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Best selling Organization Theory notes
Organization theory samenvatting UT twente
- Summary • 49 pages • 2022 Popular
- $6.35
- 24x sold
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Voor tentamen pre-master BA aan de UT. Chapter 1-11 + samenvatting van de bijbehorende papers
College aantekeningen Organization Theory (202000260) Organization Theory, ISBN: 9780273724438
- Class notes • 23 pages • 2022 Popular
- $11.15
- 5x sold
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College aantekeningen van Organisatie Theorie colleges aan de Universiteit Twente. De aantekeningen zijn gemaakt op basis van alle colleges die werden gegeven. De hoofdstukken 1 t/m 11 uit het boek Organization Theory van McAuley et al. werden gebruikt tijdens de colleges.
Organization Theory Summary book 4-7 +9,10 and Additional readings
- Summary • 36 pages • 2021 Popular
- $11.15
- 2x sold
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In this document you can find a summary of the book; chapter 4-7 + 9 and 10. In addition, there is a summary of all the additional readings that are mandatory for the exam: 
- Adam Smith 
- Taylor 
- McGregor 
- Crossan 
- Lam 
- Thompson 
- Bergvall-Kareborn 
- Fleming 
- Kreitzler
Do you also write study notes yourself? Put them up for sale and earn every time your document is purchased.
Organization Theory summary of lectures 4 - 9
- Class notes • 26 pages • 2022 Popular
- $6.36
- 1x sold
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This summary is intended as study material for the final exam of organization theory. I have summarized the recorded lectures 4 - 9. The test did not ask for concepts other than those covered in the lectures, so this summary includes everything that needs to be learned. I completed the course with an 8. 
Results of the test: 
Mean: 5.55 
Median: 5.6 
High: 8.4 
Upper Quartile: 6.2	 
Lower Quartile: 4.7 
Low: 2.9
Newest Organization Theory summaries
College aantekeningen Organization Theory (202000260) Organization Theory, ISBN: 9780273724438
- Class notes • 23 pages • 2022 New
- $11.15
- 5x sold
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College aantekeningen van Organisatie Theorie colleges aan de Universiteit Twente. De aantekeningen zijn gemaakt op basis van alle colleges die werden gegeven. De hoofdstukken 1 t/m 11 uit het boek Organization Theory van McAuley et al. werden gebruikt tijdens de colleges.
Organization Theory summary of lectures 4 - 9
- Class notes • 26 pages • 2022 New
- $6.36
- 1x sold
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This summary is intended as study material for the final exam of organization theory. I have summarized the recorded lectures 4 - 9. The test did not ask for concepts other than those covered in the lectures, so this summary includes everything that needs to be learned. I completed the course with an 8. 
Results of the test: 
Mean: 5.55 
Median: 5.6 
High: 8.4 
Upper Quartile: 6.2	 
Lower Quartile: 4.7 
Low: 2.9
Organization theory samenvatting UT twente
- Summary • 49 pages • 2022 New
- $6.35
- 24x sold
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Voor tentamen pre-master BA aan de UT. Chapter 1-11 + samenvatting van de bijbehorende papers
Do you also write study notes yourself? Put them up for sale and earn every time your document is purchased.
Organization Theory Summary book 4-7 +9,10 and Additional readings
- Summary • 36 pages • 2021 New
- $11.15
- 2x sold
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In this document you can find a summary of the book; chapter 4-7 + 9 and 10. In addition, there is a summary of all the additional readings that are mandatory for the exam: 
- Adam Smith 
- Taylor 
- McGregor 
- Crossan 
- Lam 
- Thompson 
- Bergvall-Kareborn 
- Fleming 
- Kreitzler
Summary book, all lectures and articles of Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives
- Package deal • 2 items • 2019 New
- $11.15
- 9x sold
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Complete summary of the book, articles and lectures (slides etc.) you have to learn for the exam. The chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are extensively summarized. When you learn this summary, succes is guaranteed! I got a 8.7 for the exam. Book; McAuley, J., J. Duberley, P. Johnson (2014). Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives.
Organization Theory group assignment
- Essay • 9 pages • 2019 New
- $5.82
- 8x sold
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Group assignment Organization Theory
Summary Organization Theory book + papers partial exam
- Summary • 8 pages • 2019 New
Available in package deal
- $4.24
- 2x sold
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Short summary of Organization Theory book and a summary of the papers for the partial exam.
Summary Book (Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives) and relevant articles
- Summary • 58 pages • 2019 New
Available in package deal
- $8.26
- 26x sold
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Complete summary of the book and articles you have to learn for the exam Organization Theory.
We had two partial exams, this summary is of both the partial exams.

The chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are extensively summarized. Furthermore, some important articles are summarized. When you learn this summary, succes is guaranteed! I got a 8.7 for the exam :-).

Book McAuley, J., J. Duberley, P. Johnson (2014). Organization Theory: Challenges and Perspectives. Pearson Education ltd.
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