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Newest The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog, 3rd Edition summaries
Summary The Boy who was Raised as a Dog, Leiden 2019/2020
- Summary • 8 pages • 2020
Available in package deal
- $5.30
- 16x sold
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This is a summary of the book 'The Boy who was Raised as a Dog' by Bruce Perry and Maia Szalavitz, chapters 1-9, for the 2nd/3rd year course 'Psychological and Neurological Consequences of Child Abuse', Leiden 2019/2020. I summarised mostly the theoretical explaining in the chapters.
Summaries Psychological and Neurological Consequences of Child Abuse, Leiden 2019/2020
- Package deal • 2 items • 2020
- $11.13
- 9x sold
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These are my summaries of all articles and the book 'The Boy who was Raised as a Dog' for the second/third year elective PNCCA at Leiden University, 2019/2020. Buy them together and pay less! :) They are detailed summaries, so should contain everything you need.
Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse AND Artificial Intelligence & Neurocognition
- Package deal • 2 items • 2019
- $18.03
- 10x sold
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Block 2 courses - Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse AND Artificial Intelligence & Neurocognition SUMMARIES
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Psychological and Neurobiological Consequences of Child Abuse SUMMARY 2018/19
- Summary • 89 pages • 2019
Available in package deal
- $10.60
- 32x sold
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Extensive summary of the LECTURES 1-8 and ALL THE ARTICLES (scientific and review papers) from the mandatory reading list of the course.
This has everything you need to know for your exam!
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