

On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller sarahmeghannauman.


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3 items

Summary Introduction to Biogeochemistry

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I have summarised the entire of the first year's content of an introduction to biogeochemistry module for oceanographers. Summary Introduction to Biogeochemistry 1-2: Hydrothermal vents and introduction. 3: Why is the sea salty? 4: Nutrients and biogeochemistry 5: Nutrients and the ocean conveyor 6: The marine nitrogen cycle 7: The Silicon Cycle 8: The carbon cycle, reservoirs, pH and alkalinity 9: The carbon cycle and carbonate sediments 10: co2 in the atmosphere and oceans ...

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  • Summary
  •  • 32 pages • 
  • by sarahmeghannauman • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Further Mechanics Edexcel Alevel completely summarised in colour

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I have summarised the entirety of the Further Mechanics 1 book into bite sized but thorough sets of equations, forumale, notes and diagrams all colour coordinated to help learn and locate in just 2 pages.

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  • Summary
  •  • 2 pages • 
  • by sarahmeghannauman • 
  • uploaded  2022
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Physical and Human Geography A level notes for Advanced Specification, summarised but thorough.

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I have summarised all of CUE, Coasts, Changing places and Water and Carbon into main information and key notes that is easy to use as revision and learning material for the 2022 Alevel exams. It is still useful for other years but keep in mind it is missing parts that were removed for my Alevels

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  • Summary
  •  • 32 pages • 
  • by sarahmeghannauman • 
  • uploaded  2022
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