Xpriscil On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller xpriscil. 7 Documents 0 Flashcards 1 Package deal Community 3 Followers 1 Following 2 Reviews received 1 0 1 0 0 1 month ago • sammiesofia Extensive summary + lectures - Environmental Psychology (6464EL34Y_2324_S1) It's hardly summarizing, it's a lot of text. However, somehow the amount of text manages to say very little and I keep having to read the article on the side to understand the summary. I would not recommend. 3 months ago • larasantinabencivengo Extensive summary + lectures - Environmental Psychology (6464EL34Y_2324_S1) 0 items Everything Documents Flashcards Package deal Best sold Newest Rating
Extensive summary + lectures - Environmental Psychology (6464EL34Y_2324_S1)
It's hardly summarizing, it's a lot of text. However, somehow the amount of text manages to say very little and I keep having to read the article on the side to understand the summary. I would not recommend.
Extensive summary + lectures - Environmental Psychology (6464EL34Y_2324_S1)