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Best selling Obstetrics and Gynecology notes

8. malignant uterine pathology (obgyn ultrasound) 8. malignant uterine pathology (obgyn ultrasound) Popular
  • 8. malignant uterine pathology (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 4 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 13, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering malignant pathologies of the uterine and cervix. - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and image examples. due to file size it may be d...
  • starxsonographer
  • $8.49
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9. ovarian malignant pathology (obgyn ultrasound) 9. ovarian malignant pathology (obgyn ultrasound) Popular
  • 9. ovarian malignant pathology (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 3 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 14, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering malignant diseases of the ovaries. - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry b...
  • starxsonographer
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17. fetal genitourinary system 17. fetal genitourinary system Popular
  • 17. fetal genitourinary system

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 1, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the genital and urinary system - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NO...
  • starxsonographer
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Do you also write study notes yourself? Put them up for sale and earn every time your document is purchased.

6. benign ovarian pathology (obgyn) ultrasound 6. benign ovarian pathology (obgyn) ultrasound
  • 6. benign ovarian pathology (obgyn) ultrasound

  • Summary • 4 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 12, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering benign pathology of the ovaries - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter in an easier and faster way to understand. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry BUT not messy or unable to read !
  • starxsonographer
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10. first trimester (obgyn ultrasound) 10. first trimester (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 10. first trimester (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 17, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the first trimester of pregnancy and early assesment. - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be diso...
  • starxsonographer
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21. ectopic pregnancy (obgyn ultrasound) 21. ectopic pregnancy (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 21. ectopic pregnancy (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 4 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 19, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering ectopic pregnancy - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NOT messy or u...
  • starxsonographer
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12. fetal head (obgyn ultrasound) 12. fetal head (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 12. fetal head (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 6 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 23, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the fetal head. - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NOT messy or un...
  • starxsonographer
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15. fetal chest (obgyn ultrasound) 15. fetal chest (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 15. fetal chest (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 3 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 26, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the fetal chest - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NOT messy or una...
  • starxsonographer
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14. fetal skeleton and limbs (obgyn ultrasound) 14. fetal skeleton and limbs (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 14. fetal skeleton and limbs (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 29, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering fetal limbs and skeleton - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NOT mes...
  • starxsonographer
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16. fetal abdomen (obgyn ultrasound) 16. fetal abdomen (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 16. fetal abdomen (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 Popular
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 27, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the fetal abdomen and abdomen wall - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry b...
  • starxsonographer
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Newest Obstetrics and Gynecology summaries

2. female cycle (obgyn) ultrasound 2. female cycle (obgyn) ultrasound New
  • 2. female cycle (obgyn) ultrasound

  • Summary • 11 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 8, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the female cycle, menstraul, hormonal and ovarian - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter in an easier and faster way to understand. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry BUT not messy or unable to r...
  • starxsonographer
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19, placenta and umbilical cord (obgyn ultrasound) 19, placenta and umbilical cord (obgyn ultrasound) New
  • 19, placenta and umbilical cord (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 8 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 21 and 22, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering placental and umbilical cord assessment - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented...
  • starxsonographer
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Do you also write study notes yourself? Put them up for sale and earn every time your document is purchased.

12. fetal head (obgyn ultrasound) 12. fetal head (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 12. fetal head (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 6 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 23, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the fetal head. - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NOT messy or un...
  • starxsonographer
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18. fetal echocardiography (obgyn ultrasound) 18. fetal echocardiography (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 18. fetal echocardiography (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 25, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering fetal echocardiography - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NOT mess...
  • starxsonographer
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17. fetal genitourinary system 17. fetal genitourinary system
  • 17. fetal genitourinary system

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 1, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the genital and urinary system - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NO...
  • starxsonographer
  • $8.49
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16. fetal abdomen (obgyn ultrasound) 16. fetal abdomen (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 16. fetal abdomen (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 27, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the fetal abdomen and abdomen wall - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry b...
  • starxsonographer
  • $8.49
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14. fetal skeleton and limbs (obgyn ultrasound) 14. fetal skeleton and limbs (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 14. fetal skeleton and limbs (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 29, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering fetal limbs and skeleton - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be disoriented or blurry but NOT mes...
  • starxsonographer
  • $8.49
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10. first trimester (obgyn ultrasound) 10. first trimester (obgyn ultrasound)
  • 10. first trimester (obgyn ultrasound)

  • Summary • 5 pages • 2023 New
  • Available in package deal
  • this summary covers chapter 17, in the book Obestrics and gyneocology by Susan Raatz Stephenson covering the first trimester of pregnancy and early assesment. - this is a pdf made to summarize this chapter and aid in a better understanding of whats being said in a more fun and simple way. - this is for the visual learners where everything is color coded /themed, theres title seperations for organization, highlighting, underlining, bubbles, stars, and images. due to file size it may be diso...
  • starxsonographer
  • $8.49
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