(makingsureshefollowedherdischargeinstructions,etc),nurse(s),scrubtechnicians,physic...

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  •  • 2 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 4 Lab 4 Structure and Microscopy APU

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Lab4:StructureandMicroscopy(100points)  Eachquestiononthelabworksheetmustbeansweredcompletely,thoroughly,incomplete sentences and correctly in order to be considered for full credit  If the question asks you to do research or find a source, a reputable, credible and/or scholarly source citation must be included in order to be considered for full credit  If a math formula is required to arrive to an answer, work must be shown otherwise, no credit will be awarded *Note-This lab is d...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 9 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 4 Quiz Questions and Answers APU

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1. Question: Which describes a random, unpredictable, and an infectious disease? 2. Question: This is considered true about an outbreak. 3. Question: Which statement is excluded as one of the mechanisms that antimicrobial agents work? 4. Question: This method is ineffective in keeping microbes from developing resistance to drugs in use against them. 5. Question: In this scenario, a pathogen is able to rapidly move from one animal to another animal. 6. Question: This does not influence the p...

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 8 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 3 Discussion Your Favorite Virus APU

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W3:YourFavoriteVirus RSV The virus that I chose is RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus). The infectious virusknownasrespiratorysyncytialvirus(RSV)affectstherespiratorysystemandthelungs. RSV is a negative single-stranded RNA virus. Infants, older individuals,those with weakened immune systems, and those who have lung disease maybe more severely affected by this virus. After being exposed to RSV, symptomsdon't often appear for two to eight days. Typically, symptoms persist for three toseven days...

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  •  • 1 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 3 Lab 3 Culturing and Aseptic Technique APU

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Lab3:CulturingandAsepticTechnique(100points)  Eachquestiononthelabworksheetmustbeansweredcompletely,thoroughly,incompletesentencesand correctlyin orderto beconsideredforfullcredit  Ifthequestionasksyoutodoresearchorfindasource,areputable,credibleand/orscholarlysourcecitationmustbeincluded inorder tobeconsidered for fullcredit  Ifamathformulaisrequiredtoarrivetoananswer,workmustbeshownotherwise,nocreditwill beawarded Pre-LabQuestions 1. Proper aseptic technique is crucial to ensur...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 9 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 3 Quiz Questions and Answers APU

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1. Question: During the process of a latent viral infection: 2. Question: This eukaryote is of lesser interest to microbiologist compared to the others. 3. Question: Which one of these viruses is able to enter into latency? 4. Question: A fungus that can cause a disease in humans results in; 5. Question: The asexually reproducing bread mold. Rhizopus stolonifer. produces: 6. Question: This microbe was historically known as blue-green algae. 7. Question: Found only in select, cellular life....

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  •  Package deal
  • Exam (elaborations)
  •  • 3 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 2 Discussion Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Endosymbiosis APU

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Week 2:ProkaryoticandEukaryoticEndosymbiosis Animalcellmitochondria • Ifyouchoseanimalcells,howaremitochondriareplicatedwithineukaryoticcells? • Ifyouchoseplantcells,howarechloroplastsreplicatedwithinplantcells?Howaretheseprocessessimilartomicrobes? • Doendosymboticrelationshipsstillexisttoday? • Whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofsuchrelationships?

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 2 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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BIOL202 Week 2 Lab 2 Introduction to the Microscope APU

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Lab2:IntroductiontotheMicroscope(100points)  Eachquestiononthelabworksheetmustbeansweredcompletely,thoroughly,incompletesentencesand correctlyin orderto beconsideredforfullcredit  Ifthequestionasksyoutodoresearchorfindasource,areputable,credibleand/orscholarlysourcecitationmustbeincluded inorder tobeconsidered for fullcredit  Ifamathformulaisrequiredtoarrivetoananswer,workmustbeshownotherwise,nocreditwill beawarded Pre-LabQuestions 1. What are two functional purposes of the arm o...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 6 pages • 
  • by sapling • 
  • uploaded  2024
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