Test-Bank: Adult Care Exam with 100% Correct Answers
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[ Mehr anzeigen ]WGU C475 Study Guide- CARE OF THE OLDER ADULT Review Rated 100% 
Healthy People 2010 *** develop a set of health care objectives designed to increase the quality and quantity of years of healthy life of Americans and to eliminate health disparities 
barriers to physical activity *** lack of acce...
Vorschau 2 aus 12 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenWGU C475 Study Guide- CARE OF THE OLDER ADULT Review Rated 100% 
Healthy People 2010 *** develop a set of health care objectives designed to increase the quality and quantity of years of healthy life of Americans and to eliminate health disparities 
barriers to physical activity *** lack of acce...
C475 ADULT DPV1 EXAM Study Guide Rated A+ (Terms/Vocabulary/Definitions) Guaranteed Pass 
Baby Boomers *** are aging adults born from 1946-1964. They will reach retirement starting around 2011-2030. 
Geriatrician *** a physician, board certified in geriatrics, who specializes in the care of th...
Vorschau 4 aus 41 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenC475 ADULT DPV1 EXAM Study Guide Rated A+ (Terms/Vocabulary/Definitions) Guaranteed Pass 
Baby Boomers *** are aging adults born from 1946-1964. They will reach retirement starting around 2011-2030. 
Geriatrician *** a physician, board certified in geriatrics, who specializes in the care of th...
623 Adult - Hematology/immune system 
- AG and FNP Certification Exam 4th ed. 
Winland-Brown and Dunphy [100% 
d. african americans *Ans* which ethnic grp has the highest overall cancer incidence rate? 
a. native americans 
b. asian and pacificislanders 
c. hispanics 
d. african americans ...
Vorschau 4 aus 38 Seiten
In den Einkaufswagen623 Adult - Hematology/immune system 
- AG and FNP Certification Exam 4th ed. 
Winland-Brown and Dunphy [100% 
d. african americans *Ans* which ethnic grp has the highest overall cancer incidence rate? 
a. native americans 
b. asian and pacificislanders 
c. hispanics 
d. african americans ...
623 Adult - Endocrine - Thyroid d/o NP 
Certification, Fitzgerald 4th ed. [100% 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is found in individuals who are: 
a. obese 
b. hypertensive 
c. tx with systemic corticosteroids 
d. elderly 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is fou...
Vorschau 3 aus 16 Seiten
In den Einkaufswagen623 Adult - Endocrine - Thyroid d/o NP 
Certification, Fitzgerald 4th ed. [100% 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is found in individuals who are: 
a. obese 
b. hypertensive 
c. tx with systemic corticosteroids 
d. elderly 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is fou...
623 Adult - Endocrine - Thyroid d/o NP 
Certification, Fitzgerald 4th ed. [100% 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is found in individuals who are: 
a. obese 
b. hypertensive 
c. tx with systemic corticosteroids 
d. elderly 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is fou...
Vorschau 3 aus 16 Seiten
In den Einkaufswagen623 Adult - Endocrine - Thyroid d/o NP 
Certification, Fitzgerald 4th ed. [100% 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is found in individuals who are: 
a. obese 
b. hypertensive 
c. tx with systemic corticosteroids 
d. elderly 
d. elderly *Ans* increased risk of thyroid d/o is fou...
Adult Primary Care and Final Exams #1 
[100% PASS] 
Causes of viral rhinitis *Ans* #1 Rhinovirus 
Influenza virus 
What should you be worried about with viral rhinitis with smokers, elderly or 
immunocompromised? *Ans* Their viral rhinitis may develop into pneumonia 
Vorschau 3 aus 18 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenAdult Primary Care and Final Exams #1 
[100% PASS] 
Causes of viral rhinitis *Ans* #1 Rhinovirus 
Influenza virus 
What should you be worried about with viral rhinitis with smokers, elderly or 
immunocompromised? *Ans* Their viral rhinitis may develop into pneumonia 
623 Adult - Hematology/immune system 
- AG and FNP Certification Exam 4th ed. 
Winland-Brown and Dunphy [100% 
d. african americans *Ans* which ethnic grp has the highest overall cancer incidence rate? 
a. native americans 
b. asian and pacificislanders 
c. hispanics 
d. african americans ...
Vorschau 4 aus 38 Seiten
In den Einkaufswagen623 Adult - Hematology/immune system 
- AG and FNP Certification Exam 4th ed. 
Winland-Brown and Dunphy [100% 
d. african americans *Ans* which ethnic grp has the highest overall cancer incidence rate? 
a. native americans 
b. asian and pacificislanders 
c. hispanics 
d. african americans ...
LATEST EXAM: Culturally Appropriate 
Care of the Adult Patient with 100% 
Correct Answers 
Which of the following is a primary psychological challenge for middle adult patients? 
*Ans* Productivity vs. stagnation 
Medication dosages for older adults should follow the: *Ans* "Start low, go slow"...
Vorschau 1 aus 4 Seiten
In den EinkaufswagenLATEST EXAM: Culturally Appropriate 
Care of the Adult Patient with 100% 
Correct Answers 
Which of the following is a primary psychological challenge for middle adult patients? 
*Ans* Productivity vs. stagnation 
Medication dosages for older adults should follow the: *Ans* "Start low, go slow"...
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