About us
We are the platform for turning your know-how into moneySince 2010 Stuvia has been the online platform of choice for the most current summaries on a wide variety of books and topics. Additionally, Stuvia had made it really easy to sell your own study material. Globally, over one million people are using Stuvia on a monthly basis. Read more about how Stuvia can help you with your studies or how you can earn money from your summaries.
Our history
Stuvia throughout the yearsRead all about Stuvia's history, the steps along the way and where we're at right now

Founded in 2011
In 2011 Stuvia was founded, convinced by the fact there should be a place where knowledge can be shared more easily. The platform offers a place where students can study more efficiently and smarter and on top of that, earn money while doing so.

Expanding to Belgium, UK & South Africa
Stuvia is expanding into South Africa, Belgium and the UK and has been on the rise ever since. Students from around the world are getting to know Stuvia and the company keeps on growing by adding multiple (international) colleagues to the staff.

Sellers earn $500.000
Students earn over $500,000 in a single year on Stuvia, making headlines across the nation. Stuvia’s remarkable growth and international expansion are capturing widespread attention.

Working in Bali with the team
The entire team chooses Bali over the Netherlands for three months to build Stuvia. This 'remote working' adventure turned out to be the start of a remote working culture within Stuvia, in which working remote, from abroad is normalized.

New 400m2 office
Stuvia keeps growing its business and moves to a brand new, 400 square meter office in the center of Amsterdam. This office offers us the possibility to keep on celebrating our successes with colleagues and friends, but also to keep expanding and grow the business even further.

Customers from 180+ countries in 2021
In 2021 we reach our biggest accomplishment since the start of Stuvia. We learn that Stuvia has been used in over 180 countries worldwide and we welcome our one millionth user on on our platform.

1 million sold documents
The global growth continues unabated in 2022. We sold over 1 million documents this year. The platform is also being greatly improved with the introduction of Multi-Seller Bundles, a Document Splitter and enhanced Book Pages to find content even easier than before.

Earned over $4.5 million
Our vision of rewarding students financially for sharing study materials is hitting off better than ever. In 2023, students racked up over $4,500,000 selling their docs on Stuvia. Since the platform kicked off, we've paid out more than $15,000,000 to students.
The behind-the-scenes of Stuvia
Our cultureFreedom at work is our core value and we've made that happen in our own way

At Stuvia we value freedom. During your studies, during personal time and at work. At Stuvia, you can plan your own schedule the way you want, whatever suits you best. For example, you can choose where to work from (the office, from home or entirely remote) or when to visit the gym during work hours. We also coach you along the way in making smart choices and planning your day, in order for you to learn what works best for you.

We think it's important to show responsibility in your work. For us, that means that we don't micro-manage you. You own your agenda, you manage your time based on the goals and planning for each quarter. We trust you and your expertise and give you the space you need to develop these skills and grow both professionally and personally.

Working out of the ordinary
We have been encouraging remote working for years. Our main office is located in Amsterdam, but we have several colleagues working from Curaçao, Turkey and Spain. Also, multiple colleagues have worked from a foreign country in the past as well for a shorter period of time. For us it's not about where you work, as long as you create a place where you feel comfortable and can achieve your goals.
Our team
The people behind StuviaGet to know a few team members




Business Projects
