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Bestseller Othello Zusammenfassungen
'Othello' character profiles
- Andere • 29 Seiten • 2023 Beliebt
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- 14,88 €
- 58x verkauft
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This document includes 5 character profiles for the main characters in 'Othello' (Othello, Iago, Desdemona, Emilia and Cassio.) 
These character profiles are everything I learned about these 5 characters which helped me to achieve an A* in my English Literature A-Level. 
Each document was written and used by me throughout my A-Levels, whereby I took a mixture of the best online resources and most...
Full-mark exemplar on Othello Act 5, Scene 2 Extract Question
- Essay • 2 Seiten • 2021 Beliebt
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- 4,33 €
- 20x verkauft
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25/25 mark essay which analyses Othello's opening soliloquy in Act 5, Scene 2 ahead of his murder of Desdemona. Essay examines Shakespeare's dramatic methods and how these heighten the scene (and play's) tragic impact. Relevant contextual information and links to the wider tragic genre are embedded throughout.
Explore how Shakespeare presents the relationship between Othello and Iago (A* Essay)
- Essay • 3 Seiten • 2020 Beliebt
- 4,95 €
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An A* essay for the question: Explore how Shakespeare presents the relationship between Othello and Iago
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Othello English Literature A-Level Key Quote bank
- Andere • 10 Seiten • 2020 Beliebt
- 8,05 €
- 18x verkauft
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Key quotes for all themes of Othello. Includes every quote you could ever need. 
Helped me achieve A/A*
Explore disturbing aspects of human nature in Shakespeare's Othello (A* Essay)
- Essay • 3 Seiten • 2020 Beliebt
- 4,95 €
- 17x verkauft
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An A* essay for the question: Explore disturbing aspects of human nature in Shakespeare's Othello
Othello Summary Document - includes quotes, analysis and arguments from A* student
- Zusammenfassung • 15 Seiten • 2022 Beliebt
- 10,10 €
- 14x verkauft
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- Attending Oxford University after getting 4 A*s in A levels 
- Is a complete study guide for Shakespeare's Othello 
- Contains quotes, analysis and arguments so helps with the entirety of an essay 
- Has a very simple layout with quotes having specific analysis
How is Iago presented in Othello (A* Essay)
- Essay • 3 Seiten • 2020 Beliebt
- 4,95 €
- 12x verkauft
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An A* essay for the question: How is Iago presented in Shakespeare's Othello
A complete and extensive collection of essay plans - including key quotations, explanations and colour coding to help form concise PPE paragraphs
- Study guide • 31 Seiten • 2019 Beliebt
- 9,29 €
- 10x verkauft
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This 31 page document contains a range of over 20 essay plans, which have been colour coded, and include PPE style paragraph plans to help structure your essays. 
I have included key quotations, analysis of quotations, and an introduction paragraph to each essay. 
I have covered the main essay questions that are likely to come up in an exam.
Othello - English Literature (AQA)
- Zusammenfassung • 3 Seiten • 2021 Beliebt
- 6,80 €
- 8x verkauft
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This is an in-depth summary of all tragic themes, quotes and aspects in Othello for A level AQA English Literature. It is everything you need for any essay question on Tragedy in Othello. Just memorise and regurgitate: it’s what got me an A*
Men Control Women in Othello A* Essay (25/25)
- Essay • 3 Seiten • 2022 Beliebt
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- 9,92 €
- 6x verkauft
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Achieved full marks, 25/25 
Full essay answer to the exam question: 
“In the literature of love, men control women” 
•	In the light of this view, discuss how Shakespeare presents male attitudes towards women in this extract and elsewhere in the play. 
•	Discuss aspects of love in this extract.
Neueste Othello Zusammenfassungen
Othello Summary For Paper 2 (Literature Essay)
- Zusammenfassung • 20 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 8,09 €
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These Othello summaries offer an in-depth guide to fully prepare you for English Paper Two. Included are a comprehensive play summary, detailed character descriptions, analyses of themes and symbols, and a selection of potential essay topics to enhance your practice.
matric Othello notes
- Zusammenfassung • 9 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 8,09 €
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this Othello document consists of each act and scene broken down and analysed, as well as easy quotes to learn
Othello [Study Note]
- Zusammenfassung • 38 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 13,48 €
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An in-depth summary of Shakespeare's Othello. The summary includes quotes that can be used in your final essay
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Othello quote bank organised into themes without analysis - all acts included
- Andere • 7 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 6,28 €
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An Othello quote bank I composed for English Literature A level AQA, organised into common and nuanced themes such as love, loyalty and jealousy and many more, including all acts and characters specified (does not include analysis however). Happy revising! :)
Othello revision booklet AQA A Level English Lit B
- Zusammenfassung • 18 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 7,27 €
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Revision booklet for 'Othello' by William Shakespeare for AQA A Level English Literature B. The booklet covers all of the AO's, contains key quotes throughout, themes, symbols, and character descriptions.
- Zusammenfassung • 14 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 16,36 €
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This study guide contains everything that you will need to ace your IEB English Paper II exam. It contains notes, quotes, handy tips and 'How to' guides on each question that you will need to navigate to get the best possible mark!
Detailed timeline of Othello
- Zusammenfassung • 6 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 3,80 €
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This is a detailed timeline of all the acts within Othello. In which different acts are linked to key quotes, which are highlighted and context.
Summary The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Othello, The Tempest, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's ... Julius Caesar, The Comedy of Errors… - Julius caesar teacher hand book
- Zusammenfassung • 27 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 12,04 €
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Summary The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Othello, The Tempest, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night's ... Julius Caesar, The Comedy of Errors… - Julius caesar teacher hand book
A* Summary - 'Othello'
- Zusammenfassung • 5 Seiten • 2024 Neu
Im Paket-Deal erhältlich
- 12,40 €
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This includes everything you will need to know about 'Othello' in order to get an A* in you English Literature A-Level. 
This document includes an overview of the play, a plot summary, key quotations and an in-depth analysis for all the assessment objectives (A01, A02, A03, A04 and A05) which includes key information the novel, analysis of form, structure, tone and language, analysis of context, exploration of connecti...
Shakespeare's "Othello" Plot Summary, Themes & Characters
- Zusammenfassung • 4 Seiten • 2024 Neu
- 8,04 €
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An easy-to-study plot summary of William Shakespeare's "Othello" with themes and characters!
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